You know, I hate to say this, but I feel like I really have to. It comes from the bottom of my heart, it may be a little offensive, but, anyway...
We all know that America is in a lot of trouble now, but you know what? - the American people, are the ones to blame! You - the white majority of the United States.. You - the white, passive, careless, weak, politically-corect and ''tolerant'', you brought this mess upon yourselves! And especially the idiotic liberal Jews and other liberals who supported that satanic socialist Obama! You don't really care about your country, you are nothing compared to your parents and grandparents. your ancestors built such a wonderful country, a country of unity, equality and above all - freedom! A wonderful country that was founded by a group of some of the best people who ever lived - the founding fathers, may they rest in peace. The founding fathers' legacy is being twisted totally, what a disgrace.
And now you lose it all! You are losing your country to illegal aliens who come into your country by the millions, and to housing-projects' affirmative action scum such as ''president'' Obama and his illegitimate homies & bros. You better wake up before your country becomes a total joke... it's already in a terribly bad shape. I am young, so I can't tell, but my parents lived and studied in New York back in the 60's they said it was a great city once, and a safe city. Now, it looks like hell! Some parts of it look like a nasty nighborhood in Nigeria or Tanzania! I visited L.A, and there are areas there, where you can't go at night, without being attacked by some gang of black savages or hispanic crooks. and most of the criminals AREN'T caucasian Americans... isn't it strange?
In the bottom line, stop your indifference, stop this terrible apathy! Start doing something. I really love America, and although America pressures Israel to give up land to the Arabs, I know that there are many good people there. Your government is evil, not the people.
God bless America!