Author Topic: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.  (Read 14394 times)

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Offline davkakach

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WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« on: September 26, 2006, 10:23:52 AM »
There is hope.


But don't get too excited.

 :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o

You can pick up your jaw from the floor.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline Shlomo

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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2006, 11:27:42 AM »
There is hope.


But don't get too excited.

 :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o  :o

You can pick up your jaw from the floor.

Wow. We need to remember that while the common black culture is filthy and disgusting... not all blacks are bad people.

As usual, good post davkakach.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2006, 06:20:17 AM »
Self-hating whites seize upon the slightest thing to justify their negro worship.  So what's new?  Let's listen to a real master on the subject of negroes.

'I believe, of course, that human races are unequal; but I do not think that any of them are like the brute, or to be classed with it.  The lowest tribe, the most backward and miserable variety of the human species, is at least capable of imitation ....  From the practice of the arts and professions invented under an advanced civilization, it is a far cry to that civilization itself ....  Imitation does not necessarily imply a serious breach with hereditary instincts; but no one has a real part in any civilization until he is able to make progress by himself, without direction from others.'

'among the black races there has never been any politics or literature or any developed ideas of art, and ... when any individual negroes have distinguished themselves it has always been the result of white influence'

- Arthur de Gobineau, 'The Inequality of Human Races'

Not only that, but the negro's performance was lacklustre and mechnical.  It has no depth of feeling at all.  I felt I was in the presence of an alien mocking my culture, not like I was in the presence of someone creating in my culture.  I bet the self-hating cameraman was a Jew, as well.


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2006, 09:36:56 AM »
Props to the kid. What a pleasant and talented youngster. I wish him nothing but success.

Offline davkakach

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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2006, 10:11:25 AM »
Self-hating whites seize upon the slightest thing to justify their negro worship.  So what's new?  Let's listen to a real master on the subject of negroes.

'I believe, of course, that human races are unequal; but I do not think that any of them are like the brute, or to be classed with it.  The lowest tribe, the most backward and miserable variety of the human species, is at least capable of imitation ....  From the practice of the arts and professions invented under an advanced civilization, it is a far cry to that civilization itself ....  Imitation does not necessarily imply a serious breach with hereditary instincts; but no one has a real part in any civilization until he is able to make progress by himself, without direction from others.'

'among the black races there has never been any politics or literature or any developed ideas of art, and ... when any individual negroes have distinguished themselves it has always been the result of white influence'

- Arthur de Gobineau, 'The Inequality of Human Races'

Not only that, but the negro's performance was lacklustre and mechnical.  It has no depth of feeling at all.  I felt I was in the presence of an alien mocking my culture, not like I was in the presence of someone creating in my culture.  I bet the self-hating cameraman was a Jew, as well.

(1) Are you implying I am a self-hating white devoted to negro worship?

(2) The quote you brought as a justification for your opinion is a correct statement, but it doesn't attempt to explain why that is so.  That the average black IQ is lower than the IQs of other races is beyond dispute, and I attribute it to living in the harsh African desert conditions.  Generations upon generations of these people had their brains baked in the sun all their life.  They were probably preoccupied most of their life mainly with how to find food and shadow to escape the oppressive heat.  They didn't enjoy a variation of seasons and richness of nature and beauty that gives rise to lofty thoughts and recognition of higher purpose.  They had neither the incentive nor the resources to be creative.  In general, one could observe that prior to the advent of modern air-conditioning technology, people living in southern portions of any country were less refined, less advanced than people living in the northern portions of the same country.  The stereotypical image of an Arab in a Westerner's mind (prior to the resumption of intensive Islamic jihad at the end of the last century) was a turban-wearing bum lying in the shade and either smoking nargila or drinking coffee.  Weather plays an evolutionary role.  To what extent---that is a question I will leave to scientists.

