Shalom Shalom Chaim:
Below are excerpts from a paper I had to read aloud to an elective class I’m in; it was refuting the claims made by the radical left that the acquittal of the officers who beat that baboon R. King made killing, raping, and looting justified by citing the behavior of the savages on Rav Kahana’s jury and Rosenbaum’s jury. A pretty Cuban girl complemented me as did many other girls, except for a cucaracha:
“Two separate prominent cases of institutional anti-White and anti-Semitic jury-rigging are found in the murder of a controversial Rabbi and Australian Yeshiva student. On December 21, 1991, months before the Rodney King verdict, the murderer of Rav Meir Kahane, El Sayyid Nosair, was acquitted of murder by a Manhattan jury, a jury that even the defendant’s attorney described as “third-world.” This verdict was in spite of the fact that Rav Kahane was shot only “moments after giving a speech at the Marriott East Side Hotel,” and in spite of the fact that Nosair was simultaneously “convict[ed] of firing and possessing the murder weapon,” which was a result of the ensuing struggle to subdue Nosair just subsequent his shooting of the Rabbi. Though Nosair would eventually be convicted for “plotting to blow up New York City landmarks,” his associates were convicted of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
“Another case involving racial hate was the stabbing of Yankel Rosenbaum, an Australian Yeshiva student, during the Crown Heights Pogrom. The defendant, Lemrick Nelson Jr., was identified by Rosenbaum just before he breathed his last. Additionally, the “murder weapon was in [Nelson’s] pocket” and detectives contend, “Nelson had confessed twice to different detectives.” Nelson was acquitted in 1992 by a jury composed “of 5 men and 7 women, of which 6 [were] black, 4 Hispanic and 2 white.” Following the acquittal, the jury felt it appropriate to attend a dinner with Nelson and his attorneys. After being subsequently overturned in 2002 because “the trial judge had picked the jury improperly, setting the stage for the retrial in United States District Court,” a jury “made up of eight blacks, two whites, and two immigrants from Guyana” found Nelson only guilty of “violating the civil rights” of Rosenbaum.” Despite this injustice, the Hasidic community in Crown Heights did not riot, loot, or kill.
“While doublethink is demanded regarding the guilt of the murderers of Nicole Brown, Rabbi Kahana, Yankel Rosenbaum, et al., the newspapers respond to the verdict acquitting the police in the Rodney King case by releasing the addresses of the jurors ; for what reason would they do this except to attempt to engender the murder of innocent jurors? Furthermore, the two examples of minority juries during this same time—one of which was before the King verdict—arriving at verdicts that were flagrantly removed from any notion of justice casts doubt upon the claims portraying the court system as an anti-black vehicle of oppression.”
Your comments, please.
PS: Those Jew-hating jurors should be electrocuted to death. AMEN!
Gd bless!
Apostolos (Απόστολος)