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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Self-hating Jew alert
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:45:07 PM »
I'm not sure if this link will work for everyone.

Barry Shaw
Escallation in rocket & mortar attacks from Gaza into Israel over last fee days. Israel showing restraint despite the firing of sophisticated anti-tank missile causing serious damage to Merkava. IDF have moved tanks with greater protection to border.
Rudy Giuliani used "Tough Action" during his 2 periods as mayor in New York and reduced crime by 70%!

That's right, 70%!

Tough Action works. And not only that, it is the only language these amalekite ishmaelites understand.
Wilf Mandel
Irony of ironies - news that hamas intends to complain to teh UN...
Howard Hyman
Jews and Christians must STRONGLY act together to fight islam. NO more talking. That is just a delaying tactic.

We still have the upper hand, in all things except the willingness to commit atrocities, and the boldness to slaughter innocents.

Turn off the water, and burn Gaza to ashes. This is what teh muslims truied to do with the recent arsons in Israel.

A GREAT first step would be some HONESTY, and the willingness to say, THE muslims STARTED THE 40+ ARSON FIRES!!

How about posting rewards for capture of these vermin. The penalty--BURN THEM
The Christian Right were the biggest supporters of Rabbi Kahane.
Howard Hyman
Time to RE-mobilize the JDL and similar pro-Israel organizations. Peaceful activism, but in-you-face.
JDL today is run by the wife of the informer irv rubin.
She supported the expulsion from Gush Katif because "sharon was a democratically elected leader".
While el sayyid nosair murdered Rabbi Kahane, irv rubin murdered the JDL.

Chaim ben Pesach raises money to support the Hilltop Youth. The Kahanists are the only ones defending Israel and they defend it with their bodies. It is they that prevent the establishment of yet another muslim nazi state in the heartland of Biblical Israel and the entire Israeli government is against them.
The judenratten of 'peace now' attack them physically when they hold demonstrations with their muslim conspirators. Luckily, their names, which they put on the internet themselves, were published on Chaim's forum by an anonymous person and now they are too scared to show up.
Mind you, these are rich, spoiled Tel Aviv KAPO's that attack their fellow Jews who live under terrible circumstances with almost no money.
How more vile can you get attacking these people with muslim nazi's. Those low animals. It is them that should be killed by these terrorists.
This is muslim culture:

Wilf Mandel
Nothing to gain. Y stooping to their level. Golda's words are still true today: "There will be peace when they learn to love their children more than they hate us."
Rabbi Kahane said:
"I'd rather be on their level, than 6 feet below their level".
Muslims wil always hate you; that is why they are ishmaelites. They are half a donkey of a man. In the iraq iran war they killed 2 million of their fellow muslims with chemical and biological weapons. You think they will treat non-muslims any better?
Peace is not in their genetics. They are filth. Violence is the only thing they understand; that is why they need a brutal dictator to keep them somewhat under control. Their whole society is based on lies. They believe Mozes, David and Jesus were muslims.

Israel has tried piece for over 60 years; they promis over and over again to finish hitler's job. Arafat has stated openly that "By the time we will be done with you you will be nostalgic for the ovens and gas-chambers of hitler".

Look at what the Israeli leaders are doing. Peres said he wanted Israel to join the arab league. Sharon used to send his son to 'negotiate' with arafat. His son used to say: "He spoke nicely to me from the heart. He has a dream".

Don't you understand Israel's bolshevik regime is trying to destroy Israel? The entire arab world attacked Israel, Israel gained the Sinai and what did they do? Within a week they returned the Sinai and gave up 3/4 of Israels land.

When rabbi Kahane said in the 70's that the Israeli government woulkd invite arafat in and would negotiate with the plo they all laughed at him and said he was crazy. Look at what is happening. Israel is 1/6 of 1% of the middle east. The arabs alone have 600 times more land. The muslims were killing Jews when they still had the 'disputed' land; even before Israel existed they were killing Jews.

