Author Topic: Another Eagle Eyed White Nationalist Finds Me Out  (Read 2663 times)

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Another Eagle Eyed White Nationalist Finds Me Out
« on: April 18, 2007, 08:09:46 AM »

Lawrence Auster• View from the Right  • 4/16/07
Jared Taylor.

Blogger Russell Wardlow said yesterday that “Lawrence Auster has the best commenters.” I think it’s true, and it’s something of which I am proud. However, since we live in a democratic society, is it fair that VFR should only feature commenters who are intelligent, logical, and sensible? Shouldn’t the left end of the bell curve be occasionally represented as well?

Therefore, in the interests of democratic fairness, I post the following comment which came in this morning:

Mr Auster,

Even Jared Taylor acknowledges doubts over the veracity of the holocaust story—refer fowarded email.

Yes it is true that Islam is a obvious threat to the West—but it is you Jews who are the real problem—as Guillaume Faye so rightly said you people are the hole in the dyke.

Jews in the white nationalist movement?—I’d sooner have the Nation of Islam in before your lot—after all they have always opposed racial amalgamation -something that Jews want for everyone else but not for themselves.

And yes, I doubt your “conversion” to Christianity was genuine—it is obviously just an artifice to sneak into our camp and wreak havoc. That’s not surprising—after all this type of thing has been going on for the past three thousand years.

Wayne Harris

Here is Harris’s e-mail exchange with Jared Taylor, which Harris forwarded to me:

Wayne Harris to Jared Taylor:

I applaud your valiant defense of white civilization.

However the myth of the holocaust is a millstone around the neck of any nascent white nationalist movement.

Where do you stand on this? Did the Nazis genocidally wipe out 6 million jews or did they not?

Jared Taylor to Wayne Harris:

I’m not an expert on the subject, and it is not one into which I have looked.

So, Jared Taylor, a person who is certainly at the right end of the bell curve, maintains the same position on the Nazi war against the Jews that he maintained to me in the mid-’90s when he told me he was an “agnostic” on the issue: 12 years later, he still professes to have no opinion about whether one of the major events in world history actually took place, and to know nothing about it. For Taylor, it’s equally possible that the Nazis did or did not carry out a program to dispossess, dehumanize, and exterminate the Jews of Europe, and it’s equally possible that the Nazis did or did not actually murder several million Jews. And he has never “looked into” the subject! Taylor is also the person who had not a single word of criticism to say to or about the reported one-third to one-half of the attendees at his February 2006 American Renaisance conference who vociferously cheered for the death of Israel, though he didn’t say anything that indicated approval of that barbaric demonstration either. I guess, along with having no opinion on whether or not the murder of European Jewry took place, Taylor also has no opinion on whether or not Israel has the right to exist.

And so I have inadvertently demonstrated that Wayne Harris’s suspicions of me are correct. By condemning Holocaust deniers and pro-Nazis, by condemning those who say that Israel, alone of all nations, has no right to exist, and by condemning someone who had nothing to say against a proto-Nazi manifestation that took place at his own conference before his own eyes, I prove that Jews and people of Jewish ancestry such as myself are indeed born traitors to the white race, no matter how “right-wing” we may falsely profess ourselves to be. .



I know Mr Wayne Paul Harris; at least I know of him.  I get emails from Jew haters like him from Amren and now from Inverted-World almost on a weekly basis.  As a matter of fact I got one from an ostensible Inverted-World reader yesterday.

These StørmFrønt/neo-Nazi/National Alliance knuckle-dragging cretins troll the internet to bottom feed for nutrients to sustain their obsessive Jew-hatred.  By and large they are intellectual dwarfs, midgets who start from the perspective of a twisted, Jew-hating obsession and pick and choose those facts, pseudo facts, and outright insane lies which appear to bolster their fallacious arguments.

As I’ve said before, trying to reason with them is an exercise in futility because they possess no reason.

With regard to Jared Taylor, as near as I can tell (having never met him) he himself is not an anti-Semite.  But the problem is he has no compunctions about consorting with same.  His tepid repudiation of David Dukes’ co-opting the last Amren conference and the Jew-haters who accompanied him was the nail in the coffin for many prospective Amren supporters who are not anti-Semites.

Not wanting to offend a large portion of his readership, Taylors’ problem is that he is Nazi neutral.  That is his greatest flaw.  And a big one it is.

