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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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More Episodes From the ‘Religion of Peace’
« on: January 10, 2011, 03:19:33 PM »

It’s been a busy period for the religion of peace. On a daily basis we hear of Islamist terror attacks around the world. These have included the quite recent attack on a Coptic Christian church in Egypt and the assassination of a Pakistani governor.

In Alexandria 21 Egyptian believers were killed and 100 were wounded in a New Year’s Eve bomb attack on a worship service. This was in part brought about by Islamic religious leaders making inflammatory remarks about the Coptic Christians a few months earlier. Indeed, it is part of ongoing persecution of Christians in Islamic Egypt, something which the government is doing little to stop, and in many ways seems to be encouraging.

As Mark Durie states, “I deplore the lack of freedom of religion in Egypt, the authorities’ apparent unwillingness to protect the indigenous Christian minority and its places of worship, and the lamentable track record of the Egyptian justice system in securing criminal convictions against those who have targeted Christians for attack. I call upon Egypt’s leaders to respond to these abuses honestly and with integrity, without making excuses or indulging in denial.”

As to the murder of the governor of Punjab in Pakistan, those responsible for it said it had to be done to stop blasphemy. The governor had denounced the state’s blasphemy law, and this Muslim terrorist found this to be quite unacceptable.

But he is not alone in this. Now some 500 Muslim scholars have issued a statement endorsing the killing of governor Taseer. The statement said in part, “We pay rich tributes and salute the bravery, valor and faith of [the killer] Mumtaz Qadri. There should be no expression of grief or sympathy on the death of the governor, as those who support blasphemy of the Prophet are themselves indulging in blasphemy.”

These are but two recent episodes in an ongoing war of attrition against the West by militant Islamists. And all this in the name of peace. One organisation has been keeping close tabs on all this, and has especially kept close accounts of Islamist terrorism since the Twin Towers attack nearly ten years ago now.

The numbers are horrific. Since September 11, 2001, there have been 16,614 Islamic terrorists attacks carried out. With just nine months to go before the tenth anniversary of 9/11, one can only imagine what the numbers will look like by then.

Let’s just look at the sickening numbers for last year. In 2010, there were 1,987 such attacks in 46 different countries. These attacks resulted in the death of 9,175 people, with 17,436 people critically injured. Or let’s simply focus on the last week of 2010. In that week there were 25 jihad attacks resulting in 128 deaths and 204 injuries.

There is something wrong here big time with a religion which talks so much about peace yet engages in so much constant bloodshed, terror and hatred. But mere numbers alone may not mean much, so let me conclude with a more personal episode, a bit closer to home.

Toward to the end of last month, a person asking for bacon on a burger in a Sydney KFC was abused horrifically by an Islamic worker. The sorry image has been caught on video (see the link below). It is a sad indictment on where we are heading as a nation when an Australian has to fear about making such a simple request.

It seems the KFC store was halal friendly. But it certainly was not very customer friendly, judging by the ugly reaction of the worker to this request. Some are now suggesting that this was a setup. I don’t know, but even if it was, this is certainly a bad case of customer relations. And it does not say much about the peaceful religion of Islam.

I was asked to comment on the story for a TV current affairs show. If anyone was set up, it was me. They wanted my thoughts on the video clip, and I gave it. But then the show twisted the whole story around to say there are hate groups out there targeting Muslims!

Excuse me! They wanted my thoughts on this bizarre behaviour of the KFC worker, and I gave it, but then they sought to turn the whole thing around so that somehow I was the bad guy, as was the person wanting a bit of bacon on her burger!

There was a lot I told the TV reporter that never made it into the story which aired tonight, including these home truths: If a Muslim wants to come to Australia and eat only halal foods, fine. But it is another thing altogether to force all other Australians to comply with halal observance.

And we would like to see some two way-traffic here. Somehow I just don’t think it would be seen as very kosher if I waltzed into a restaurant in Saudi Arabia and demanded a ham sandwich. One simply respects local customs if one wants to get along in the international community.

But I don’t see a lot of that going on here. Muslims are coming into Western nation insisting that their special needs be catered to, and that others quietly submit to all this. It is called creeping sharia and it is taking place all over the Western world.

And many Westerners are rightly getting a bit sick and tired of it all. An Australian in Australia should not have to worry about being chewed out for simply asking for a bit of bacon on a burger. This in itself may be a small matter, but of course it does not end there.

The push for sharia law does not just involve the issue of foods of course, but extends to all areas of life, whether it be sharia finance, sharia family law, or what have you. Today we might have to give up the right to eat bacon burgers. Tomorrow we may be asked to give up the right to something far more important.

If Muslims do not like the way things are done in the West, there is a simple solution to that. But if they think they can Islamify the West without some resistance, then they had better think twice. So whether it is making things hard for Westerners to get some bacon, or whether it is blowing up churches, there is clearly a war going on right now.

Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: More Episodes From the ‘Religion of Peace’
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 11:20:34 AM »
Unfortunately this persecution will increase.