The Kahanists are the only ones to prevent the giving away of more land to the muslims. The muslims want to force Israel to go back to the "aushwits lines" where Israel is only 6 to 10 miles wide. You cannot defend a land that is only 6 to 10 miles wide. Kahanists are put into 'administrative detention' while they let plo murders go free.
When the muslims were hiding behind trees to kill muslims they didn't kill the terrorists, they removed the trees.
Arafat used to call ehud barak a 'lemon'. Why? He said "Whenever I feel like it I can always sqeeze a little bit more out of him".

All muslims must be deported from Israel. Then there will be peace.
Wilf Mandel
Sorry to disagree, but there is a difference between muslim and islamist jihadi. Unfortunately too many of the former live in fear of the latter (e.g. Anwar Sadat (z"l))
Anwar sadat was a murderous dictator. May he rot in hell.
He was murdered by the same person who blew up the Twin Towers in 1993 and this same omar abdul rahman was connected to the murderer of Rabbi Kahane.

Kahane was right. They must go. It is a Torah commandment to throw the evil nations out of the land of Israel. Especially the ones that deliberately target little babies and children on school busses.
All the muslims support the terrorists and like bush jr said "If you support terrorism you are a terrorist".
People who teach their own children to blow themselves up have no rights they should be killed.
And anyone who in his right mind worships a massmurdering childraper called mohammed should be put into quarantine because islam teaches terrorism. Mohammed was the perfect muslim and all muslims must follow his example. Yasser arafat and bin laden are simply 'good' muslims who follow the koran.
The image of Jesus is that of the eternal pacifist.
The image of mohammed is that of a warlord and a terrorist. There are no good muslims. Their religion is evil and all evil must be opposed.
Diamond smuggling satmar Jews must be opposed. Evil Jews like helen thomas must hbe opposed and rebuked. They are evil.
Peace Now scum who physically attack the brave settlers who protect Israel must be opposed. Million dollar housed bolshevik spoilt brat kapo's that attack heroic settlers are evil and will surely go to hell.
Wilf Mandel
Guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
That's ok. I'm not a muslim.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2010, 03:51:01 PM »
For some reason the link to the video shows another video.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2010, 01:31:29 AM »
"Wilf Mandel
Nothing to gain. Y stooping to their level. Golda's words are still true today: "There will be peace when they learn to love their children more than they hate us.""

Does it matter if that's true or not?

We're not going to sit around and let them murder us all in the hopes that some day that point is reached where they decided to stop killing us.    Until that day, we fight them and kill them first.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2010, 04:44:10 AM »
I would say we have a self-respecting Jew alert (Howard Hyman). Mr Mendel is hardly worth raising an alert as far as self-hating Jews come.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2011, 05:07:39 PM »

Barry Shaw
The people who serve Israel in the Mossad and the Shabak are the unsung heroes of Israel. They are the guardians who put themselves at high risk, often alone and in enemy territory, to keep Israel secure.

Robert Bartholomeus
In this video, a Shabak agent is trying to entrap and frame an innocent Jew in Judea and Samaria - the innocent Jew recorded the conversation. The video also shows a picture of the Shabak agent.


Sheila Silver Raviv
Why show a Shabak operative in a video - it endangers his life and our security

Robert Bartholomeus
Can't you read? He is entrapping a Kahanist Jew.
It was ehud barak who gave arafat the information where he could murder Binyanin and Talya Kahane. You want to protect him too?

Sheila Silver Raviv
Excuse me but there is absolutely no logic to reacting in an aggressive manner or being rude.
Yes I can read and also reason. I suggest you discuss history not fiction on Barry's page and I repeat it is irresponsible, if not treasonable, to... show the face of anyone in the Shabak

Robert Bartholomeus
Returning the Sinai and Gaza the the muslim nazi terrorists endangers Israel a lot more than exposing one evil Jew, yet I do not hear you condemning ariel sharon or peres who wanted to join the arab league...