(3) I don't like your racist attitude, and you seem to miss completely the point of JTF.  Chaim Ben Pesach is not a racist, and there is no racism in Judaism.  Rabbi Kahane HY"D said in one of his appearances at the National Press Club, "If a person wants to convert to Judaism, would he be less of a Jew than Meir Kahane?!"  What JTF is opposed to is not the black skin of Africans but to the predominant evil black culture that poisons the minds of blacks who could otherwise have been decent and productive members of society.  A few months ago I attended a Jewish wedding in Baltimore, and one of the guests was a very pleasant and humble African-American convert to Judaism.  He possessed the three traits that our rabbis consider to be the marks of a Jew: modesty, humility and generosity.

(4) If you are a gentile, I don't mind your racist attitude.  Really, it's none of my business.  But if you're a Jew, with this racist, shallow, hateful attitude you desecrate God's name.  I served in the IDF with many good Ethiopian Jews.  Don't tarnish and pervert Judaism in the eyes of gentiles, and make it appear as primitive and evil as Islam.  There are enough Jews that do it admirably without your help.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2006, 10:28:20 AM »
Its better than the Fantasie-Impromptu.

Honestly, why are we spending our time with these mediocre performances?

Why not post videos of Horowitz, Rubinstein, Heifitz, etc?

I would if it weren't for my cyber-ignorance!!!


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2006, 10:53:42 AM »

(2) The quote you brought as a justification for your opinion is a correct statement, but it doesn't attempt to explain why that is so.  That the average black IQ is lower than the IQs of other races is beyond dispute, and I attribute it to living in the harsh African desert conditions.  Generations upon generations of these people had their brains baked in the sun all their life.  They were probably preoccupied most of their life mainly with how to find food and shadow to escape the oppressive heat.  They didn't enjoy a variation of seasons and richness of nature and beauty that gives rise to lofty thoughts and recognition of higher purpose.  They had neither the incentive nor the resources to be creative.  In general, one could observe that prior to the advent of modern air-conditioning technology, people living in southern portions of any country were less refined, less advanced than people living in the northern portions of the same country.  The stereotypical image of an Arab in a Westerner's mind (prior to the resumption of intensive Islamic jihad at the end of the last century) was a turban-wearing bum lying in the shade and either smoking nargila or drinking coffee.  Weather plays an evolutionary role.  To what extent---that is a question I will leave to scientists.

That's a very interesting theory (and how you evolutionists love your theories, a new theory of the world comes out every year as faithfully as the latest iteration of sports games for the Playstation) but even your hero Charles Darwin didn't believe that environment had a significant effect on what we would now call the genetics (what he called the characters) of human beings.  And neither do I.

The truth is that G-d created men black, and white, and other colours, and he did so for a specific reason.  Disregard G-d's warning at your own peril, by all means, and go ahead and worship that other false idol, viz, the cult of political correctness.

Offline davkakach

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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2006, 10:58:53 AM »
Its better than the Fantasie-Impromptu.

Honestly, why are we spending our time with these mediocre performances?

Why not post videos of Horowitz, Rubinstein, Heifitz, etc?

I would if it weren't for my cyber-ignorance!!!
I would gladly post brilliant performances by Horowitz, Rubinstein, Richter, Heifetz,
et al, but this Affirmative Action forum is probably not the right place...
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2006, 11:02:50 AM »
Its better than the Fantasie-Impromptu.

Honestly, why are we spending our time with these mediocre performances?

Why not post videos of Horowitz, Rubinstein, Heifetz, etc?

I would if it weren't for my cyber-ignorance!!!
I would gladly post brilliant performances by Horowitz, Rubinstein, Richter, Heifetz,
et al, but this Affirmative Action forum is probably not the right place...

I don not understand.  Are you saying that the JTF Forum is an 'affirmative action forum'?!!! ???

This is a Jewish forum.  Horowitz, Rubinstein and Heifetz are all Jews right?

I never said Richter although I LOVE him. :o

Offline davkakach

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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2006, 11:43:09 AM »
That's a very interesting theory (and how you evolutionists love your theories, a new theory of the world comes out every year as faithfully as the latest iteration of sports games for the Playstation) but even your hero Charles Darwin didn't believe that environment had a significant effect on what we would now call the genetics (what he called the characters) of human beings.  And neither do I.

