What is this Jihad you're waging for the nation that has murdered more Jews than Islam and Rome combined?
The Ukranian nation has celeberated on Jewish blood for centuries and murdered millions. You say they're not responsible? let them prove that! because of the Holocaust they have been comitting against Jews THEY should prove their innocence and not the other way around. Same goes with Germany. Both nations prove to always remain the same Nazi monsters every generation. WHY would anybody who's not a sworn Nazi have pitty for these monsters?
The Holodomor was really nothing compared to what the Ukranian nation deserves and will get in the World to Come.
You have no human love in you. Do you think those toddlers were engaged in pogroms?
Btw, if you think random Ukrainian or German children deserve suffering and death because of what their ancestors may have done, then I am done with you. You're the only Nazi here. It's the Nazis who won in your case, because they managed to make a Jew like you, who supposedly upholds "Thou shalt not kill", into someone lusting for the deaths of thousands of children of his enemies.

Ohh look what a sweet toddler! his name is Adolphie Hitler!
"Random" does not exist in war. The children of today will be the murderous terrorists/pogromists of tommorow as their fathers are today. It's called Din Rodef.
When Saul had mercy on the weak, mercy-begging, helpless Amalekite King Agag he lost his rule and died in a battle against the Phillistines. One of his descendants was the ancient Persian Hitler Haman - this is how we paid for Saul's mercy upon the cruel as you cruel little Nazi suggest here. What G-d commands us to do was done by the Prophet Samuel when he came and slaughtered the worthless Amalekite into pieces.
You're the Nazi who spits on the memory of milllions of Jews who were murdered by the Nazi Ukranians and the Nazi Germans and defends their murderers. You say the Jews of today and the Jews of the days of the Holoacust who were TOSSED AND SHOT, BURNT, BUTCHERED AND GASSED by these same children who joined Nazi Germany's "Crusade against Jewish Bolshevism" once the Nazis occupied the Ukraine have and had to be murdered just because their murderers were once children. You say these Nazis didn't deserve to die?! They deserved
much more for what they done to the Jewish people!
Btw, it's not "Thou shalt not kill" - it's "you shall not
murder". Killing is a general word with neutral connotation . Murder is what your lovers did to my people. Revenge is what I will bring upon you, G-d willing.
O LORD, Thou G-d to whom vengeance belongeth, Thou G-d to whom vengeance belongeth, shine forth.
Because nothing is more Jewish than the holy principle of revenge. אֵל נְקָמוֹת ה' אֵל נְקָמוֹת הוֹפִיַע...