Robert Bartholomeus
Why don't you condemn the Israeli shabak agent who tries to entrap an innocent Jew?

Robert Soran
I'd love to see Robert Bartholomeus caught not only on video by an (unshown) Shabak officer, but in reality, too, for inciting Jews to Cahanist terrorism. Then I'd say: Bravo, Shabak, you help us get rid of nazionists.

Robert Bartholomeus
Gues what soran, I've been on Dutch national television calling mohammed a childrapist. It's in a documentary about Geert Wilders. How'bout that son?
I've also had my face in 2 prominent Dutch newspapers...

So much for your wet-dream.
Of course, the Kahanists who protect themselves are terrorists.
Jabotinsky was a terrorist as well, as were the Maccabee's.

It is nice that you avoid refuting my reasoning that giving up land to terrorists endangers Jewish life more than anything.
You TOO would send your own son to negotiate with the arab hitler yasser arafat on the same they he had Jewish women and children murdered while they were waiting on a bus.
Your son would also say that arafat "spoke nicely to me from the heart. He has a dream".
You TOO would order the IDF soldiers to shoot with rubber bullets, or to shoot above the head first, wait for them to shoot you, making them sitting ducks.
You TOO are just as big a traitor as was ariel sharon; well he got what he deserved. He got the death penalty.
All the leftist establishement organisation in America admitted that it was Rabbi Kahane who freed the Jews from behind the iron curtain in russia.
Sharon called dead Jews "sacrifices to peace".
In the same way you call blowing up soviet diplomatic cars in the middle of the night to free soviet Jews 'terrorism'.
In nazi germany you would have opposed resistance from Jews and would have called them terrorists.

You defend evil shabak agent entrapping innocent Jews and with that you have made very clear what you are about.

God's blessing is that I can forget about you and I will. The sad part is that you are not even laughable.

Offline The proud Jew

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2011, 05:40:52 PM »
I hope this video damages the shabak's attempts to scare and intimidate a rightous jew

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2011, 05:50:53 PM »
I wish there was a cure to selfhatism.

Offline The proud Jew

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2011, 05:58:34 PM »
There is a cure and that is being upfront and face reality then people will cure there self hatism

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2011, 06:28:45 PM »
Mamlachtiut (state-supremacy worship) is a powerful drug indeed.

It seems some of these people don't understand that Shabak has a JEWISH SECTION.   You might want to elaborate on that further, that they are not just dedicated to stopping arab terror.  The job of the GSS is also to stop rightwing Jews from opposing govt policy.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2011, 03:50:57 PM »
I added that it is a Jewish concept that the state is there to serve the people, not the people serving the state as it was in ancient egypt, but that bald idiot barry shaw removed all comments.

Can anyone give a brief summary what is being said in the video about the shabak agent. I'd like to know what I'm spreading around.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2011, 04:55:17 PM »
I added that it is a Jewish concept that the state is there to serve the people, not the people serving the state as it was in ancient egypt, but that bald idiot barry shaw removed all comments.

Can anyone give a brief summary what is being said in the video about the shabak agent. I'd like to know what I'm spreading around.
OK, this is not an exact transcript but I put here most of what's going on in the tape:

At the start of the audio The shabak agent describes some sort of explosive device. Then he says to a Jew he wouldn't do this, but to one like that (I think he means Raad Salach) he doesn't mind. Then he asks Perlman if he would have done such a thing and Perlman responds that he doesn't want to get involved in troubles and he is afraid. But the agent pursues and asks him what are you afraid of, why would you get in troubles, have you ever got in trouble for anything before ? Then the shabak agent discusses specifically Raad Salach, where he lives and possible ways to get him (i.e a blow up his car). Perlman asks the agent if he has experience in it, and he responds not personally but he saw how it's been done.

Then the agent starts talking "philosophy" in a criminal dialect. He describes his "code" of conduct- he wouldn't sell drugs or shoot old ladies, and he claims he sat in prison because he was accused for something he didn't do and refused to rat on the real offender.