The truth is that G-d created men black, and white, and other colours, and he did so for a specific reason.  Disregard G-d's warning at your own peril, by all means, and go ahead and worship that other false idol, viz, the cult of political correctness.

Clearly, you don't know me, yet, and you haven't read my other posts.

Rabbi Kahane said, "Those who cannot debate, defame."

I don't want to be like you, so I'll debate you.

and how you evolutionists love your theories, a new theory of
the world comes out every year
Evolution is a scientific fact which does not contradict the
kingdom of HaShem on this earth.  The earth and other celestial bodies
have existed for billions of years.  Evolution is observed by modern-day
scientists in small creatures whose lifespan is short.  Populations change,
they adapt to a changing environments.  It is a fact.  Secular (scientific)
studies can serve to help us understand scripture, if they are done correctly,
just as the study of history can confirm the truth of the Scriptures, if it is
taught properly (which it isn't, in most of the politically correct West).

The difference between an atheist and a believing Jew is that the atheist
thinks that evolutionary change is a result of random, chance mutations,
that there is no guiding force.  But the Jew knows better---the Jew knows
that there is no randomness in our world, there is no chaos.  Chaos was
eliminated on the first "day" of creation.  "Day" should not be interpreted
to mean literally a span of one day, but rather a certain period of time.  Every
object, every plant, every animal, every person is subordinate to HaShem,
whether they accept it or not.

even your hero Charles Darwin
My hero is Rabbi Kahane, HY"D.

As for Darwin, the originator of the theory of evolution, in his later years he came
to his senses and recognized that his theory had a fundamental error---the
assumption that the natural state of creation is chaos.  It is told that one evening
he was sitting in his study and as he was dissecting and examining a human eye,
he suddenly had an epiphany.  He realized that only God could create such a
magnificent organ, that there is no way that such a complex, marvelous organ
could be created "accidentally."

Why does the story of creation make special mention of the fact that "HaTaninim
HaGedolim" ("the great alligators") were also created by Hashem, in addition to
all other animals?  What is so special about particularly big alligators?  And of course,
the reason is that HaShem knew that the greatest impediment to people accepting
the truth of the Torah would be the discovery of ancient bones of dinosaurs, so
he told us that even these ancient, gigantic dinosaurs were created by HaShem.
Since there was no word for dinosaur in the Hebrew spoken by the tribes of Israel
at the time Moses went up to receive the Torah on Mount Sinai, the next best
approximation of a dinosaur was "big alligator."

As was to be expected, people have come to read the story of creation literally,
and entirely miss this important point by treating the "Taninim HaGedolim" as
particularly large alligators.

Sience and history, when taught properly, can serve to validate the Torah's
truth.  Science is the pursuit of facts.  If those facts don't agree with your
limited understanding of the Torah, then it is your limited understanding
of the Torah that requires further refinement and deepening.

The truth is that G-d created men black, and white, and other colours,
and he did so for a specific reason.
Absolutely.  I couldn't agree with you more.

Disregard G-d's warning at your own peril, by all means, and go ahead
and worship that other false idol, viz, the cult of political correctness.
Which warning would that be?  And it is indeed very noble of you to encourage
me to sin and worship idols.

I also noticed that you focused on my mention of evolution and ignored all the
other points in my previous post, but that was to be expected.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2006, 11:48:56 AM by davkakach »
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline davkakach

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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2006, 11:45:20 AM »
I don not understand.  Are you saying that the JTF Forum is an 'affirmative action forum'?!!!

God forbid!  This is an anti Affirmative Action forum.

It was just a typo.  :D
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2006, 06:58:06 PM »
Evolution is a scientific fact which does not contradict the
kingdom of HaShem on this earth.  The earth and other celestial bodies
have existed for billions of years.  Evolution is observed by modern-day
scientists in small creatures whose lifespan is short.  Populations change,
they adapt to a changing environments.  It is a fact.

