Ok peeps. I am not a social Darwinist, a secularist or anything like that, but I like archaelogy and physical anthropology.
I do not want to offend religious people on this forum. I believe in God. I am a religious person, not Christian or Jewish, but my religious outlook is somewhat Hindu-influenced. I like ayurveda and yoga and so forth. I am not a 'hippy', although I come from a travelling background.
There are some very old remains of an ancient civilisation which spread across parts of Germany, Austria and Slovenia. These are people who farmed, lived in huge longhouses of up to 400 people, built temples. These have been recently discovered.
The oldest human remains in Europe, I think, have been Cro-magnon man. He was a very early European.

I think that his ancestors came from the East, and I think that his descendents were the first to exhibit blondism and depigmentation.
I think that Nazis (and others) fetishize blondism because blondism is a genetically recessive characteristic, and those who exhibit blondism are therefore perhaps more likely overall to have fought against outside influences.
According to Carleton Coon, who I follow re: physical anthropology, this is a map of white racial history:

We can see that the most unmixed sub-racial groups are:
Irano-Afghan - 'Aryans' ?
Atlanto-Med - Northern Spain, also an influence along the west coast of Britain
Meditteranid - self-explanatory
Alpinid - Most common in Austria, France and Switzerland
None of these groups typically exhibit a high degree of blondism, regarded by Nazis as a particularly 'aryan' racial trait.
I think that the most stable racial groups were those which specialised more in agriculture.
Interesting isn't it?
The sub-racial group defined as 'Armenoid' is often cited as the one which often gives Jewish people their distinctive, stereotypical look in Europe.