Author Topic: The Politically Correct Guide to Global Warming  (Read 1818 times)

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Offline RationalThought110

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The Politically Correct Guide to Global Warming
« on: June 12, 2007, 08:39:42 PM »
You should go to and register an e-mail address to receive free articles.  Here's a sample of what they'll send you: 

"But now, one man is defying their campaign of intimidation by revealing the junk science -- and hidden political motives -- behind the phoniest environmental scare in decades.

READ ON to discover how you can get your free copy of Christopher Horner's truth-telling exposé, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming...

Dear Fellow Conservative:

If you don't read Human Events, you probably didn't hear about it. And be warned: it will make you furious.

Here's what happened. Last October, two liberal U.S. Senators, Jay Rockefeller and Olympia Snowe, sent a letter to ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson.

The letter's message: start toeing the party line on "global warming" -- or else.

You see, in recent years ExxonMobil has had the audacity to help fund organizations that question the so-called "scientific consensus" on man-made global warming.

That won't do, said the senators. All debate about global warming must stop, and ExxonMobil should "end its dangerous support of the [global warming] 'deniers.'" (Remind you of "Holocaust deniers"? It's supposed to.)

But that wasn't all. The senators further demanded that ExxonMobil do penance for its past support of the "climate change denial myth" by spending equivalent sums on "global remediation efforts."

In other words, don't just shut up. Pay up.

Of course, the Senators knew better than to make their threats explicit. So they slyly remarked how ExxonMobil's "strategies" were "all-too reminiscent of those used by the tobacco industry for so many years." (My emphasis.)

And you wouldn't want government to do to you what it did to the tobacco companies, now would you, Mr. Tillerson?

Now, here's the worst thing about this brazen effort to silence free speech. It worked.

That's right. ExxonMobil has since announced that it is no longer funding the half-dozen or so organizations raising doubts about man-made global warming.

I'm Tom Winter, editor of Human Events. Fortunately, not everyone is as easily intimidated by government threats as the corporate bigwigs at ExxonMobil.

Not Human Events. And not Christopher Horner -- author of brand-new bestseller, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming.

And now, I'm pleased to offer you a FREE complimentary copy of Mr. Horner's bravely outspoken book just for trying Human Events risk-free.


Thomas S. Winter
Editor in Chief, HUMAN EVENTS     "

They've also written a book about Islam. 

"P.S. Here is how to tick off a liberal...just subscribe to HUMAN EVENTS today! (And you'll receive a FREE copy of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism) -- a $27.95 value.)
P.P.S. Make a liberal even madder by subscribing for 70-weeks and also get -- absolutely free -- the best-selling book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) in a hardcover edition not found in stores."

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: The Politically Correct Guide to Global Warming
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2007, 08:41:03 PM »
What did the government do to tobacco companies?

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: The Politically Correct Guide to Global Warming
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2007, 08:49:51 PM »
Pardon the mistake in the title, it's supposed to be the Politically Incorrect Guide...