As for our Jew-hating friend Mr Harris, I’ve pasted a copy of his pleasant introductory email to me for all to see.

>From: Wayne Paul Harris

>To: [email protected]

>Subject: You are NOT White

>Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 06:20:31 -0700 (PDT)


>Hello ‘White’ Jewish and Proud,


>Get the [censored] out of AMREN you filthy khazar [censored]. Yeah muslims are scum

>but you and your racial brethren are [censored] much worse. You ain’t got a

>place in a white homeland as you are a semitic, khazarian piece of [censored].


>You make me sick you yiddish slime.


>Wayne Paul Harris


In the words of Borat: “Veddy Nice.”



By White, Jewish, and Proud on 4/16/07 at 6:58 pm

Can anyone here tell me how to comment on articles on View From the Right?  For the life of me I can’t figure out how to do it.

By White, Jewish, and Proud on 4/16/07 at 7:27 pm

Just e-mail Larry through the link on the right side of his page.

I don’t think there are too many anti-Semitic commenters on IW. They commented on the first two or three articles I posted, but I haven’t seen much from them since. I don’t moderate most of the comments on this site, but I would have thought that my partner Mike would have filtered those out.

By The Realist on 4/16/07 at 8:23 pm

"I don’t think there are too many anti-Semitic commenters on IW. They commented on the first two or three articles I posted, but I haven’t seen much from them since. I don’t moderate most of the comments on this site, but I would have thought that my partner Mike would have filtered those out.”

By The Realist on 4/16/07 at 8:23 pm

Yes, I know there aren’t many anti-Semitic comments on this site.  I’ve logged on every single day since this site started, and I agree.

They may not comment here, but they comment to me. But I don’t mind.  I really don’t.  I can handle them.  In a way they’re funny.  Tragic but funny.

By the way, Realist, this site has it ten times over Amren.  It’s much more visually appealing, the editorial content is more sophisticated, and it’s all inclusive.  In the end, quite frankly, it appeals to a better class of people.

By the way, if you ever decide to hold a conference, count me in.
Best wishes for continued success.

By White, Jewish, and Proud on 4/16/07 at 10:08 pm

Jared Taylor I believe has “good intentions” (no pun intended) however I believe he is building for the present and not for the future.  Yes, in condemning weird behaviors, you will lose membership in the short term, but the idea is that you become more mainstream and then you make it up in the future by replacing these lost people with normal people.  Amren is a great magazine dealing with racial reality however David Duke has stirred stuff up now, and the previously repressed hatred between Jews and Nazis has started to emerge not privately but publically.  I simply don’t know if Amren can ever recover, I wish it well, but I don’t know if it can.

By kane on 4/16/07 at 10:55 pm

In response to the following exchange:

<< Wayne Harris to Jared Taylor

I applaud your valiant defense of white civilization.

However the myth of the holocaust is a millstone around the neck of any nascent white nationalist movement.

Where do you stand on this? Did the Nazis genocidally wipe out 6 million jews or did they not?

Jared Taylor to Wayne Harris:

I’m not an expert on the subject, and it is not one into which I have looked. >>

Someone—perhaps Lawrence Auster—wrote the following:

<< So, Jared Taylor, a person who is certainly at the right end of the bell curve, maintains the same position on the Nazi war against the Jews that he maintained to me in the mid-’90s when he told me he was an “agnostic” on the issue: 12 years later, he still professes to have no opinion about whether one of the major events in world history actually took place, and to know nothing about it. For Taylor, it’s equally possible that the Nazis did or did not carry out a program to dispossess, dehumanize, and exterminate the Jews of Europe, and it’s equally possible that the Nazis did or did not actually murder several million Jews. And he has never “looked into” the subject! >>

Whoever wrote this is maliciously twisting my reply into something it obviously is not. I don’t know even know how many American soldiers died in the First or Second World Wars. Or how many Armenians were massacred. Indeed, these are questions I have not looked into. If, in order to pass muster with whoever wrote this nonsense, I will have to have a considered and specific view on the number of Jews killed by the Nazis, I am perfectly content not to pass muster.

Jared Taylor

By Jared Taylor on 4/17/07 at 10:30 am

Someone just told me that “Jared Taylor, or someone claiming to be him, just left a response [at Inverted World] to your comments about him yesterday.”

It’s impossible that Taylor wrote that comment. The commenter says he doesn’t know how many Americans were killed in the World Wars—as though Jared Taylor would say that or as though he would confess to being unable to find out such information.

