Author Topic: Western economic aid to Muslim nations who hate non-Muslims  (Read 2449 times)

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Western economic aid to Muslim nations who hate non-Muslims
« on: April 29, 2011, 04:20:03 PM »
The Islamic onslaught in Pakistan continues to grow despite this nation being deemed an ally and receiving Western economic aid throughout this land.  The recent floods saw mainly Western nations donating quickly but just like Afghanistan and Iraq it is clear that Muslims still hate religious minorities.

Political leaders in non-Muslim nations keep on telling us how peaceful the religion of Islam is and President Obama says very little about Islamic persecution of minorities.  Instead, President Obama and other political leaders, and many parts of the mass media, desire to not only gloss over reality but they are prepared to lie openly and use quotes that suit their agenda.

In Afghanistan thousands of American troops and other allied forces have been killed for trying to develop and stabilize a nation which is divided by ethnicity, sectarianism, and clan based politics.  However, if one Afghan national desires to openly convert to Christianity or Buddhism or any other non-Muslim faith then they face the death penalty.

Therefore, military troops from America and the United Kingdom, and other allied nations, are dying not for democracy but for maintaining Islamic Sharia law and preserving a nation state which hates Christianity, denies the equality of women, despises all other non-Muslim faiths, and wants to stop all alternative thought patterns that will challenge an Islamic state based on Islamic Sharia law.

In Iraq the Christian community is under siege and this nation which once was based on secular law is now under Islamic Sharia law.  The Christians of Iraq and other minorities like the Mandaeans, Shabaks, and Yazidis, have been abandoned and hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee. Non-Muslims that remain in Iraq feel betrayed and marginalized.

The more economic aid that Afghanistan and Pakistan get then the more Islamized these nations become.  I am not just talking about radical Islamic organizations because it also applies to the institutions of these nations and the Muslim public on a whole which still hates religious pluralism and religious equality.

It is just like Saudi Arabia which is a haven and funder of many Islamic organizations which are spreading hatred.  This nation once was a backward Muslim society where modernization had been crushed by Islamic dogma and Mecca was a dustbowl.  However, the British and then America, and a host of other modern nations, helped this nation to develop.

Yet the thanks that mainly Christian and secular based nations got was more hatred towards all non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia and this culminated with the majority of people being Saudi nationals who did September 11th.  Also, you have mass Saudi funding which is spreading Islamic hatred far and wide and only last week in the United Kingdom it was stated that Saudi funding organizations are teaching hatred in British Muslim schools.

At the same time another majority Muslim nation called Egypt gets enormous amounts of American economic aid but does this help the Coptic Christians?  The answer is no because Coptic Christians are treated negatively in Egypt at best and they suffer discrimination within the judicial process. At worse, Coptic Christian women are raped and forced to convert to Islam and you have killings of Coptic Christians by Muslims who think that it is their define right to kill in the name of Allah.

Turning back to Pakistan then this hatred can be seen by recent events and this applies to a Christian male called Zohab who was forced to convert to Islam after falling in love with a Muslim girl called Anum.  He converted to Islam because of Muslim attacks against local Christians in Balida Town, Karachi.

Like usual the institutions of Pakistan failed the local Christian community just like it fails Hindus, Sikhs, Ahmadiyya Muslims, and others on a daily basis.  Local Muslims had threatened to burn the local Christian church to the ground.

At the same time in Pakistan a Christian female faces the death penalty and Islamic organizations are baying for her blood and like usual many Muslim clerics are joining the bandwagon.  Killing or persecuting in the name of Allah is a daily pastime in many Muslim nations and Asia Bibi, a Christian mother, now awaits her fate after being sentenced to death on accusations of blasphemy for saying something about Mohammed.

Asia Bibi is now in Seikhurura jail but why isn’t Islam being “put in jail” and for that matter why aren’t nations like Afghanistan, Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, and a host of other Islamic based nations being “put in jail?”

However, instead of political Islam and Islamic ways being challenged openly by the democratic world the opposite appears to be happening.  This applies to increasing Muslim immigration to non-Muslim nations and then some nations like the United Kingdom are allowing aspects of Sharia Islamic law to be used in certain courts.

It should be remembered that the vast majority of Muslims from Pakistan in the United Kingdom cared little about Islamic terrorist organizations in the 1960s and 1970s or about Islamic Sharia law. However, the political correct kept on allowing more radical Muslim religious leaders into the country and allowed the Muslim “victim card” to grow in the mass media. Also, liberals like Prince Charles talked openly about the beauty of Islam despite the fact that not one Church of England church is allowed in Saudi Arabia.

B. Raman, a specialist in this field stated in the South Asia Analysis Group, paper number 1767, that “For the last fifteen years, there has been a conflict between the Deobandis and the Barelvis for the control of the mosques and their funds not only in Pakistan, but also in the UK. Previously, the Barelvis used to control the mosques in the UK frequented by immigrants from the sub-continent, but they have since been driven out by the Deobandis and Wahabis. This was the starting point for the radicalisation of the Pakistani-origin Muslims in the UK and in the other countries of West Europe. The ISI (Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence) has been supporting the Sipah-e-Sahaba and the LEJ in Pakistan as well as in West Europe.”

At the moment it is clear that Islam keeps on spreading in many non-Muslim nations because of immigration, mixed marriages, conversions to Islam because of liberal Muslims who are on a hard sell course involving major kitman, the Muslim “victim card” in many media outlets, and Islamic funding from nations like Saudi Arabia is spreading a dual message. This applies to literal Islam and kitman Islam in order to spread the faith.

Despite this the democratic world keeps on sending vast sums of money in order to help mainly Muslim nations and in return for this they still hate non-Muslims and Islamization continues.

It appears that the democratic world is sowing the seeds of its own demise and it is clear that in the past that when Buddhists and Hindus were strong in Afghanistan that they did not understand the nature of Islam.  Once they understood the nature of stealth jihad, kitman, jihad, and Islamic Sharia law, then it was too late because soon all Buddhists and Hindus would face the sword of Islam and this was replicated in many other societies.

Even in modern times it is clear that de-Christianization is ongoing in Kosovo and de-Hinduization is ongoing in Kashmir and Pakistan. The same applies to Buddhists in southern Thailand and a host of other places like the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh where all non-Muslim groups face an Islamic onslaught and the Hindu population in Bangladesh is also in freefall.

Will the democratic world wake up or will they be crushed by liberal and left-wing forces which appear to be on a self-loathing mission while supporting the Muslim “victim card” and notion that Islam means peace?

Or a more alarming comment could be aimed at the political elites within the democratic world for endangering the free world by implementing policies that favored Islam and ignored the reality of political Islam and stealth jihad.  Will these elites ever wake up or are they beyond reach?

Lee Jay Walker
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

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Re: Western economic aid to Muslim nations who hate non-Muslims
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 11:43:11 PM »

Were just funding us to bomb us.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt