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White House releases Obama birth certificate
« on: April 27, 2011, 09:58:25 AM »
White House releases Obama birth certificate

(AP) – 30 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House released the long form of President Barack Obama's birth certificate Wednesday in response to questions about whether he was really born in the U.S.

The certificate says Obama was born in Hawaii, which makes him eligible to hold the office of president. Obama released a standard short form before he was elected in 2008, but requested copies of his original birth certificate from Hawaii officials this week in hopes of quieting the lingering controversy.

White House spokesman Jay Carney says Obama felt the debate over his birthplace had become a "sideshow" that was bad for the country and political debate.

White House officials have said the issue was settled long ago. But so-called "birthers" opposed to Obama have kept the issue alive. Potential Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump recently began questioning why Obama hadn't ensured the long form was released.

"The president feels this was bad for the country, that it's not healthy for our political debate," Carney said in releasing copies of the long form to reporters.

The certificate is signed by the delivery doctor, Obama's mother and the local registrar. His mother, then 18, signed her name (Stanley) Ann Dunham Obama.

The form says Barack Hussein Obama II was born at 7:24 p.m. on Aug. 4, 1961, at Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital, within the city limits of Honolulu.

There's no mention of religion. It says his father Barack Hussein Obama, age 25, was African and born in Kenya and his mother was Caucasian and born in Wichita, Kan. Obama's mother and the doctor signed the certificate on Aug. 7 and 8.

Hawaii's registrar certified the new photocopy of the document provided to the White House on April 25, 2011.

Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Offline Ithaca-37

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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2011, 10:34:22 AM »
This whole business is bizarre:  Why was this document not released years ago?  That would have headed-off all this debate.  And why was it released now?  In terms of political advantage, this would have worked better in late summer 2012.  As it is, Trump is taking credit for forcing Obama's hand, and now he's calling for release of Obama's academic records.

Again, I find this really odd.


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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2011, 02:17:57 PM »
This doesn't make sense to me. If it was this easy as others have said why didn't he release it before? Also there's the troubling detail that his father's race is listed as "African". Is that what they would have called it back then? Didn't David ben Moshe point out a while back that back in the 60s it would have been listed as negro, not African?

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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2011, 07:51:20 PM »
The following is Pastor Manning's commentary:

I'm convinced that there was at least some fraud regarding today's released Certificate of Birth.      Rubystars'  illustration of the word ' African'  being used instead of ' Negro'  comes to mind immediately as the overt fraud that took place.
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2011, 09:22:45 PM »
This doesn't make sense to me. If it was this easy as others have said why didn't he release it before? Also there's the troubling detail that his father's race is listed as "African". Is that what they would have called it back then? Didn't David ben Moshe point out a while back that back in the 60s it would have been listed as negro, not African?

His father was actually from Africa, not an African American. 

I always thought the issue was a waste of time.  I have no idea why Obama did not release this years ago.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2011, 03:02:40 AM »
His ego prevented this.

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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2011, 04:55:28 AM »

This is an image of a portion of Obama's birth certificate blown up to 300%.  Does anyone else think it's fishy that there is a WHITE BACKGROUND behind all printing.  Notice where they typed in HUSSEIN.  Has anyone ever seen a typewriter that masks the background of the paper and replaces it with white!?

Hassan Nurulluh just called me and asked me to go to and download the official copy of the birth certificate.  I did and didn't see anything unusual.  But while we were talking I started playing around with it and blew it up to 300% of its original size.  That's when I noticed a white background behind all the writing!

The white background is behind the writing that is printed on the paper itself.  And it's behind letters that were ostensibly typed onto the paper.  Now, I don't know any typewriter that puts a white background behind every letter it types.  And I've never seen a printed form that puts a white background behind all the letters.

Then Hassan told me something very unusual that he just noticed.  Being a graphic artist, he opened the pdf file in Adobe Illustrator and he suddenly noticed that there were LAYERS in the file.  Normally in an image file like this you get the processed version... i.e. it's all one flat layer.  But in a layered file you can remove or add various elements.

Here is a copy of this file - straight from the White House's website, viewed in Adobe Illustrator - with the TEXT LAYER REMOVED.

 Almost all of the text on this image was produced in a separate layer and can be easily removed or added.

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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2011, 04:56:08 AM »

Trump 'So Proud,' 'So Honored' Obama Released Birth Certificate
Published April 27, 2011|
Donald Trump, whose popularity as a possible Republican presidential contender shot up after he started questioning the whereabouts of President Obama's birth certificate, said Wednesday he is "so proud" the president has finally released the forms.

