Author Topic: !!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!  (Read 1099 times)

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!!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!
« on: February 07, 2011, 10:41:37 PM »
This story is truly disturbing.... Last week we read the Torah portion Terumah, about the commandments given to the Jewish people to build the Mishkan/Tabernacle which is the prototype for the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Today I read that the wicked muslim tyrants who seem to have control of the Temple mount are in the process of destroying Jewish artifacts where most sages agree the Temple Altar once stood.

That Jews can sit back and allow this kind of gross violations of our holiest sites is a desecration of G-ds Holy name. We cannot sit on our hands and allow them to remove the evidence of the Jewish presence at the location of the Holiest of Holiests...

Please let others know that this is taking place. Jews must pressure Israel to stop these kinds of desecrations...

 Digging on Temple Mount 'to Erase Traces of Jewish Altar'
by Gil Ronen
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Muslim religious authorities are concluding a clandestine eight-month dig on the Temple Mount that is intended to erase traces of the Jewish Temple's Altar, Temple activists charge.
The digs have been taking place under the Dome of the Chain, believed to have been built over 1300 years ago. For eight months, the dome - which has a diameter of 14 meters - has been surrounded by a metal fence and black cloth, which hide whatever activity has been going on there from outside inspection. The Muslim Waqf religious authority has claimed the activity is simply a refurbishing of the structure, but refuses adamantly to let Jews or tourists near.
Jewish activists made various attempts to enter the Dome, but met with no success. In the end, the Our Temple Mount news outlet found an Arab who was willing to take photos inside the compound in return for a handsome fee (see below). The man said that it appears the Waqf has already completed its digs and is now covering the dig with dirt.
Our Temple Mount notes that according to Jewish tradition, the place where the Dome of the Chain is located is the spot upon which the sacrificial Altar stood in Temple times. Temple activists said that the Muslim digs are intended to erase the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount.
Photos show the work at different stages:

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Offline Chai

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Re: !!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2011, 11:32:42 PM »
I hate to agree with god on this one but I can see why Jews are loosing control of the Mount and its simply many (not all) Jews forces on the Kotel.
I had to beg my friends to come visit the mount with me with  our halacic tour guide Rav Yehuda Gluck.

The sad this is Jews are permitted on the mount at certain times but dont go rather when I went up there recently me and my crew were the only Jews with skull caps on. Its a shame I even said the shema up there and used my phone to say pslams.

When I went on the mount I wept not because the temple was missing but the fact that my brother and sisters were.

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: !!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 04:47:07 AM »

It is so unbelievable that the Temple Mount is still in the hands of Muslims in a so-called "Jewish state".

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: !!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 10:47:26 AM »
The pictures show the muslim atttempt to "erase history."   And they've done this before too.  Only a cowardly worm would not seize control of these sites.  And we see that cowardly worms have led israel since its founding.

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Re: !!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2011, 11:41:50 AM »
Having a so-called "Mosque" on the Temple Mount is a disgrace.
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

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Re: !!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2011, 02:06:56 PM »
It is so unbelievable that the Temple Mount is still in the hands of Muslims in a so-called "Jewish state".

I know , but is it really? many Jews think its sin to go up there.

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Re: !!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2011, 02:18:02 PM »
I know , but is it really? many Jews think its sin to go up there.

We've been through this... There are places which a Jew can go on the Temple mount which are OK. The only place a Jew is not permitted is to go to the site of the Holy of Holies... According to some of the great sages we know where the Holy of Holies is.... So long as a Jew stays away from that area there should not be a problem going there...

I am sure others here know more about this..

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: !!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2011, 02:26:07 PM »
We've been through this... There are places which a Jew can go on the Temple mount which are OK. The only place a Jew is not permitted is to go to the site of the Holy of Holies... According to some of the great sages we know where the Holy of Holies is.... So long as a Jew stays away from that area there should not be a problem going there...

I am sure others here know more about this..

Considering he went up there he obviously knows that.  But his point is still factual.  Most jews- most religious jews- do not know this reality.  They think its a sin to go up Anywhere.   And there is a reason they think that.  Because a whole bunch of so-called gedolim put their names to a sign that says entry to temple mount -at any location- is strictly forbidden and violators get kareth.   Go there and you will see this sign.  It is incorrect and promotes ignorance but even worse it promotes the govt's agenda to have muslim control of temple mount 

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Re: !!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2011, 02:58:13 PM »

I did not realize that. It is great that Jews are going even though there is a lot of misinformation out there...

Here is what the Temple Mount Institute says concerning this:

Again, the Temple Mount Controversy
by Rabbi Chaim Richman
Jan 25, '05 / 15 Shvat 5765

In recent weeks, the dubious controversy over whether Jews are permitted to ascend to the Temple Mount has again made headlines. Both the Israeli English-language daily "Haaretz" as well as the Jerusalem Post ran stories on the "rabbinical ruling" that declares the Temple Mount off-limits to Jews. Other newspapers throughout the world featured stories on the ban, courtesy of the Associated Press.

Note that in the context of this current controversy, the issue is not political and the ban does not refer to the discriminatory practices of the Israeli security policies. The matter at hand refers to an alleged question of Jewish law.

