Author Topic: Australia moves to partially lift moslim veil  (Read 345 times)

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Offline Sveta

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Australia moves to partially lift moslim veil
« on: July 10, 2011, 04:01:41 AM »
From a news  article, Australia is debating a proposed new law that would require moslim woman to remove their face coverings if asked to do so by police officers: 

Article can be found here:

Here is an interesting quote:

The laws were motivated by the bungled prosecution of Carnita Matthews, a 47-year-old Muslim mother of seven who was booked by a highway patrolman for a minor traffic infringement in Sydney in June last year.

An official complaint was made in Matthews' name against Senior Constable Paul Fogarty, the policeman who gave her the ticket. The complaint accused Fogarty of racism and of attempting to tear off her veil during their roadside encounter.

Unbeknown to Matthews, the encounter was recorded by a camera inside Fogarty's squad car. The video footage showed her aggressively berating a restrained Fogarty and did not support her claim that he tried to grab her veil before she reluctantly and angrily lifted it to show her face.

Matthews was sentenced in November to six months in jail for making a deliberately false statement to police.

But that conviction and sentence were quashed on appeal last month without her serving any time in jail because a judge was not convinced that it was Matthews who signed the false statutory declaration. The woman who signed the document had worn a burqa and a justice of the peace who witnessed the signing had not looked beneath the veil to confirm her identity.

So essentially, this moslim woman accused a police officer of mistreating her, she filed a complaint against the officer boldly LIED about it with her al-taqqia. And didn't know that there was a camera showing the officer being polite while she was the one berating him. She was sentenced for lying and yet because she was wearing a veil, they could not prove it was her who signed the false complaint and she went free.

The article also paints the grim picture that islamists are the fastest growing minority in Australia...failing to assimilate, raping women, attacking Australians etc... Can't they go back to the hell holes they came from instead of coming to our countries to try and turn us into their hell holes. I feel that in the future, there is going to be a major fight between them and us. A fight when the islamists are going to shed all their lies about "oh we just want to get along" and show their real colors of "we're taking over your countries now so convert or die". At that point, when people actually wake up, the fight for the west will begin.  

Offline Yaakov Mendel

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Re: Australia moves to partially lift moslim veil
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2011, 07:07:59 AM »

I feel that in the future, there is going to be a major fight between them and us.

Indeed. They are already at war with the Western world and, more generally, with all non-Muslims.
The poorest and the weakest infidels, they terrorize and slaughter them whenever they have the opportunity. Think about what they do to Christian minorities in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, for example.
Toward the infidels who, thank G-d, are still more powerful than them on a military basis, they have another strategy : they immigrate, make a lot of babies and start to impose their lifestyle and customs while benefitting from all the resources and facilities offered to them in the West. If Westerners were sane, this form of conquest would be stopped, but Muslims have the support of all the liberal idiots and the phoney conservatives among us.
Ultimately, confrontation is inevitable because of the very nature of Islam that aims at conquering the world. The longer we wait to take steps, the more trouble we will have to eradicate the disease.
What really puzzles me is that there are still a majority of people in the West who do not clearly understand this. We can thank protracted leftist brainwashing and generalized cowardice and corruption for that state of things. We are obviously paying the price for our own decadence.