The rest of the conversation is the agent tries to convince Perlman tell him about himself and also guess things about his personality, and again he uses his low level "philosophy". He mentions the mavi marmara and says they should have kill all the passengers and Perlman actually says but why do you say that they didn't all resist... The agent keeps cursing in his gutter talk and names other Arab leaders (Taleb Asanah, Khanin Zuabi) he wished to kill but Perlman doesn't bite the bait.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2011, 05:20:22 PM »
I added that it is a Jewish concept that the state is there to serve the people, not the people serving the state as it was in ancient egypt, but that bald idiot barry shaw removed all comments.

Can anyone give a brief summary what is being said in the video about the shabak agent. I'd like to know what I'm spreading around.
OK, this is not an exact transcript but I put here most of what's going on in the tape:

At the start of the audio The shabak agent describes some sort of explosive device. Then he says to a Jew he wouldn't do this, but to one like that (I think he means Raad Salach) he doesn't mind. Then he asks Perlman if he would have done such a thing and Perlman responds that he doesn't want to get involved in troubles and he is afraid. But the agent pursues and asks him what are you afraid of, why would you get in troubles, have you ever got in trouble for anything before ? Then the shabak agent discusses specifically Raad Salach, where he lives and possible ways to get him (i.e a blow up his car). Perlman asks the agent if he has experience in it, and he responds not personally but he saw how it's been done.

Then the agent starts talking "philosophy" in a criminal dialect. He describes his "code" of conduct- he wouldn't sell drugs or shoot old ladies, and he claims he sat in prison because he was accused for something he didn't do and refused to rat on the real offender.

The rest of the conversation is the agent tries to convince Perlman tell him about himself and also guess things about his personality, and again he uses his low level "philosophy". He mentions the mavi marmara and says they should have kill all the passengers and Perlman actually says but why do you say that they didn't all resist... The agent keeps cursing in his gutter talk and names other Arab leaders (Taleb Asanah, Khanin Zuabi) he wished to kill but Perlman doesn't bite the bait.


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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2011, 04:10:56 PM »

(Unfortunately I tried to keep it civil this time)

Barry Shaw
Israeli Government initiative will offer employers who employ Israeli Arab academics 9000 shekels incentive to give these graduates in accountancy, law, economics, business management, engineering, and pharmaceutical studies a bigger chance in the work market.
This action further confirms the democratic system that is Israel.

Neal Abramson
9K shekels so they can employ Israel hating academics...
Gee ! I,m so happy I can just " Shi'ite " !

Robert Bartholomeus
This is destroying Israel.
They should offer 9000 shekels to get the hell out of Israel or else...

Pierre Rehov's father in algeria was told: "Tomorrow you have to be gone or we will kill you".
The muslims should be treated in exact the same way for their goal is jihad.

Russell Copeland (KAPO-alert)
The thing is though is that we can turn around to the world and say "If Israel is the Apartheid, Nazi State that you make out it is, why then is Israel doing this?" Whereas if we were to treat the Muslims in the same way they treat us, then the world would have just cause to condem Israel.

Robert Bartholomeus
The world condemns Israel anyway.
Rabbi Kahane said:
"I'd rather have a strong Israel that the whole world hates, than an aushwitz that the whole world loves."

Israel is a nation that must stand alone.

Russell Copeland (KAPO-alert)
*sigh* I can see where this is leading.

Robert Bartholomeus
Good for you. I can see where the west's appeasement is leading.

Russell Copeland (KAPO-alert)
I don't appease anyone - I stand up for Israel thank you very much.

Robert Bartholomeus
Well, the effectiveness of whatever you do is at best 'questionable' if you can only come up with
"*sigh* I can see where this is leading".

Russell Copeland (KAPO-alert)
Sorry I'm not so right wing Robert. There isn't much I can actually do than my best. Sorry I'm not as effective as you. But please, do not start insulting me.

Robert Bartholomeus
Where do I insult you?