The comment is a clever parody by someone sending up Taylor’s claim that he doesn’t know about and has no opinion about whether the Nazi murder of European Jewry took place.

By Lawrence Auster on 4/17/07 at 12:58 pm

I’ve e-mailed Taylor asking him if he wrote the comment with his name on it above. It wouldn’t surprise me if he did. It does take a mind at the right end of the bell curve to evade the demands of basic decency so cleverly. “Taylor” answers only the narrow question of whether it was six million Jews who died in the Holocaust and avoids the real question that is implied by his correspondent’s message: Did the Holocaust happen? The first question is a matter of legitimate debate--one legitimate scholar estimated the number was closer to 4.5 million--, but the second question is not. Oh, isn’t he just the sly one!

By The Realist on 4/17/07 at 8:54 pm

In my previous comment, I said that the comment in this thread signed by Jared Taylor was obviously a parody written by someone else, making the humorous point that Taylor’s claim to know nothing about the Nazi genocide of the Jews is as ludicrous as if he had said he had no idea of how many Americans died in the First World War and Second World War and had no way of finding out.

It now appears that what seemed to me an obvious send-up was in fact real.  A person I’ll call JM has just sent me an e-mail exchange he had with Jared Taylor, in which Taylor quotes, as his own position, his two previous statements on this subject, first his reply to Wayne Harris which Harris sent to me and I posted at my site, and then the comment by “Jared Taylor” that was posted here at Inverted World--the second comment being the very one I thought was a parody, but now turns out to be authentic.

Here’s the exchange:


JM to Taylor:

I followed the Halifax affair and supported your right to freedom of expression. I thought you to be a breath of fresh air. However, today, I read the following opinion piece at “Inverted World”. If they have quoted you accurately, it would seem that your inclination is to disbelieve the Holocaust. As a Jew I find that to be extremely upsetting.

I hope you can provide some clarification on this. Thank you.

Taylor to JM::

I stand by my previous answer:

<< Where do you stand on this? Did the Nazis genocidally wipe out 6 million jews or did they not?

Jared Taylor to Wayne Harris:

I’m not an expert on the subject, and it is not one into which I have looked.>>

I don’t know how many Armenians were killed after the First World War. I don’t know how many American soldiers died in the Second or First World Wars. If, in order to pass muster with you, I must have a considered and definite view on the number of Jews killed by the Nazis, I shall have to be satisfied not to pass muster.

Jared Taylor

JM replies:

Your reply and the extent to which you will go to avoid giving a straight answer is absolutely staggering. However you have left no doubt in my mind where you stand on this. It is on the side of the so called ‘revisionists’.


LA here:

Again, a statement I thought was a parody, a statement I thought so ludicrous that Jared Taylor could not possibly have written it, he did write.  Not only did he write it, but he quoted it, as a sufficient expression of his position on the Holocaust.

Here’s how I read his behavior.

Basically, Taylor wants to maintains his good relations with Holocaust deniers, Nazis, and exterminationist anti-Semites, without actually embracing their conspiracy theories and other evil views about the Jews, which would make him fully one of them and thus destroy any remaining appeal he has to non-Nazis.

In order to keep to this implausible middle ground, he can neither _affirm_ that the Nazi exterminationist war against the Jews took place (since that would alienate his Nazi fan base), nor _deny_ that the Nazi war against the Jews took place (since that would make him a Holocaust denier).  So he professes to be ignorant of the most basic facts about one of the major events of modern history, and, further, he claims to be _incapable_ of knowing anything about those facts.

Thus Taylor’s moral relativism leads him to take his stand on deliberate ignorance.

By Lawrence Auster on 4/17/07 at 9:09 pm

As I said in my previous comment, Jared Taylor has taken his stand, not only on ignorance, but on the impossibility of knowing.  And this is the reason for his otherwise bizarre reference to his ignorance of American casualties in the World Wars.  His real message is as follows:  “Since it is impossible for me, Jared Taylor, to know the answer to the very easy question of how many Americans were killed in World War One and World War Two, how can any reasonable person expect me to know the answer to the really difficult question of whether the Holocaust took place?

