Author Topic: You won't believe twisted logic behind attacks on Jews Read more: You won't bel  (Read 14388 times)

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Offline muman613

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Judging from your reply it seems you are unable to grasp the true issue.

There was no Palestine, it is a word which was invented by the Romans. It was originally used to describe the people from Philistia which were invaders from the north. The arabs came from the Arabian Peninsula, where Mohamad and his sick religious cult waged war against Jews throughout the peninsula.

The act of driving Jews out of the land has been a prime goal of Islam since the times of Mohamud. To deny it and say it was ancient history is to not grasp the current situation.

There is nothing to argue about here. You want to accept the narrative of the poor arab palestinian, and it seems you say your family has ties to these people... But the facts are not with your side. The Jewish claim to the land superceedes the arab muslim and christian claims.

And the establishment of the state of Israel is indeed legal, and has been recognized by the international community for decades.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline thatguy11

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So, instead of proving me wrong, if its so easy as you try representing, you decide to just say I'm wrong.

Hebrew people are invaders to you know, they are from somewhere near South Iraq. And now Hebrew people's characteristics are very rare, unless of course you compare them to Arabs, because Hebrews and Arabs are genetically similar.

Offline muman613

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The issue is simple... We believe that Jews have a right, and a commandment, to live in the land. We can live in peace with any nation who lives by the seven laws of Noach, which are most civilized nations of the world. The true problem is caused by the intolerance and violence preached by Islam which has only recently placed high priority on Israel. As you well know Jerusalem is not once mentioned in the koran yet it is mentioned 100s of times in the Jewish scriptures. The Jews have prayed toward Jerusalem since the days of the expulsion by the Romans. All these facts are ignored by you and your brothers.

The Jewish people have paid for the land. There are many stories of legal purchase of the land, and the Torah even attests to this fact that Abraham our father even paid for the Cave of Macpelah where he is buried in Chevron. The Jewish history in this land predates the arab history and the only thing which you and your brothers are attempting is to push the Jewish state into the sea.

The real problem is that muslims cannot live in peace with a Jewish land. This is the core of the problems you see today in the land.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline thatguy11

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Also, we can live peacefully, but when I simiply critisize Israel, I was called a Jew-hater here. Nonetheless, I already before and after my comments I read people threatening to kill the whole population of the Palestinians. Which, is not peace. Some of you may have mixed feelings about the conflict.

What I find annoying is when I do critisize Israel here, all I hear are these 3 phrases, repeated:

1. Your wrong and you support terrorism and a Moslem
2. Your wrong and I can prove you wrong but I'm not going to
3. Your wrong and you hate Jews

Not ONCE have I got a legitimate answer out of any of you. I replied to all you fairly, with plain facts, and no threats. I really just think you guys can't take a little bit of critisism, especially if you think I'm wrong, tell me why. You continue to blantly ignore what I say.

I find it a bit hurtful hearnig you say "Jews superceed all" Isn't that a little deleted up ideology when so many different people see Palestine as their home? Jews were NOT the first people there either. As, I'm hoping you already know. Although it is not a game of who got there first.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 10:47:56 AM by thatguy11 »

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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You call us Moslem Arab Nazis? I am an Arab Palestinian, I am not a Nazi or Moslem. How ignorant and stereotypical of you to say such a thing. Your telling us Islam is the religion of death and destruction when yourself say "we recall what our Torah has taught us", and you decide to threaten to commit a genocide, and a crime against humanity. In fact you would turn into a state of even MORE racism and hatred towards the indigenous population... Your hatred is out of complete ignorance, or false interpretations from the media.

1) There is very little difference between Islam and Nazism as regards the intentions of these two ideologies toward the Jews, so there is ample justification for the equivalence.
2) You are not a Muslim, so what ? We know very well that there are "Palestinian" Arabs who say they are Christians, and they are notorious for siding with the Muslims because they identify as Arabs first and foremost. If they were genuine Christians, of course they would support Israel and the Jewish people. Read the Bible.
3) Islam IS a religion of death and destruction. Read the Quran, the Haddiths and watch what Muslims do to non-Muslims AND to each other. Get an education on Islam.
4) The Torah teaches the Jewish people to be kind to the kind and cruel to the cruel. It warns us that we must show no weakness and insane compassion toward those who want to exterminate us. Get an education on what Amalek is.
5) We did not start hostilities. If the Arabs were peaceful and respectful of our right to the land, we would not be a threat to them. WE are the ones who have suffered genocides, WE are the ones who have suffered "crimes against humanity". We only want to leave in peace and be free in our single, tiny little state. Study history.
6) I am not hateful because hatred blurs your judgment and makes you vulnerable. All I am saying is that we will do everything it takes to defend our people, who deserves to be safe and free after all the hardships it has gone through and all the contributions it has brought to this world. We will do a great favour to humanity if we kill as many Muslim Nazis in the process. I really hope we can kill as many of them as we can.

