"Hitler, YM"S, only considered Germans to be Aryan. He hated other Indo-Europeans including the real Aryans, whom he considered to be non-white."

hitler was an austrian dessicated deleted.
(That's why he was appealing to NAZICROATS
and all the other NAZIMONGRELS from all over europe.)
hitler DECIDED WHO was "aryan" or not...
thus, you had japanese called by hitler "herrenarier" ("aryans by honor") !!!
You had turkmens engaging in SS DIVISIONS.
You had him working on the extermination
of entire races of indo-Europeans: the Slavs, the Gypsies.
hitler was an ordinary GERMAN RACIST,
not an anthropologist or anything whatsoever similar.
hitler created something that resembled him: NAZISM.
This thing still lives today.
NAZICROATS will proove it in november 2007 in USA proper,
through their NAZICONCERTS of NAZISINGER "thompson".
Here they are, in NAZICROATIA,
during a NAZICONCERT of "thompson":
We discuss, they act, they spread everywhere.