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2 More Videos From David And Chaim (06/13)

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--- Quote from: Hail Columbia on June 13, 2007, 10:34:03 PM ---I emailed the webmaster at Srpska Mreza ( about our Serb video.

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Great move, Hail Columbia!

I support the Serb people but wasn't Slobodan Milosevic an ally of Saddam Hussein?


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on June 14, 2007, 12:32:48 AM ---YouTube shows a video by white Nazis when you watch the one Chaim and David did about black crime.

The movie by Nazis presents true facts but they have a white power Nazi logo on it.

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I think Fruit would take offense to the use of Bagpipes in the video he's Scottish

I applaud the efforts of Chaim and David to this type of video. Great, It's about time someone spoke the truth!
My family comes from the Serbian-Romanian border, I happen to be of more Romanian but I can feel the pain that the people of Serbia have endured; 1.from the Albanian-Muslims 2.the West condemning them for defending their land 3.for the NATO bombing campaign 72 days of hell. I can't understand it!
WE HAVE A REAL THREAT IRAN , who should be bombed and the US and NATO do nothing. It's a sick double standard!


--- Quote from: thunderbolt on June 14, 2007, 08:12:23 AM ---I support the Serb people but wasn't Slobodan Milosevic an ally of Saddam Hussein?

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Milosevic was a self-hating Serb who eventually sold out. I don't know if he supported Saddam Hussein.


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