We refer to this controversy and its public reemergence at this particular time, as "dubious." Some synonyms of the word "dubious" include: doubtful, suspicious, ambiguous, vague, questionable, and imprecise.

All of these adjectives and more can be used to adequately describe the context and background of this issue.

The articles which appeared in Haaretz and in The Jerusalem Post can be seen here. (To give the reader an idea of the widespread coverage which the AP article received, we have also included the articles that appeared in The Times of India and The Washington Post.) To see a fascimile of the original Jerusalem Post article and The Temple Institute's response, click here.

The nature in which both of these articles relate to the facts of this case is extremely misleading. The impression they create is that the most authoritative of Israel's rabbis are against Jewish visits to the Temple Mount, and thus they have issued, with the power of their office, a religious ruling which has the strength to ban Jews from ascending to the site according to the Jewish law. This seems to indicate that these rabbis are speaking with the authority of, and thus, in the voice of, the Torah itself - meaning that the Torah is against Jews ascending to the Temple Mount.

Nothing can be further from the truth. No less of a universally recognized Torah authority than Maimonides himself reckons it as an aspect of the positive commandment of showing reverence for the Temple, to enter into the permitted places of the Temple Mount today. No halachic ruling can change this, and no rabbi or group of rabbis, no matter their stature, have the authority to uproot such a principle.

Furthermore, closer examination of these articles reveals a hodgepodge of prejudices and generalizations that are based neither on Torah law, nor on fact. The rabbis are quoted as saying that "over the years we have lost the exact location of the Temple." This is an inaccurate statement. While a number of opinions do differ over the exact location, the picture is far from muddled; there is a great area upon which one may tread with confidence, far from the sanctified areas, according to all opinions.

The articles also seem to indicate what can best be described as an unhealthy linkage, newly invented, between so-called concerns for Biblical law, and further attempts to discredit the settlement movement (and the entire religious nationalist camp) masquerading as so-called "security concerns." Rabbi Rabinowitz, rabbi of the Western Wall, is quoted as saying that "this comes in response to greater numbers of Jews going up to visit the mount... there is a prohibition against attacking the area and it is a great prohibition. If this (ruling) will influence this, it is a very, very good thing."

What is the meaning of this enigmatic statement? Because of the fact - a blessedly positive development in Israel's history - that Jews are visiting their holiest site in increasing numbers, it became necessary to ban them because "there is a prohibition against attacking the area?!"

Sadly, it seems that there is more involved here than meets the eye, and that political and other considerations may be behind the recent renewal of this ban. We are sorry to report that we have established beyond any doubt, that at least several of the signatories on this recent declaration, deny that their signature was requested...

The article below represents the Temple Institute's official response to this controversy. It was published in its entirety in the Readers' Letters section of the Jerusalem Post on Sunday, January 23rd:

"Chief rabbis prohibit Jews from entering Temple Mount" (Jan. 19) took a minimalistic approach to a complicated and vastly misunderstood issue. Like other matters of complex and erudite Torah knowledge, the subject of the Temple Mount is an area in which one must have an expertise before issuing a judgment. Unfortunately, it is an area of study that has been largely neglected, even by Torah authorities. To say that there is a prohibition against Jews visiting the Temple Mount is misleading and inaccurate, and does a serious injustice to the many religious Jews, great rabbis among them, who do ascend the Mount today in strict accordance with all the requirements of Jewish law, based for example on the previous halachic ruling of the great Radbaz (Rabbi David ben Zimra, 1479-1573). Any religious ruling must be firmly based on Torah law and must be substantiated; authentic rulings cannot be based on opinion, feelings, or alleged security concerns. No group of rabbis have the authority to uproot a Torah law, and according to the "due process" of the formation of halacha, a religious ruling must be based on sources. It should be noted that the great codifier Maimonides establishes as a positive commandment that showing proper reverance (morah mikdash) to the holy site of the Temple Mount even in its present state of disrepair means, for example, "entering into the permitted areas" (Maim. Hilchot Beit HaBechira Ch. 7, 7). Indeed, Maimonidies himself - in the tradition of the great sages of Israel - ascended to the Temple Mount, in spite of great personal danger, and prayed there. He gives the date as the sixth day of Cheshvan and writes that he was so moved to have "entered into the great and holy house and prayed there on the sixth of Cheshvan... and I vowed an oath, that I will always celebrate this day as a personal festival, to be marked by prayer and rejoicing in G-d, and by a festive meal (Maimonides, Letters).

Anyone seeking information regarding how to ascend the Temple Mount in accordance with Jewish law may contact us at [email protected]. Further information is available at

Rabbi Chaim Richman
Director, The International Department
The Temple Institute
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Re: !!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2011, 03:36:13 PM »
I would love to go up there..except for one thing:

My wife won't let me.

Bezerat H'shem one day we all will in the glory of the Third Temple.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Chai

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Re: !!!Dirty Muslims Accelerate Desecration of Temple Mount!!!
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2011, 02:38:47 AM »
I would love to go up there..except for one thing:

My wife won't let me.

Bezerat H'shem one day we all will in the glory of the Third Temple.

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If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein