Author Topic: GreekOrthodox Church which was at ground 0 95 yrs can't rebuild while Satan  (Read 625 times)

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Bloomberg lobbies for money for muslim place     

95-Year-Old St. Nicholas Church at Ground Zero Sues for Right to Rebuild While Bloomberg lobbies for 911 Taxpayer Dollars for Ground Zero Mosque Supremacists

Photo provided by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Archbishop Demetrios, right, leads a vigil on the eve of the Feast Day of St. Nicholas to pray for the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Church (NY Daily News)

While Mayor Bloomberg wets himself in anxious haste to build the offensive Ground Zero mosque, the iconic St. Nicholas Greek Church, built in 1916 and destroyed by the destruction of the World Trade towers by Muslim terrorists, remains vanquished, unable to rebuild. Bloomberg is lobbying for 911 taxpayer funds for Islamic supremacist grifters behind the Ground Zero mosque, but the St. Nicholas church is in purgatory, ten years after the worst day in modern American history.



Oh hypocrisy, thy name is Bloomberg. Nothing happens in this feudal city without the Mayor. All roads lead to City Hall. Why not tie up the Ground Zero mega mosque in this red tape morass?

    St. Nicholas Church sues Port Authority, claims that agency is blocking church's reconstruction NY Daily News

    A notice of claim was filed Monday on behalf of St. Nicholas Church and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, declaring their intention to sue.

    "This claim arises out of the arrogance, bad faith and fraudulent conduct of the Port Authority in preventing St. Nicholas from re-building its church at Ground Zero," the church says in its legal filings.

    Church files claim against WTC owner WSJ

    NEW YORK — A Greek Orthodox church destroyed on Sept. 11 is taking legal action against the agency that owns ground zero, saying it's reneged on a promise to rebuild the church.'

    The Wall Street Journal reports that St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church filed a notice of claim against the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on Monday. The papers seeks to compel the agency to live up to what it says is a "binding preliminary agreement."

    The two sides spent years negotiating a deal that would let the church rebuild on land south of its original site in exchange for financial help. Negotiations broke down in March.

    Greek Orthodox parish sues for right to build near Ground Zero site Catholic Culture

    Greek Orthodox parish in New York, claiming that local officials are illegally blocking plans to rebuild a church that was destroy in the terrorist attack of 9/11, is filing suit.

    Officials of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church claim that they had reached an agreement with the Port Authority for the rebuilding of the church. They argue that the officials have filed to fulfill their responsibilities under the terms of a preliminary agreement reached in 2008.

    The building of houses of worship near the site where the World Trade Center once stood has become controversial because of a separate plan to construct a mosque nearby.

No, building houses of worship is not controversial. A mega mosque on the hallowed ground, the cemetery is.

    St. Nicholas Church as it stood, prior to 9/11Located in what is today New York City’s financial district, Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church traces its roots back to 1916, when it was founded by Greek immigrants. Serving the spiritual needs of the early immigrant community, the church also achieved prominence as a religious and cultural center for Greek shipping magnates passing through New York. Services began at the current site in 1922, though the building was constructed in the early nineteenth century. Measuring 22ft. wide, 56ft. long and 35ft. tall, the church was bound on three sides by a parking lot.

    Good Saint Nicholas

    Saint Nicholas, known in the West as Santa Claus, is the patron saint of sailors, bankers, and bakers. He is revered for feeding the hungry and clothing needy children. Born in 270 A.D. in what is now Turkey, his parents died at an early age and left him with considerable wealth which he began to give away. After becoming a priest, he was later promoted to Bishop of Myra and took part in the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. In 1087 his remains were transported by the Crusaders to their current home in Bari, Italy.

    Parishioner lighting a candleFather John Romas conducting servicesParishioner lighting a candle

    September 11th

    On September 11th, the entire weight of World Trade Center Tower 2 came down on St. Nicholas Church, completely destroying the building and its contents. Only a handful of damaged icons and religious items were found amongst the rubble.

There is NO NEED for an Islamic "Community Center" at Ground Zero
Mayor Bloomberg's contact information is ou may contact me directly by writing, calling, faxing or e-mailing:

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
PHONE 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC)

FAX (212) 312-0700


Call the LMDC every day and ask the status of our taxpayer dollars going to fund this mosquestrosity.

Contact the LMDC – phone = 212 962 2300, fax = 212 962 2431 or 33
Ask them to send you a copy of the application that Park 51 nee Cordoba House submitted and the criteria they have for granting taxpayer dollars to those who apply for funding. Also, ask them if there are any other applications pending or that were funded for mosques to create cultural entities, and get those applications, award letters with all restrictions and the criteria they have for making such grants.

Ask them to be present when the committee meets to decide. It's our money -- politely demand an open forum.

Contact the LMDC directly. Below is their contact information, along with a listing of the present board members. Let them know about the Rauf's slum in recievership, Gamal's two bank defaults, non-payment of taxes, and eviction. These are crooks.

Lower Manhattan Development Corporation

One Liberty Plaza, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10006
Phone: (212) 962-2300
Fax: (212) 962-2431 / 33
LMDC Board of Directors

Avi Schick, Chairman
John C. Whitehead, Founding Chairman
Lawrence T. Babbio, Jr.
Amanda M. Burden
Robert Douglass
Peter Davidson
Timothy Gilchrist
Robert M. Harding
Caswell Holloway
Thomas S. Johnson
Kate D. Levin
Robert K. Steel
Julie Menin - Chairwoman.
Kevin M. Rampe
William C. Rudin
Carl Weisbrod
John Zuccotti "

Whether you're Jewish or Christian this is insane
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03