(waiting... waiting...)

Barry Shaw
Robert. If I may add a comment (it us afterall my fb page) your words and tone to not lead you to win friends and influence people.
However, I think you'll love my book once I manage to get it published.

Shirley Hiller
Hi Robert, Please do not knock yourself out with this guy Russell Copeland, he starts by liking Israel and you gradually get the real side of him, i should know as i had enough of him yesterday on Barry's post which was meant to be about Melanie Phillips. He is rude, does not know what he is talking about and when you get him cornered he runs to his daddy and tells you that daddy is very angry with you. I am not interfering Robert but if anyone does any insulting it is him.
What he said yesterday was a complete joke, his father went to teach the Israeli soldiers how to use guns in 1967 and he also taught them how to fight, as the guy is 61 now this would have made him 17 then. He also thinks that Israel goes over the top when she retaliates.

Shirley Hiller
Hey Russell Copeland, Guess you are up to your tricks again, what is it today? Oh sorry i know it was not Orde Wingate who taught the Jews how to fight by night was it? It was your father again. If you ever insult me like you did yesterday i will see to it that you are not on FB anymore.
And guess what? Israel is still building in Jerusalem that you said belonged to the Arabs. Jerusalem is Jewish, although with your knowledge you will say it is in the Koran, unless you are some kind of magician you will not find it anywhere in that "Holy Book".

Robert Bartholomeus
I have no interest in fb 'friends'. If people do not want to hear what I say I have no problem with that. What I do want however is reason. If you do not agree with me you should argue with reason upon the things I wrote down. If you are unable to do this, please, don't start whining that I'm a bad guy etcetera. When a shabak agent tries to entrap an innocent Jew, he is evil. If someone does not agree with that: fine, but don't accuse me of being the bad guy.

And besides all that, is there anything I have said so far that is not true?

Did the Jews like Rabbi Kahane? Did the ADL like Rabbi Kahane? Did the New York board of Rabbi's like Rabbi Kahane? None of the Jewish establishement liked Rabbi Kahane. None of the Knesset liked Rabbi Kahane, yet everyone with a single ounce of truthfullness has to admit that Rabbi Kahane was right and that his solutions are the only ones that serve justice.
Kicking out scum that deliberately targets babies and women have no place in any country.
Muslims are allowed into the Knesset that openly call for the destruction of Israel in the Knesset itself, yet Rabbi Kahane was banned. Tell me, how does this make sense?
Yasser arafat was allowed into Israel, yet Chaim ben Pesach is not allowed to make Aliyah. How does this make sense?

How does it make sense that the arabs get free water and electricity, but that Jews have to pay for everything.
How does it make sense that the muslims can preach the destruction of Israel throughout the entire country but Noam Federman's wife has to pay 4000 shekels for praising the hero Baruch Goldstein?

Chaim ben Pesach, on a recent show, told the following story:
Rabbi Kahane had a debate with an egyptian. And the egyptian made one interesting comment. He said:
"I understand Rabbi Kahane and Rabbi Kahane understands me, but neither of us understand the Jews".

Rabbi Kahane used to say:
"How can a people so brilliant in music, arts and science be so stupid when it comes to their own survival?"

Rabbi Kahane predicted the 1st intifada. He predicted that 40 years after the establishement of the state of Israel there would be an outburst of muslim violence.

El sayid nosair admitted that they murdered Rabbi Kahane because he was the Big Jew who was alerting everyone and waking people up.

Rabbi Kahane chose truth over harmony and Chaim ben Pesach teaches me to do the same.
I have no interest in anyones approval. Luckily there are people that do agree with me. There seems to be a global awakening of strength amongst righteous people.

Hilda Rothschild
Did you ever have any doubts? Israel is the only democracy in that part of the world. It is so democratic even when it works against themselves

Barry Shaw
Shirley. I have no problem with Russell. His views are reasonable.

Shirley Hiller
Then Barry i suggest that you read his comments to me yesterday on your post, and please let me know if you think his insults were reasonable.

