Author Topic: The leftists are planning to destroy Europe must read  (Read 950 times)

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Offline mord

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The leftists are planning to destroy Europe must read
« on: January 19, 2011, 04:42:44 PM »
They want many qurananimals to flood Europe >:( >:(    

Friday, December 31, 2010
Planning the Demise of Europe

A very long but important article has been posted in English at Gates of Vienna and in French at Bivouac-Id. Written in 2009 by German journalist Michael Mannheimer, it describes the step-by-step planning of the Islamization of Europe by the "elites". Here are some rather disconnected excerpts:

The Islamization of Europe is in full swing. The majority of Europeans are helpless against this development. They are informed neither about the true essence of Islam, nor about the background of Islamic politics on European soil. The Muslims have not come to integrate into European societies. Their goal is the transformation of Europe into an Islamic realm where Shari’a alone, the law of Islam, will rule. (...)

“We, the Greens (Green Party), must strive to this end that as many foreigners as possible be brought to Germany. If they are in Germany, we must fight for their right to vote. Once we have achieved this, then we have the segment of voters we need to change this republic.” (Daniel Cohn-Bendit)

“Germany must be hemmed in from without, and within she must be heterogenized by influx (of foreigners) or quasi 'thinned out.'” (Joschka Fischer)

In plain language, the idea of a voter fraud of historical proportions was crafted, the result being a stealthily and carefully executed plan with a pre-determined result. In 1960 only 600,000 Muslims lived in all of Europe, today, however, there are already over 30 million, and the greatest mass immigration in the history of man continues unabated. Each year 1 million new Muslim immigrants stream into Europe. This is done legally through the reunification of families, the process of asylum, or they come as “political fugitives” from their Islamic countries where human rights are trodden underfoot. Ever and again they receive residency rights, more and more receiving European citizenship without having to accede to rudimentary skills of culture, education or employment necessary to cope with the requirements of high-tech European society.

But they haven’t come here to integrate into Western society. This is forbidden by their faith[d] as well as their religious leaders who are highly organized and have long since held the real leadership over European muslims. (...)

The plain and short: with regard to Europe, the left-wing/green power complex has been behaving for quite some time in certain essential political core areas (i.e. migration, EU expansion, citizenship) in a way that resembles an external occupation force. Since those who have been responsible for this mass immigration have been unable to win over their home-grown European voters to this political work, they have set out to cause the occupation of their own lands by millions of people with a foreign language, culture, and religion. Their intention, in the meantime, is to “thin out” the European portion of the population, and eventually to disempower them altogether.

This is nothing short of a new form of “ethnic cleansing.”

Much of the article is devoted to Denmark:

Muslims make up only 4 percent of Denmark’s 5.4 Million population, but they make up the majority of condemned rapists in the country; a burning political fact is that practically all female victims are non-Muslim (Christian). Most of the media remain silent about this out of fear or political unrest. Similar ratios are to be found in other categories of criminal activity.34 As pertaining to mass rape of non-Muslim women, the same numbers are the case in Sweden and Norway as well. (...)

No other world religion has such a perfidious form of murder-culture; no other world religion schools their followers so systematically in how to kill innocent people of a different faith; no other world religion accepts such an outright devilish invention of general immunity for their believers so that they are free from the guilt of murder — and this is written in their “holy scriptures.” Getting to the point, if there really is a Satan, then the name of his religion is Islam, and his prophet is Muhammad. (...)

The following fact cannot be repeated often enough: Europe has virtually no notable problems with Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish and Christian immigrants. The name of the European immigration problem is ‘Islam.’ In spite of this long indisputable fact, Muslim agents have a clever method for presenting the immigrant problem that they are causing: classify it as a “general problem with foreigners.” The facts however demonstrate very clearly: remove the Muslim statistics from the Danish crime statistics (and for that matter the other European countries’ statistics), and the immigration problem presents itself more amicably. (...)

I accuse the majority of the media of nothing less than complicity with the totalitarianism of Islam and with its most important political and spiritual leaders, whether intentional or unintentional. The reasons for this (often unintentional) complicity has three names:

* Hate against the society of Western citizens
* Anti-Americanism
* Anti-Semitism

“The West should desist from all provocations and call forth feelings of humility and humbleness. We need to esteem the cultural identity of Islamic countries more highly.” (German psychoanalyst Horst-Eberhard Richter)

This sentence needs to be analyzed. Richter is an icon of the left wing and the Greens, a leading figure practically worshipped by a whole generation of peace-driven deniers of reality and Easter marchers. He exercises no criticism against the cutting off of hands, flogging for no reason, or the stoning of women who have committed no crime other than that they wanted to be free from their husbands. He exercises no criticism against the fact that in Islamic lands today critics of “the religion of peace” have their eyes put out without anaesthetic, that girls at just two years of age are forced to marry dirty old men, that women according to Islamic law (Shari’a) are condemned to be second-class people.

He exercises no criticism against the highest courts who give their blessing to the worst of all forms of paedophilia: sex with nursing infants.

These are insane criminals who should be sent to Guantanamo
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline briann

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Re: The leftists are planning to destroy Europe must read
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2011, 06:45:41 PM »
The same in the USA.  Obama and other leftists have a dream of a quranimal takeover here, just like in France, Holland, etc.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: The leftists are planning to destroy Europe must read
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2011, 07:01:58 PM »
I think it's time for open season on communists and muslims.

Offline mord

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Re: The leftists are planning to destroy Europe must read
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2011, 07:06:32 PM »
I think it's time for open season on communists and muslims.
The leftists are in some respects worse then the muzzies they want to destroy their own countries
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: The leftists are planning to destroy Europe must read
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2011, 03:28:48 AM »

Daniel Cohn-Bendit is the ultimate example of the filthy left that is yet so convinced to stand on high moral grounds. It gives me a feeling of nausea to think that this creature was born Jewish.