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Ask JTF for Sunday, May 8, 2011
Irish Zionist:
Dear Chaim,
Here are the zootube questions.
From: jaylyrikal
Well in fact it shows that the only Democratic nation in Middle East is the most un-democratic and brutal nation. Rights? What rights? Even Israelis lack the basic Right of freedom of speech, if by any chance any Israeli Jew raise his concern against the Zionist atrocities, he ends up in court and ultimately in Jail on the charges of planning the destruction of State.
From: bdoakes
I am a Muslim I hate the Zionists, not the Jews ... Zionists are anti - Semitic and very much think the whole world belongs to them. Respect to Orthodox Jews and curses to the Zionists.
From: vidaloca07
The Jews have been collaborators of basically every enemy of Poland at least since 1795 to this day. What nation hates and derides Poles and Poland most in the world? Jews!
From: BlessedBeTheTruth
The international Jewish supremacists owe the descendants of West Africans untold billions of dollars in slave reparations but refuse to pay out. Instead the phoney "Holocaust" was manufactured so that the Jews could steal away the coveted "ultimate victim" crown from those same Africans. The WWII victors made themselves complicit in the fraud to ensure that the Jewish-owned media outlets would help conceal the cruel savagery that was performed against the Germans and Japanese.
G_d Bless you, your loved ones and Israel.
Dear Chaim,
I have two questions for this week.
1) In one of your previous programs, you said that Jews are not allowed to celebrate the New Year on January 1. Why is it so? I've always thought that the New Year was a secular holiday, not related to any specific religion.
Also, more generally: are Jews allowed to celebrate the secular holidays of other nations? For instance: are Jews who live in the US allowed to celebrate the Fourth of July? Are Jews who live in France allowed to celebrate the 14th of July (the day of the French Revolution)? - etc.
2) Do you enjoy classical music? If so, who is your favorite classical composer? And what is your favorite piece of classical music?
Thank you for your answers
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