Get that once and for all straight into your head : ISRAEL BELONGS TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE. You Arabs have 600 times as much land as we do and 22 states. You Arabs already acquired 75% of the territory of Palestine when Jordan was created. You have kept attacking us so we are entitled to defensible borders. If you dare attack us again and if we, Kahanists, are in power in Israel, you have no idea what you are going to lose.

Offline Lisa

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OK Thatguy, before I respond to you once and for all, let me ask you a few questions.

You call yourself a Christian "Palestinian."  What exactly to do you want from the Jews of Israel?  I gather from the nature of your posts that you want Israel to just go away, and in its place have yet another Muslim terror rogue state.  So in other words, you would prefer to live as a dhimmi in a fanatical, terror supporting Muslim theocracy, rather than a Western style Democracy like Israel?  That seems to be the trend with you Christian Arabs.  You people are always shilling for your Muslim overlords, even when you emigrate to free Western countries, and live far better than the Middle Eastern dumps you came from.  You're just like Helen Thomas and James Abourezek. 

Any way, the gist of your posts appears to be that Arab terrorism is merely a result of us EEEVIL JOOOS occupying Arab land. 

So let me give you a little history lesson. 

Before there was a state of Israel,  the land called "Palestine" was under British rule.  They don't want it any more.  Before that, it was ruled by the Ottomans, who are no longer around.  It was only after you Arabs had your behinds handed to you in the 1967 war, which your people started, and lost, that the terms 'palestinian" was used.  In fact, even your beloved PLO leader Zahir Muhsein said the following in a Dutch interview:

"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a
Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle
against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality
today there is no difference between Jordanians,
Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and
tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of
a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand
that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian
people' to oppose Zionism.

"For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state
with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa.
While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa,
Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we
reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even
a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan."

(PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, in a 1977
interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw.)

Anyway, even before there was a state of Israel, your people were attacking and committing pogroms against Jews in the Holy Land, who were just going about their lives, and trying to pray at their holy sites.  I see you justifed the murder of Jews being they "illegally" came to places like Hebron.  Who are you say it was illegal for Jews to go there?  The British were in charge at that time, not you. 

And if that's not enough, care to explain to the Arab Revolts taking place between 1936 and 1939?  There was no state of Israel at that time.  The Jews had no sovereignty at that time.  It was just your people being barbarians which is nothing new.  Or going back even further, how about the pogrom of Safed in 1834?  Again, no state of Israel at that time. 

So you go on about this plan Dalet and the Deir Yassin "massacre" which was not comitted by Jews.  Given the propensity of violence your people possess, as well as their Jew hatred, I think it was completely justified.

Furthermore, your so-called state of fakestine was not the only country throughout history to have ever changed hands.  After World War II, Poland was under communist control.  Did the native Poles (disgusting Jew haters that they are) go around blowing themselves up, or sending their kids to become suicide bombers?  No!  Germany was also split in half after World War II.  Did the East Germans (also crule anti-semites) go blowing themselves up in cafes?  NO!!!  So frankly, you have a lot of nerve whining about Jewish occupation and Israel killing so-called Arab civilians.  Did it ever occur to you that if cowardly Arab men stopped using their women and children as human shields, that perhaps they wouldn't get killed by Israeli soldiers trying to defend their country?  What kind of sick people encourage their children to blow themselves up so they can get their 72 virgins?  If the afterlife is so great, how is that adult fathers don't go blowing themselves up? 

Anyway, you also have some nerve to come here and try and use our own Torah to say that Israel is not ours.  Let me just tell you something.  The Torah and Talmud came long before Christianity and Islam.  Therefore, there's really no point in a non-Jew coming to Jewish forum and telling us what the real meaning of the word "olam" means, or that G-d's covenant with the Jews has been supposedly revoked. 

Finally let me leave you with some quotes from the Torah (Tanach), and the Koran:

"And I will bless those that bless you and curse the one who curses you. And in you shall all families of the earth be blessed."  Genesis Chapter 12 Verses 1-3

Mohammed in Sura 5:21 quotes Moses telling the Jews to "enter into the holy land which Allah has assigned to you". While Mohammed later criticizes the Jews for their sins and their refusal to accept Mohammed's message, he never says that, as punishment, Allah has revoked their title to the land. Hence the title still stands, and Muslim anti-Zionists are apostates.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Nobody buys your worthless Muzzie taqqiyah. You are no more a "Christian" than Barack Hitler Osama.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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It would do my heart and soul good to see Hamas, Hezbollah, and the PLO defeated.  They are so arrogant they have no idea what kind of weapons Israel has.