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Ask JTF For Motza'ei Yom Tov Sukkot, October 8.

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Shalom Chaim.

What is JTF's opinion on stem-cell research?

If aspects of stem-cell research are consistent with a pro-life philosophy, would JTF embrace this when it (G-d willing) comes to power?

Thank you,


Yacov Menashe adds: A fetus under Jewish Law is life after 30 days. Stem cells therefore are not an issue of murder. The same stem cells would have been disregarded. On the contrary, it is a mitzvah to use them to save human lives.

Hi Chaim,

Are there any other Jewish leaders besides Rabbi Kahane that young Jews can look up to as a role model. Unfortunately it looks like you don't care much for the majority of Jewish leaders of both past and present.


--- Quote ---Unfortunately it looks like you don't care much for the majority of Jewish leaders of both past and present.
--- End quote ---
Unfortunately, none of the past and present Jewish leaders are much to care for.

Shalom Chaim, I wanted to pose a question to you since my area of specialty is Marketing and Business Strategies.  What do you think about the idea of putting most of JTF's attention to building up its more "Progressive/Moderate" VJA, or so you let on?  Let me explain myself.  The reason I ask this is because I feel that by creating a very professional website for VJA comparable to most of the major "Jewish" CJC, AJC, Wiesenthal and other mainstream news sites Fox, CNN/charity etc. etc. with various news articles about the real situation with collections of articles taken from Conservative/Pro-Israel mediums with Judaica and links to other Israel and Jewish Charity groups including a well presented banner/link to JTF.  I think by promoting VJA, in a mainstream/professional sort of way with the “intention” of distancing itself from JTF as a Jewish Charity Group, I am pretty much positive this “change” of perception and “distancing” itself from JTF will both allow your banners/links to go onto mainstream Jewish Sites/News sites like Arutz Sheva, Israel Insider, JPost, HonestReporting, AmericanCongressForTruth, WorldNetDaily.  I think by presenting VJA as a “moderate” Jewish education/charity group it will widely open the door for JTF.  There will be nothing JTF in the banner/link for VJA on any other site.  Those who come to VJA to learn about Jewish living, charity, news, history etc. will then be presented with an attractive banner for JTF.  Once the person goes to JTF they will see the Kahana/Real Jewish education/action.  I feel that by doing so will not only increase awareness in VJA but also JTF indirectly.  Presenting VJA as a professional, perhaps using women because they seem more "marketable" these days to men, especially right wing "extremists" would too add to business marketablity.  Most of the “mainstream” news or other mediums see “JTF” as an “extremist” group but not VJA from my understanding.  VJA would be far more promotable/ marketable and in the end JTF will be expanded both ideologically and economically.  You might even have a VJA lady approach every little Jewish "Community" Center to place little posters up in their offices or adverts in their "Jewish" News or even links on their own little websites?  Just a suggestion for you all there to ponder and kibbitz over.  Zei gezunt un shtark!  MarZutra.

Christian Zionist:

When Prophet Elijah was taken to Heaven Prophet Elisha inherited his position and started carrying his mantle.  Elisha got the double portion of Elijah's Spiritual Power. Likewise you are the one who is carrying Rabbi Kahane's mantle now and I believe you will accomplish more things in your life time than the old JDL.  Now my question is how did you hear about Rabbi Kahane's death?  Who informed you about his death?  What was your immediate reaction and how did you ventilate your feelings?  How was your mood on that day?


Christian Zionist.


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