Actually it is not a fact that human races have evolved.  Darwin suggested that differences in human races were primarily aesthetic, i.e. the process of sexual selection, small differences in physiognomy being selected upon according to regional tastes, which eventually resulted in the profoundly discrete types we find throughout all recorded history.  But diverse evolutionists have diverse THEORIES as to the evolution of man, as something which evolved along the same branch as other primates but in different ways, with regional demands forcing 'natural selection' to 'amend' the species as time went on.  I have read Darwin's 'Theory of Evolution' and I also plan to read his 'Descent of Man' when I have a few months to spare, so I am not unacquainted with the fact that Darwin himself did NOT put much emphasis on locale as a cause of racial difference.

What makes me sceptical towards all evolutionary theories is that, quite simply, there are as many evolutionary theories as proponents of evolution.  Scientists LOVE to speculate, and make themselves knowledgeable about the entire history of man.  But the truth is that they do not know; in truth it was G-d himself who miraculously created the human races some thousands of years ago.  But G-d did not make mixed-race human beings.  Mankind makes mixed-breeds, and therefore miscegenation is abomination because it is man elevating himself to the position of G-d and creating new varieties of man.

The difference between an atheist and a believing Jew is that the atheist
thinks that evolutionary change is a result of random, chance mutations,
that there is no guiding force.  But the Jew knows better---the Jew knows
that there is no randomness in our world, there is no chaos.  Chaos was
eliminated on the first "day" of creation.

Agreed.  But if you believe that mankind is simply a highly evolved branch of the primate branch then your belief clashes very severely with true religious belief.  Such a belief is totally incompatible with a belief in Creation and it makes a mockery of G-d.  G-d did not simply one day decide to implant His divine spirit into a branch of highly-evolved primates.

As for Darwin, the originator of the theory of evolution, in his later years he came
to his senses and recognized that his theory had a fundamental error---the
assumption that the natural state of creation is chaos.  It is told that one evening
he was sitting in his study and as he was dissecting and examining a human eye,
he suddenly had an epiphany.  He realized that only God could create such a
magnificent organ, that there is no way that such a complex, marvelous organ
could be created "accidentally."

In actual fact the world and the whole universe is only 6000 years old, as this is what the Torah teaches.  That it appears otherwise, is simply how it appears, and not how it IS.  If you are familiar with Plato you will know the distinction.  The universe came into being through the will of G-d, who created it, in his capacity as architect, according to his 'plan', his architectural guidebook, which is the Torah.  Therefore the Torah predates the universe itself in existence.  Appearances of this earthly world are deceptive and designed to lead man away from belief in G-d.  But each and every thing exists only because G-d wills it into existence.  The universe is within the mind of G-d, and it is an unfathomable world for those who do not study the Torah.

Offline davkakach

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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2006, 12:22:19 PM »
I agree with general spirit of your reply, except your arrogant (as usual) conclusion:

The universe is within the mind of G-d, and it is an unfathomable world for
those who do not study the Torah.

But it is fathomable to you, the great Torah scholar who dismisses science entirely
as an attempt by man to elevate himself above HaShem.  True, most scientists do
profess this secular attitude, but not all.  And if the human race consisted only of
people like you, who are not curious about HaShem's creation, who ignore certain
discrepancies between reality and the literal meaning of certain Torah passages
(especially Genesis) we would be still living in tents, raising goats, and Israel would
not have a nuclear deterrent against its savage Yishmaelite enemies.

First cleanse yourself of your arrogance, and then maybe will have a slim chance
of being the great Torah scholar that you imagine you are.

In any event, this topic (creationism vs. intelligent design vs. evolution) belongs in
a separate thread.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline cjd

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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2006, 09:22:35 PM »
Props to the kid. What a pleasant and talented youngster. I wish him nothing but success.
As always yephora is right on the money. This kid is great! After seeing that child play the piano like that at 10 years old I have to agree with davkakach their is still hope .
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2006, 10:24:09 AM »
Please, post Horowitz instead of schwarze after schwarze.


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2006, 10:59:10 AM »
Horowitz is available everywhere, this lad is not. Children are the future, and it's exciting to see such real musical talent early on.
He deserves our encouragement. For all we know he might grow up to be the next Roy Innis or Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson.
cjd, you made my morning. Thank you  :D


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2006, 11:13:58 AM »
Horowitz is hardly known except by a few elite, that is my point.  'Children are the future,'
does this mean that we should forget the past? 

