Israel > Save Israel
Man Arrested for Blowing Shofar at Western Wall
Gee...Imagine how weird it is for a Jewish man to do a traditional Jewish activity in a Jewish country. The absolute horror of it all! (gasp..)
That is so sick... uuhh... what is wrong with these fools? Israel is in serious trouble... and it's JEWS IN GOVERNMENT DOING IT! The insanity of it all! G-d help us all...
Despicable thuggery. If I were there, I would have made sure at least several
of these Nazi S.S. stormtroopers were sent to the hospital with broken bones,
noses and teeth.
This is disgusting, it's bad enough that they allow that abomination to stand on temple mount, but now this?
What is going on? This is sick.
Next thing we know they'll probably be tearing down the western wall in order to enlarge that abomination, or maybe they'll be banning Jews from Israel.
Unbelievable!!! Honestly, what causes this!? I feel that it is a test from God.
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