By Lawrence Auster on 4/17/07 at 10:24 pm

I don’t know even know how many American soldiers died in the First or Second World Wars. Or how many Armenians were massacred. Indeed, these are questions I have not looked into. If, in order to pass muster with whoever wrote this nonsense, I will have to have a considered and specific view on the number of Jews killed by the Nazis, I am perfectly content not to pass muster.

But would you concede that Hitler wanted to kill all of the Jews and killed large numbers of them specifically because they were Jewish?  (And yes, he killed a lot of other people too, and killed them for their racial identity - Gypsies, Slavs - no one is asking if he killed Jews exclusively, just were the Jews one of the groups on his “ethnic hit list?")

It seems to me that Taylor is trying to straddle the fence by acting as if the question were “do you believe that the number of Jews killed by Hitler was exactly 6 million?” That way he can “remain agnostic” without technically saying that he is agnostic about the essence of the Holocaust (anti-Jewish mass murder).

By Glaivester on 4/17/07 at 11:11 pm

His sin, his immorality, is that he does not care how many died.

Since about 1980 or so, no one is permitted not to care.

Its all about who can be the biggest victim.

Blacks? Jews? Asians? Hispanics? Armenians?

So what really pisses you off about Taylor?  is it his Naziism?  His “moral relativism”?  Naah, Larry, be honest. It is his utter indifference.  For in the eternal struggle of victimhood, much can be tolerated, even adversaries have their uses, but moral indifference?  Never! And Jared Taylor is utterly indifferent.

Even a dyed-in-the-wool adversary is a welcome foil, a boon jousting partner.  At least he will dispute and resist! But someone who doesn’t care?  Someone who has other concerns, concerns about HIS race and HIS religion? Someone who just shrugs his shoulders as Taylor does and walks off?

Hell, I had a girlfriend who flipped out and threw a chair at me when I walked away. And argument she wanted, she begged for, but to just smile benevolently, indifferently, and walk away? That she WOULDN’T tolerate.

No, Larry, not moral relativism, what Jared suffers from is complete indifference regarding the Holocaust.

But let’s fac it, Larry, it is only going to get worse and worse.  The survivors are dying.  Efforts to anoint their children to carry the cause of eternal remembrance forward as the next generation of survivors, the new standard bearers, are going to work for a handful of years more, but that is all.

If you rely on white guilt to keep Jews togetehr you will fail, because we just aren’t Jews, and aren’t mentally engineered to make forelock tugging and genuflection our lot for all eternity.

Think about it, Larry, the only way to keep it alive, keep it relevant, is to persuade all white gentiles that they carry that special seed of Jew hate deep in their genes, a magical hatred so visceral and unpredictable and unique that they are prone to reach out and slaughter Jews at a moment’s notice.  I doubt the next generation of white gentiles will be willing to take that burden of race guilt on. Certainly they will not be willing to pass it on to their children

And you will never make inroads into the Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Indian psyches.  They are not prone to reengineer their grade schools, high schools and colleges to teach Holocaust Remembrance, build Holocaust Museums just outside teh Eternal City, or (even more absurd) to see it as their special burden to preserve Jews (or any other white folks, for that matter).

Talk to the Armenians. They are running into the same problem.  Talk to the Tutsi in Rwanda.

Me, I think a more historical approach would do better.  For starters, rather than rely on white guilt in order to protect you, you should go back to treating the Holocaust as God’s punishment for failing to follow Torah like the Hasids do. Turning genocide inward has worked for

jews since way back in Bible days, buddy.  Consider your prophets, for heaven’s sake.

To them, suffering was ALWAYS the Jews’ fault.  And look how well that attitude worked! It was remarkably effective up until the Haskala.

If anti-semitism is God’s punishment, then Jews who backslide and fall away from the law by becoming Christian (such as yourself) or marrying shiksas, or adopting nonsense like paternal descent Judaism (feh) are the true corrupters and destroyers of Jews and real Torah-true Judaism, not Hitler. The safety and future of Judaism will be the responsibility of Jews, and not of white gentiles as special Jewish protectors. You would, of course, have to return to Klal Yisroel and live in the ghetto for your own self protection (a la Shepherds Bush, Golders Green, Monsey, New Paltz, Postville, Williamsburg, etc.) but that has always been the only true and effective way to preserve Judaism. As the hasidim are only to willing to explain to anyone, it is the maskilim who brought Hitler down upon themselves AND onto the heads of innocent God-fearing Jews all over Europe.