"I am so proud of myself because I've accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish," Trump said from Portsmouth, N.H., where he was giving early primary voters a close-up look at a potential presidential campaign.

"I feel I've accomplished something really, really important and I'm honored for it," Trump said.

The billionaire real estate mogul and host of "Celebrity Apprentice" brought the issue of the president's birth certificate to the forefront after years of complaints from a small segment of society, come to be known as "birthers," who said it is not satisfied with the short-form version of the president's certificate provided during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Trump, who suggested he may run as a Republican challenger to the president, fed the story as reporters repeatedly asked about his interest in the certificate. Polls showed that Trump was capturing people's imaginations as his position in Republican presidential candidate polls rose. At the same time, more and more Americans surveyed said they questioned the president's birthplace.

A Gallup/USA Today poll released Tuesday found that only 38 percent of Americans said they believe Obama was definitely born in the United States while 18 percent said he probably was and 15 percent said he probably was born in another country. Nine percent said he definitely was born elsewhere. The same poll showed only 43 percent believed Trump was born in the United States and 20 percent said he probably was.

Trump, who released his birth certificate last month, said the issue was very relevant, especially since so many other topics are being clouded by the distraction.

"I hope it checks out beautifully. ... Now we can talk about oil, gasoline prices. We can talk about China ripping off this country. We can talk about OPEC doing numbers on us," he said.

Trump's position is similar to the White House's reasoning when it surprised reporters Wednesday morning with copies of the two-page, long-form certification of live birth issued by the state of Hawaii. It shows the president was born Aug. 4, 1961, at Kapiolani Hospital in Honolulu to father Barack Hussein Obama and mother Stanley Ann Dunham.

Speaking Wednesday, Obama said he decided to release the certificate because he wanted to put to rest the gossip, which has sidetracked major issues like the economy.

"We do not have time for this kind of silliness. I've got better stuff to do," said Obama.

Trump said that he hopes the certificate is real and true "because we have very big problems in this country." He added that the president should have released the document sooner.

"It is rather amazing that all of a sudden it materializes, but I hope it's the right deal, for sure,
experts will look at it, and I am really happy and I'm really proud that I was able to bring this to a point nobody else was," Trump said.

Despite his pride, Trump said he isn't done asking questions, though they perhaps are of lesser consequence than Obama's eligibility to be president.

"I'd like to know how does he get into Harvard, how does he get into Columbia if he isn't a very good student," Trump said, asking why the president doesn't release his college records from Occidental College.

"If he wants to release it that's fine, if he doesn't want to release it that's fine too. But the word is he wasn't a very good student," Trump added.

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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2011, 06:04:25 AM »
That's a great commentary by Pastor Manning.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2011, 06:19:30 AM »

[click link for video]

Boost for birthers as poll reveals only 38% of Americans believe Obama was born in U.S. (but it isn't much higher for Trump).

His apparent obsession with seeing the president's birth certificate has attracted the wrath of politicians and actors - not least Robert De Niro, who likened him to a 'car salesman'.
But Donald Trump's relentless birther campaign received a significant boost today when a poll revealed fewer than four in ten American voters believe Barack Obama was definitely born in the U.S.
But the poll showed Mr Trump's own background is also under the spotlight - fewer than half those who completed it said they were sure he was born on American soil.
The results emerged as the entrepreneur - and potential 2012 presidential candidate - hit back at Godfather star De Niro, calling him 'not the brightest bulb on the planet.'

The 64-year-old property tycoon also suggested in an interview today that President Barack Obama was a poor student who did not deserve to be admitted into the Ivy League universities he attended.
His high-profile allegations about the president's origins appear to have gained traction with voters, with 38 per cent saying they are not convinced he was born in America, according to the USA Today-commissioned poll.
But the poll also revealed a blow to Mr Trump's White House ambitions.
Despite the fact the Celebrity Apprentice star scores top of Republican polls for 2012 presidential nominations, 50 per cent of Americans, including 31 per cent of Republicans, said he would make a 'poor' or 'terrible' president.

It seems the birther issue isn't driving support for Mr Trump, either. Among those who say they definitely or might vote for Mr Trump just a third question Mr Obama's birthplace.
According to the poll, voters who believe the president wasn't born in Hawaii tend to support Mr Trump's Republican rivals Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee.
He became embroiled in an unlikely slanging match with De Niro this week after the Hollywood star added his voice to a growing band of celebrities and political figures  who are slamming Mr Trump for his birther 'obsession'.
When Mr Trump was asked to comment on the criticism, he went on the offensive, telling Fox News 'well, he's not the brightest bulb in the planet.'