Shirley Hiller
BTW Barry you are most welcome to remove me if you wish, only i am surprised as on your profile you only want those who stand by Israel, and as this guy said that Israel goes over the top when she retaliates, i really do not find him a friend of that little Jewish State. You see i am not and never will be an appeaser to his kind.
So as the saying goes "The ball is in your court."

Hilda Rothschild
I'm with you Shirley

Robert Bartholomeus
Read it and weep:

Barry Shaw
Shirley. I think you interpreted his sarcastic comments as being his take on Israel. Russell stands by Israel. He is involved with us not against us.

Howard Hyman
The govt shoudl give 9,000+ shekels to all arabs who LEAVE Israel

Shirley Hiller
Barry, For sure i did not misinterpret anything that, that guy made comments on. Sure he starts off by saying something good about Israel then he gradually changes his tune, when others disagree with him he accuses them of insulting him, when he is the one who gives out the insults. If you read all his comments do you really think the way he speaks to a woman is correct? As for sure i do not.
I may be sarcastic with people but i have never once used bad language in any form on FB, if i know the true facts of something, Yes i will argue until i am blue in the face and whatever i post is always the truth. The main problem with me is that i do not suffer fools gladly, if there is a chance of educating anyone i will try my hardest to do so, but when others come out with blatant lies they really are not worth my time or effort, and when i am threatened by someone telling me his daddy is very angry, that really gets my back up, as for sure i have been attacked by much bigger people and not on paper, which is a very easy way to try and frighten someone, in my lifetime i have seen an awful lot of violent anti-Semitism here in the UK but along with different groups have never been afraid of getting my hands dirty at a much younger age than this guy Russell whom you seem to shield.
I don't think you have any idea of what has been going on in the past here, the anti-Israel film shows by Vanessa Redgrave, also those by the Israeli traitor Uri Davis and his wife Yuval, the same things at a polytechnic in the West End of London on a regular basis, which were smashed up, oh i know that you never recommend violence, but down to that heavy protest, none of those filthy propaganda films were shown to the public, the only ones that were seen was at the House of Commons and they too were under a lot of protest. We also had the extreme right to deal with, but looking back i guess that they were a piece of cake, compared to the extreme left. There is so much more that i am unable to write. I was deeply saddened at having to return from Israel after five years, but another thing i can say is, that not one penny was taken from the Israeli government everything including my apartment was bought with our own money, the only thing that was received was tax free goods, which were very little. It was me that lost out in Israel as i had to get back here fast naturally i had to sell everything, unfortunately i trusted someone to take everything from my apartment which came to thousands of pounds. I never saw him again.
But nothing will ever stop me from standing by Israel and fighting for her right to exist, also i never go anywhere else but Israel for my holidays, i have no doubt that my family will emigrate to that beautiful little country, until that time comes i have to stay put as they come first.
I get the feeling that you dislike me, also i note that this guy has only one friend from my list, which is you, unlike me i guess you prefer quantity before quality. What i said before still goes, you may remove me if you wish.
Shabbat Shalom.

Alexandra Roth
Yeah, a democratic system that wil go bankrupt soon if it keeps doing it. They have enough financial problems. Those parasites who get this free gift will later leave Israel, come to the US, settle in Michigan and start planning the destruction of the west. Now a wise move.

Hilda Rothschild
I doubt it if they would be satisfied. They'v\d take the money and not
leave. They like Israel's democracy and economic opportunities, something they would never get in any of the Arab countries and certainly not in the Palestinian state they want to have. Staying in Israel would also assure
them of a better chance to take over the country. Sorry for being such a cynic but how else can one view the situation?

Hilda Rothschild
hurray for you Shirley/ Yu have more stamina than for I often have lost
my cool and descended to their level. I applaud you. Bless yu and have a wonderful Shabbat.

Shirley Hiller
Ah Thank you dear Hilda, i always read your comments as i love the truth, which is always great to read. Shabbat Shalom.