By Augustus on 4/18/07 at 12:16 am

I have been reading AmRen for about a year and a half.  Mr. Taylor always seemed to be an honorable and decent man.  But I find his evasions on this matter unsettling.

What I hope he would realize is this:

Much - probably most - of his audience at AmRen are traditionalists.  Perhaps we could even be called reactionaries.  We want nothing so much as a return to a saner, and more realistic understanding of the world, and a renewed appreciation of, and defence of, the acomplishments and achievements of western civilization.

Naziism was an evil, barbaric movement.  And it is not only jews who understand this, nor indeed even gentile judeo-philes.  The nazis murdered not only millions of jews, but also millions of christian slavs.  They murdered the halt, the lame, and the retarded.  They murdered anyone who got in their way.

Under their regime, Germany didn’t even produce any decent art - no music, and only buildings, monuments, and statuary that were cold, bombastic, and inhuman.  All they left in their wake was suffering, rubble, and corpses.

This is not a movement which can, nor should, be rehabilitated.  Nor is it one to which one should have a neutral “wait-and-see” approach.  We’ve already waited.  We already saw.

Also, the neo-nazi’s arguments always seem to boil down to saying “The nazis didn’t murder all those jews, and anyway, they had it coming”.  The malice in their tone always reveals their actual feelings in the matter.

It also goes without saying that Naziism - with its emphasis on bellicose militarism, conquest, collectivism, and unquestioning obeyance to the fuhrer-principle - is deeply antithetical to the principles and traditions upon which this nation was founded.  How anyone who proudly sported a swastika armband, as David Duke once did, can claim to be an american traditionalist is beyond me.

Many of us who have posted on AmRen are the children of World War II veterans.  Taking an agnostic stance toward naziism is equivalent to being neutral to those that tried to kill our own fathers.  It is in effect siding with our parents enemies.  What’s traditional about that?

That millions of jews were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime is a cold, hard, historical fact, that was documented in meticulous detail by the Germans own meticulous bureaucrats (The Einsatz Gruppen field reports from the eastern front alone account for a million victims, shot en masse, within the first year after the invasion of the Soviet Union).

Anyone who seeks to reintroduce realism into public debate, should not start by making common cause with fantasists who deny a very undeniable reality.

By CSinAL on 4/18/07 at 1:51 am

As I said the other day, Taylor’s biggest flaw is that he is obviously Nazi neutral.  Now he’s gone on to prove it without a doubt.

The ironic thing is that they (the Nazis and the deniers) make up his base of support, and it is those exact same cretins who will forever keep white nationalism a fringe political movement.

You would think that he’s smart enough to know that if he jettisoned the stormtroopers, normal people would be attracted to the cause and thus give it not only legitimacy but real political and social strength.

It’s really too bad that an obviously intelligent man is too blind to see the obvious.

I’ve mentioned before both here and at Amren that I get emails from Jew-haters on average of about one a week.  But for every one of those, I get at least two from decent, normal white people who are repulsed by these obsessive, insane Jew-haters. They bemoan the fact that there is no political homeland for them and that they are forever destined to wander the political nether world seeking a place to call home.

By White, Jewish, and Proud on 4/18/07 at 6:18 am

Offline Maccabi

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Re: Another Eagle Eyed White Nationalist Finds Me Out
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2007, 12:57:34 PM »

These StørmFrønt/neo-Nazi/National Alliance knuckle-dragging cretins troll the internet to bottom feed for nutrients to sustain their obsessive Jew-hatred.  By and large they are intellectual dwarfs, midgets who start from the perspective of a twisted, Jew-hating obsession and pick and choose those facts, pseudo facts, and outright insane lies which appear to bolster their fallacious arguments.

As I’ve said before, trying to reason with them is an exercise in futility because they possess no reason.

lol that is funny and true

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Re: Another Eagle Eyed White Nationalist Finds Me Out
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2007, 02:13:25 PM »
I had a paid email subscription to Amren which I cancelled a few months ago.  Now I never visit their site. 
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?


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Re: Another Eagle Eyed White Nationalist Finds Me Out
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2007, 03:18:51 PM »
This is an interesting story developing between Lawrence Auster and Jared Taylor. I have been following it.
Overall, Taylor makes many great points, but not on this issue and on one less favorable article on Israel after 9/11.

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Re: Another Eagle Eyed White Nationalist Finds Me Out
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2007, 10:58:32 AM »
I see you quoted my reply, from "kane" in the original post.