He added: 'I have been watching over the years and I like his acting, but in terms of when I watch him doing interviews and various other things, we are not dealing with Albert Einstein.
'He can say what he wants, but the fact is [Mr Obama] has not revealed his birth certificate.'
De Niro was interviewed by NBC News anchor Brian Williams at the Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday.
The actor said: 'I won't mention names, but there are certain people on the news in the last couple of weeks - what they're doing is crazy.
'They're making statements about people that they don't even back up. Go get the facts before you start saying things about people.'
When Mr Williams asked whether 'any of those people have shows on my network on Sunday night?' - a reference to Mr Trump's Celebrity Apprentice - De Niro replied: 'Yes. It's like a big hustle. It's like being a car salesman.
'Don't go out there and say things unless you can back them up. How dare you? It's awful. Just go out there and speak and say these terrible things? It's crazy.'
Mr Trump has also been criticised by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and comedian Jerry Seinfeld, who pulled out of an event with Mr Trump over the issue.

Today the entrepreneur offered no proof for his claim about Mr Obama's grades, but said he would continue to press the matter as he had the legitimacy of the president's birth certificate.
Mr Trump said: 'I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard? I'm thinking about it, I'm certainly looking into it. Let him show his records.'
Mr Obama graduated from Columbia University in New York in 1983 with a degree in political science after transferring from Occidental College in California. He went on to Harvard Law School, where he graduated magna cum laude 1991 and was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.
Mr Obama's 2008 campaign did not release his college transcripts, and in his best-selling memoir, Dreams From My Father, Mr Obama indicated he hadn't always been an academic star.
Mr Trump said Mr Obama's refusal to release his college grades was part of a pattern of concealing information about himself.
He added: 'I have friends who have smart sons with great marks, great boards, great everything and they can't get into Harvard.
'We don't know a thing about this guy. There are a lot of questions that are unanswered about our president.'
The truth at last? Investigation claims president WAS born in Hawaii
The birther campaign was seriously undermined last night by an in-depth CNN investigation, which appeared to offer final proof the president was born in Hawaii.
Interviewers travelled to Hawaii, where they spoke to Dr Chiyome Fukino, a former director of the state's Department of Health - and staunch Republican.
In her first TV interview, she said she has seen the long-form version of his birth certificate in the department's vaults and has 'no doubt' Mr Obama was born in the state.
She said the certificate is 'absolutely authentic... he was absolutely born here in the state of Hawaii.'

It counters an allegation made by Mr Trump in an interview with the channel last night, when he claimed the certificate was missing - but wouldn't say how he knew.
Supporters of the conspiracy claim only this is legal proof of his birth, dismissing the computer generated 'certification of live birth' he released during the 2008 election campaign.
But officials told CNN the fuller version is in fact no longer legally accepted, and can only be obtained by a lengthy Freedom of Information request.

When any Hawaiian citizen asks for a copy of their birth certificate they receive the same short-form computer generated version as Mr Obama, certified for all legal purposes.
The channel even took a Hawaiian man born the day after Mr Obama to pick up a copy of his birth certificate. Like Mr Obama, Stig Waidelich was given a computer generated version.
His birth was advertised in the same August 1961 edition of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin as Mr Obama's, an announcement many birthers have condemned as fake.
But CNN spoke to a long-time reporter on the newspaper, Dan Nakaso, who said it wasn't possible because information came directly from the Department of Health.
Interviewers also spoke to people on the island who remember Mr Obama being born, including state governor Neil Abercrombie, who once again recalled celebrating his birth.
Mr Waidelich's mother, Monika, said she believes she saw the future president in Honolulu's Kapi'olani Medical Center next to her son. She said: 'In those days, there were hardly any other black babies.'
Professor Alice Dewey, a faculty advisor to his mother, Ann Dunham, at the University of Hawaii, recalled a conversation in which Mrs Dunham compared the birth of Mr Obama to that of his sister, Maya.
The professor said: 'She said, "When I had Maya, it was a lot of more difficult because Indonesia doesn't believe in painkillers while you're giving birth. ... Of course, in the United States, giving birth to Barry (Obama's childhood nickname) was quite different and much more comfortable.".'

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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2011, 07:02:59 AM »
   I can't help but notice that the mother was only 18 when she gave birth while the father was 25. This means they were probably sleeping around when she was a minor. Does a 24 year old Schwartza sleeping with a 17 year old white woman sound right?