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Re: Self-hating Jew alert
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2011, 04:59:11 PM »

Media covering up alleged shooter's liberal politics?
Accused Arizona gunman, Jared Lee Loughner Is the news media deliberately disguising the reported liberal politics of Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in yesterday's fatal shooting that left six dead and gravely injured a U.S. congresswoman? ...

Martin Veart
I'm sorry girl. But the only two posts I have read attempting to politicise this horrible event has been from my friends on the Right.

John Perkins
no cover up, he was not liberal

John Perkins
except in his distribution of bullets ... 31 of them

Martin the Media not our friends..... don't know how your media is covering this in the UK ...but ours is hitting the conservatives and omitting the facts .... JP he wasn't a tea-partier... he was a left-wing nut... is gambling illegal online ? wanna bet :)

John Perkins
Hi T
I love your passion and talent in standing up for your belief and for digging up interesting info, but you really need to take a step back and be more objective. Atlas Shrugs, Drudge Report, Fox news and the like are all right wing press with a lopsided agenda, as much as some others lean the other way. When I watch the news I check out all sides including definitely neutral sources. Think we all need to get to the truth in this situation and much as you might dislike Keith from MSNB, what he said the other night was nuetral in saying both sides need to pull back from the angry, dangerous rhetoric.

Martin is right in saying the dangerous threatening posts have all been from right leaning wingnuts. Some of them on facebook directed at friends of mine and quite insulting toward myself too. Anyways, I appreciate your regular conspiritorial posts :-) sending you big hugs. x

John Perkins
from UK reports .. safe found in suspects residence contained a note saying "I planned my assassination" with the name Giffards on it. also saying second person turned out to be a taxi driver who brought the shooter to the store and that he has apparently been interviewd and cleared.

Robert Bartholomeus
There is no such thing as "definitely neutral sources".
Ever heard of the 'goldstone report' from the United Nazi's?
Of course when their is no more ability to claim the shooter was a rightwing nut, the left says we should be 'less aggressive' in our condemnation.
First they turn him into a Tea Party-racist, and when that doesn't work We The People cannot even show contempt for these communist lies.
How sickening. These disgusting media-leeches are sickening.

If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem.

John Perkins
left wing nuts don't kill left wing politicians ... you guys don't know your left from your right ... no wonder the country is in such a state. If the rhetoric doesn't stop it's headed for civil war 2

Robert Bartholomeus
Muslims don't kill other muslims either...
I'd rather have a civil war than a communist regime. The left has no real moralities so it is too weak to fight for anything.

John Perkins
maybe you prefer Hitler

Robert Bartholomeus
Hitler was a socialist.

John Perkins
see, you guys don't know your left from your right! left is communism - right is fascism! Hitler was a fascist and therefore extreme right! more revisionist history crap ... gee

Robert Bartholomeus
So basically you call Tea Partiers extreme right nazi's.
That makes you a communist. and of course there is nothing fascist about communism...
Both nazism and communism are about government control.
Hitler introduced gunlaws...

The Tea Party is about free enterprise, entrepeneurshipand anti-monopoly laws. Your thesis doesn't work.
the Tea Party is about freedom and want to take it away from them.
There is no way on earth that you will go so out of your way to bother muslims or liberals, and there you have it: you are anti-freedom.
You criticize people who fight for freedom and that says it all.

John Perkins
I'm not partisan at all. actually. I call over dems too if they step over the lines of decency. It should be possible to have civilised discourses without resorting to labelling and name calling!

Robert Bartholomeus
Well, we wouldn't want to hurt someone's feelings now would we?
Even when the recipients are pure lying scum or muslimterrorist-supporters...
Since when is nature decent?

John Perkins
certainly no decency coming from you it seems ... in fact all the nastiness I see is coming from the right of centre. Goodnight

Robert Bartholomeus
Yes, I'm such a bad person. I don't lie or steal tax-money. I don't commit acts of terrorism, I merely tell the truth about leftwing lies and hypocricy and say terrorists should be shot on sight and so I'm guilty of being nasty.
I couldn't care less about people's social delusions.

