Author Topic: New perverse film defiles Holy city of Safed  (Read 4094 times)

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Offline Mifletzet

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New perverse film defiles Holy city of Safed
« on: July 10, 2007, 09:55:49 AM »
"The G-d of the Jews hates immorality" (Talmud).

Instead of depicting the truth that Orthodox Jews are vastly more sexually moral than any other nation on earth,the Satan works overtime attempting to depict the opposite.

The latest attempt by anti-G-d, anti-Torah, anti-Orthodox atheist, Israeli leftists is the film "Hasodot" ("The Secrets") that depicts
a Zefat girls seminary (presumably modelled on the Chabad Machon Alter Seminary!) as a hotbed of Sapphic (=Lesbian) activity, replete with a nude mikveh scene!

Here the review from the Jerusalem Post this week

"Avi Nesher's latest film, The Secrets, has a little something for everyone.

Nesher, currently Israel's premiere moviemaking showman, directed the musical classic The Troupe (1978) when he was just 24. He then moved to Hollywood to make action films and came back to Israel in 2004 for Turn Left at the End of the World - a crowd-pleasing comedy-drama that became the most successful Israeli movie domestically, selling nearly a million tickets here.

Part of the recent renaissance in Israeli movies, Turn Left was a coming-of-age drama about two girls in a remote Negev town, one from a family of Indian immigrants, one with Moroccan roots.

The Secrets, which is a more serious film, has some points in common with Turn Left, in that it tells the story of an intense friendship between two young women, only this time they're at a women's religious studies college in Safed. But in spite of the austere setting, Nesher manages to work in many themes. There's some respect for tradition and some rebellion against it; New-Age, kabbala-flavored mysticism; a little klezmer music; appearances by TV stars; a comic fat girl; lovely photography of Safed at its most mysterious; an appearance by French diva Fanny Ardant; and, this being Nesher, full frontal nudity in the mikve.

Although the thoughts of viewers may stray from kabbala and purity during the nude scenes, that doesn't diminish the power of the film nor the fact that it tries to convey a serious message about the conflicts faced by religious women.

To tell this story, Nesher teamed up with a collaborator who brings an observant woman's perspective, British/Israeli playwright/actress Hadar Galron. The resulting film is both entertaining and moving, and although there are moments when Nesher's instinct for big, sometimes schticky set pieces seems to war with a more serious sensibility (presumably Galron's), it doesn't detract from the film's impact.

The story focuses on Naomi (Ania Bokstien), a brilliant, pious girl from an ultra-Orthodox family, whose father (an unrecognizable Sefi Rivlin) is a rabbi with some respect for women's scholarship. She finds herself in a crisis when her mother dies. Although she is engaged to one of her father's best students, Michael (Guri Alfi), it's clear that there are no sparks between them and that she agreed to the match only to please her father. When she tells her father that she wants to study for a year before she marries, he tries to talk her out of it. But when he sees how determined she is, he agrees.

The portrait of the seminary in Safed is vivid, and the students are a mixed bunch. Some of the young women like Sheine (Talli Oren), a wisecracking fat girl, are essentially just marking time until they marry. Sigi (Dana Ivgy) is newly religious and tackles her studies with unsophisticated enthusiasm. The seminary is presided over by a rabbanit played with unexpected gravity by Tiki Dayan, who desperately wants to further the cause (and quality) of women's education and is willing to make compromises with the rabbinical authorities in order to receive the rabbis' blessing. Surprisingly, the film shows the study of Torah and Talmud as liberating and stimulating (and perhaps even slightly subversive) for these young women, although some aspects of the religious lifestyle are portrayed as oppressive.


When the rebellious Michelle (Michal Shtamler) arrives from France, trailing resentment and a backstory that is never fully explained, she and Naomi initially despise each other. But they begin to bond after Michelle develops an obsessive interest in Anouk (Fanny Ardant) - a beautiful, mysterious older woman living nearby to whom they have been given the task of distributing food collected for charity. Anouk is ill, may or may not be Jewish, and may have committed a terrible crime, all of which makes her a romantic figure to the two girls. In the murkiest part of the film, the brainy, spiritual Naomi (using some kind of kabbalistic criteria which would probably be more familiar to Madonna than to seminary students in B'nei Brak) devises a series of tikunim that will somehow purify Anouk and purge her of her sins. Although this may all sound very silly, Nesher sets up the girls' crazy passion for it very believably. Anouk enthusiastically participates in these rituals, but o! f course they must be kept secret from the seminary head. When some of the other girls find out what they are up to, these rituals jeopardize Naomi and Michelle's place at the school.

The plot is further complicated by a growing attraction between them. Naomi sees their attraction as a way for her to break free from her family, while Michelle, who has enjoyed less stability in her life, is torn between her love for her friend and an attraction to the happy-go-lucky Yankele (Adir Miller), a klezmer musician she meets by chance.