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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2011, 11:21:48 AM »
This is explains how it was altered:

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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2011, 11:35:17 AM »
I know Hussein is a Habitual unrepentant impostor, for the couple of million he had a muslim forger do a job on it.AlQaeda i hear does good forgeries. Check out the numbered mistakes
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 11:43:29 AM by mord »
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Re: White House releases Obama birth certificate
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2011, 04:00:51 PM »

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama?

Today, Barack Obama blinked – releasing birth records he has hired lawyers to prevent the public from seeing, even at the expense of allowing U.S. Army Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin to be court-martialed and sent to prison for having dared ask questions the White House until now has resolutely dismissed with ridicule and disdain.

A key problem for Obama is that birth certificates issued to twin girls born one day later at Kapi'olani hospital, the Nordykes, are the Rosetta Stone of deciphering both Obama's previously released short-form Certification of Live Birth and the newly released purported copy of his long-form birth certificate.

The problem since the short-form certificate was released during the 2008 presidential campaign has always been this:

As WND reported, the long-form birth certificates issued by Kapi'olani to the Nordyke twins have certificate numbers lower than the number given Obama, even though the president purportedly was born at the same hospital a day earlier than the Nordykes.
Note, Susan Nordyke, the first twin, was born at 2:12 p.m. Hawaii time Aug. 5, 1961, and was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10637, which was filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961.

Gretchen Nordyke, the second twin, was born at 2:17 p.m. Hawaii time Aug. 5, 1961, and was given certificate No. 151 – 61 – 10638, which was also filed with the Hawaii registrar Aug. 11, 1961.

Yet, according to the Certification of Live Birth displayed by during the 2008 presidential campaign – and now according to the long-form birth certificate the White House released today – Barack Obama was given a higher certificate number than the Nordykes.

Note, Obama was given certificate No. 151 – 1961 – 10641, even though he was born Aug. 4, 1961, the day before the Nordyke twins, and his birth was registered with the Hawaii Department of Health registrar three days earlier, Aug. 8, 1961.
In 1961, the birth certificate numbers were not assigned by the hospitals.

Instead, the numbers were stamped to the birth record by the Hawaii Department of Health at the main office in Honolulu.

This is the only place birth certificate numbers were assigned.

At the last step of the process, the documents were accepted by the registrar general, with the date of registration inserted in box No. 22 on the lower right hand corner of the long-form birth certificate.

The date the birth document was accepted by the registrar general was the date the birth certificate number was stamped on the birth record.

The birth certificate number was stamped on the form by a rubber stamp that automatically increased by one each time a birth certificate was stamped.

The question, therefore, is how was it possible that the Nordyke twins had their birth certificates accepted by the registrar general in Hawaii three days later than the registrar general accepted Obama's birth certificate, when the twins' numbers are lower than Obama's number?

Here are the Nordyke twins birth certificates:

Eleanor Nordyke has speculated that her twins received an earlier birth certificate number because, although she gave birth later than Ann Dunham, she entered Kapi'olani earlier.

Yet, in 1961, birth certificate numbers were not assigned by the hospital, and the date the mother checked into the medical facility was irrelevant to how birth certificate numbers were assigned.

Moreover, no records for Dunham having been a patient at Kapi'olani in 1961, or of Obama having been born at the hospital on Aug. 4, 1961, have been released by the hospital.

Now that President Obama has personally vouched for the authenticity of the birth certificate the White House released today, he can reasonably be asked to authorize Kapi'olani Medical Center to release any and all medical records the hospital may hold for his mother and Barack Obama Sr., his listed father.

The debate over Obama's eligibility to be president has truly only just begun, with Obama's status having changed overnight from a bemused observer to a full-contact participant.

Two weeks before the publication of my book "Where's the Birth Certificate?" the effort to document Obama's past has begun in earnest.

Fundamentally, the world changed for Barack Obama this morning, not just in increasing pressure for the release of the many hidden documents about his past, but in the inescapable reality that the White House must defend this newly released birth certificate as authentic.

Before today, Obama may have attempted to explain away problems with the short-form Certification of Live Birth as the work of his supporters.

Before today, the president largely remained above the fray. Now, he has fully engaged in the presentation and defense of his birth records and his status as a "natural born citizen" under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

Obama's presidency now depends upon the White House being able to support the veracity of all the information contained in the birth document released yesterday morning.

In the final analysis, proof that the document is an authentic Obama birth record will await forensic examination.

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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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