http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/207490.php nice vid with above link the libyan soldier who surrendered being beheaded by obama and the State Depts. Friends
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April 22, 2011
Savage Beheading Reprise: Libyan Rebels Behead Captured Surrendered Soldier
Yes I hear John McCain is going to meet with these people today.
Below the fold is the latest rage amongst the rebel supporters. A video in which they chant Allahu Ackbar as they saw off a Libyan regime soldiers' head.
These are our "new friends"?
Warning! the video is very graphic. But the Muslims seem to get off on it. Especially at the end when the "executioner" resorts to swinging his knife because he has trouble getting through the spine.
Update: Reports are now that the soldier was not captured, he surrendered. Even worse.
If you think they called the US war criminals before, just wait till we bed down these idiots.
I'm not kidding please do not watch unless you are over 18. Graphic beheading, uncensored Islamic savagery.