Although some of the plot twists seem forced, it's a real pleasure to watch the story unfold and enjoy the work of three wonderful actresses: the French superstar Fanny Ardant, and the up-and-coming Israelis Ania Bokstien and Michelle Shtamler. Ardant, who was once the muse of Francois Truffaut and starred in his films, The Woman Next Door and Vivement Dimanche!, has a riveting screen presence and is still a haunting beauty. Bokstien, familiar from her role on the TV show Our Song and the movie The Schwartz Dynasty, is in nearly every frame and gives a wonderful, nuanced performance. Shtamler is also appealing, and highlights her character's contradictory impulses. Dana Ivgy, in the small but key role of the overly zealous, newly religious student, is more natural and expressive than I've ever seen her before. For Israeli viewers, it will be fun to watch such TV actors as Adir Miller cast against type as a shy religious guy.

The nudity and lesbian overtones in the film may put off some observant viewers and may encourage others to ignore the more intriguing aspects of the story. Viewers expecting a conventional narrative, in which religion is either a positive or negative force, will be disappointed. But Nesher's refreshing refusal to settle for easy answers and to leave some mysteries unsolved shows a new maturity in his filmmaking."

« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 10:22:52 AM by Mifletzet »

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: New perverse film defiles Safed
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2007, 10:03:43 AM »
This is really sick. Not that such things don't ever happen. But we all use the bathroom multiple times a day and who the hell wants to see that on the big screen?
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Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: New perverse film defiles Holy city of Safed
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2007, 10:50:04 AM »
The plot sounds absolutely absurd, the lesbian sexual theme insulting, and the nudity will surely offend many viewers.

But at least (according to the reviewer) the study of Torah is portrayed as 'liberating and stimulating'. The Israeli actresses in the first photo you included are very pretty.

Offline Masha

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Re: New perverse film defiles Holy city of Safed
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2007, 11:20:18 AM »
Why can't they make a film that glorifies Judaism instead? Why does everything have to be sick and perverted to qualify as "art"?

Offline cosmokramer

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Re: New perverse film defiles Holy city of Safed
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2007, 12:38:17 PM »
Just as I thought Israel could turn out a decent movie this crap comes along. How vile and insulting. Lubavitchers should boycott this film.(Which I am sure they will do)

Offline Mifletzet

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Re: New perverse film defiles Holy city of Safed
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2007, 04:18:30 PM »
Another recent chilloni Israel film that portrayed Orthodox Jews in a malevolent, untrue light, with nastily exaggerated sexual inuendoes was the inaptly named "Kadosh"

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: New perverse film defiles Holy city of Safed
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2007, 04:54:03 PM »
There is something you need to understand about the Movies that are made in Israel, with rare exceptions they are half lies and half pornogrophy. A friend of mine did see the film and he described the 'tikkun" ceremony which is attributed to the Ari HaKodesh, which is interesting since the Ari said ceremonies like the one done in the movie are things for ignoramosous who dont know any better.

You also need to remember that with every passing day the Chilonim become weaker, and this terrifies them, they know it is only a matter of time till the Daati take power. This is the real reason so much of the Israeli media spends all their time attacking Torah and creating filth like Hasodot.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline Mifletzet

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Re: New perverse film defiles Holy city of Safed
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2007, 06:47:30 PM »
If Rav Kahane said that even "Chabad are irrelevant", kal v'chomer the rest of the Dati and Chareidi world!

As we can see, despite 50 years of breeding like rabbits, the dati/haredi power in the Knesset has remained static and despite their growing numbers, the Orthodox influence on events in Israel is minimal, or even in decline!

This itself is a miraculous sign of Hashem's disfavour with them!

And note that despite their declining numbers, the chiloni power is not becoming weaker, but is actually strengthening! This is also a miraculous sign of Hashem's double disfavour with the Frumaks, and the rightwing in general!

Very few Haredi/Dati Jews will be zocheh to witness the hisgalus. As the novi says: okir enosh mipoz - "It will be as hard to find a human as it is to find rare gold", such is the culling of humanity that is coming!

One single "Baruch Goldstein" on the Mosque of Omar would change history and bring Moshiach, more than all the Torah learned in all the yeshivah in the last 50 years. And that one man, even if an am haaretz like Gideon or Yiftach, would take the schar of his entire generation, just like Avraham Avinu took all that in his generation, and Rav Kahane took all that in his!
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 06:57:02 PM by Mifletzet »


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Re: New perverse film defiles Holy city of Safed
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2007, 06:55:55 PM »
Every film that comes out of Israel these days seems to have queers in it. Anybody see ' Walk On Water'?.Typical of film industry wierdos the world over.

Offline Mifletzet

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Re: New perverse film defiles Holy city of Safed
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2007, 07:20:48 PM »
The Israeli film Beaufort depicted Zahal's debacle in retreating from Eretz Yisrael (ie "Lebanon") thaks to "Atilla" Barak. Demoralising, anti-Zahal, anti-Israeli filmed with Israeli actors who refused to serve in the army, is stunningly demoralising for any Israeli soldier who sees it.

No wonder the German goyim loved it and gave it the Berlin Film Award 2007!
« Last Edit: July 10, 2007, 07:24:14 PM by Mifletzet »