John Perkins
that's clear and makes you part of the problem :-)


Liberal Smear Machine Backfires After Gunman Found To Be Occultist, Pot-Smoking Left Winger
Paul Joseph Watson | Effort to conflate killer with anti-big government conservatives falls apart.

John Perkins
misinfo .. he was linked with a rightwing white supremacist group who spew violent hate against the government, jews and others ... sounds a bit like Hitler the nazi ;-) One report (not checked) said there was a yellow tea party flag in his place too.

John Perkins
You touched on something yesterday Terri about walking into traps ... well if you are right then the T Parties are acting rather stupidly to spring any trap there could be.

stop stomping your foot on the ground JP ... Left say it! he was a Left wing nut job....... besides this is on~ info wars I thought you loved Alex Jones, only when convenient I see

Yes we are like sheep being lead to the slaughter....

John Perkins
I'm not :-) though if SP gets to be pres I might be in trouble LOL


John Perkins
best T to keep a more sceptical eye on both sides of the house. xx

Tom Welsh T--
OSWALD-Communist Left wing nut job !
Sirhan Sirhan-Communist left wing nut job!

Robert Bartholomeus
The only real 'extreme right' there is are the muslims.
They cling to their 'religion and guns' and the communist obama loves them. He said himself he is 'one of them'.
Also, mein kampf is a bestseller in arabic. Hitler is the only infidel they love.

Sarah Palin will be a disaster for 'the right'. She has endorsed all the most leftist rino candidates including the nazi's ron and rand paul
She also was the nazi Pat Buchanan's 1996 Alaska State Coordinator.
Real right wing free enterprisers must support Allen West or Mike Huckabee.
All the black and white obama supporters are dumb racists who only voted for obama because the media told them to. They were nowhere to be found when Alan Keyes (a genuine black, not some white trash wigger) was running for president.
You are all scum of the earth and not fit for society. Your obscene ignorance is perverse beyond all imagination.

The hypocrisy of the left is most eagerly exposed by the so-called 'anarchists' who supposedly are against 'the government'.
They want a full communist state where opposition is tortured in prison.
Nazism and communism and islam are about government fascism.
The reason why the socialists and rino scum like mccain who ferociously advocated the bombing of the heroic Serbs who were the only ones who helped the Jews during WW2 by telling them "Come join us and fight with us in the mountains", the Jews who did join them mostly were the only Jews to survive, want 3rd world immigration, is because 3rd world people are more easily controllable. Every 3rd world country is a banana republic, corrupt from top to bottom. Chavez and obama are buddies, homey's. They want to turn America into a banana republic by 3rd world immigration.

The only ones who are for real freedom, the free enterprisers, are persecuted as being bigots and racists, rightwing extremists, and of course nazi's.

Here is the communist strategy in a nutshell:

Robert Bartholomeus

WND Exclusive
Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter's curriculum?
High school part of learning community funded jointly by Obama and domestic terrorist
Posted: January 10, 2011
9:59 am Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

Bill Ayers...

John Perkins
See the language of hate and intolerance is still alive and well on your thread T ;-)

Robert Bartholomeus
Communist criticism is all about the 'form' and not the substance.

thanks Robert... great

Robert Bartholomeus

"Loner" Jared Loughner Spoke to Giffords in 2007
Suspected Gunman Believed to Have Tracked, Targeted Congresswoman; Was Known for Making Threats in the Past

Jared Loughner, the suspect accused of killing six people and wounding 13 others Saturday, including Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, was described by
friends and neighbors as a disturbed, pot-smoking loner who lived with his parents......

John Perkins
those parents have been awfully quiet .... no expresseions of regret for their son's actions ... very odd.

Robert Bartholomeus
In the islamic culture relatives of terrorist martyrs PRAISE their relatives.
The communist still have some catching up to do.