Why not give the GIANT of the piano a little airplay as well.  I GUARANTEE that most people on this forum have NEVER seen Horowitz at the keyboard. 

The fact is that 99.9% of people simply cannot tell the difference between a Horowitz and a mindless child with nimble fingers (I say 'mindless' in the best sense of the word). 

All I ask is that someone post a musical example of Jewish excellence and what do I hear?  'Children are the future,' 'he's so talented,' etc. 

OY ???


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2006, 11:29:14 AM »
And let us not mistake 'musical talent' with 'physical talent.' ;)


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2006, 12:19:00 PM »
Davkakach posted this black child saying “There is hope.”

That, not Jewish talent, was and is the point of this thread.

You want Horowitz? Have at him and his fortissimo


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2006, 12:53:01 PM »
I couldn't open that. 

Anyhow, you forgot pianissimo and all the colors and nuances in between.

This is my point...the expressive greatness of someone LIKE Horowitz.

Obviously the child has talent.  I simply thought that a Jewish forum might be a good place to showcase Jewish talent. 

I know that Horowitz and most like them are nonobservant Jews, but they are still Jews. 

Like Chaim said -- the greatness of Judaism is such that it carries over several generations to the point that even the children and grandchildren of nonobservant Jews tend to be brilliant.


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2006, 01:05:49 PM »
For your listening and viewing pleasure, try this:

And if that doesn’t work these should:

Open any one of them you’ll have many more listed to the right of the YouTube screen. Enjoy  :)


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2006, 01:22:05 PM »
Wonderful.  Thank you. ;D

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2006, 02:02:42 PM »
Horowitz was a great concert pianist, and performed extremely well the music composed by other musicians (most of them not Jewish).

If talent alone (and not ethnicity or nationality) is our sole criterion for judgement, then Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart, and Liszt, all were superior to the great concert performers renowned for playing their works.

All four of the non-Jewish musicians listed not only composed huge catalogs of piano pieces, but performed them equally as well if not better than Horowitz, Rubinstein, and the many other non-Jewish concert pianists which followed them.

One of the classic arguments put forth by the Jew-haters of the traditional "anti-Semitism" such as Henry Ford, was that Jewish artists were capable of only imitating very well the completely original inventions of the non-Jewish artists; arguing that because the Jews were a "rootless" people, and not in indigenous "volk"  of "blood and soil", they could not invent any original art because they lacked any sense of nationalistic "belonging" which alone inspired the works of the great German, Austrian, and Italian Classical and Romantic Period musicianship.

The neo-Nazis claim that the same is true of the renowned Jewish composers such as Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copland, et al.

Is there any truth to this argument; that there will never be a "truly Jewish" art form of any originality unless it originates from a Jewish People rooted firmly in their Jewish Homeland?


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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2006, 02:37:05 PM »
Horowitz was a great concert pianist, and performed extremely well the music composed by other musicians (most of them not Jewish).

If talent alone (and not ethnicity or nationality) is our sole criterion for judgement, then Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart, and Liszt, all were superior to the great concert performers renowned for playing their works.

All four of the non-Jewish musicians listed not only composed huge catalogs of piano pieces, but performed them equally as well if not better than Horowitz, Rubinstein, and the many other non-Jewish concert pianists which followed them.

One of the classic arguments put forth by the Jew-haters of the traditional "anti-Semitism" such as Henry Ford, was that Jewish artists were capable of only imitating very well the completely original inventions of the non-Jewish artists; arguing that because the Jews were a "rootless" people, and not in indigenous "volk"  of "blood and soil", they could not invent any original art because they lacked any sense of nationalistic "belonging" which alone inspired the works of the great German, Austrian, and Italian Classical and Romantic Period musicianship.

The neo-Nazis claim that the same is true of the renowned Jewish composers such as Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copland, et al.

Is there any truth to this argument; that there will never be a "truly Jewish" art form of any originality unless it originates from a Jewish People rooted firmly in their Jewish Homeland?
It is true that much of the great 'Western music' has nationalistic influence.  There were of course great Jewish composers; Mendelssohn, Mahler, Offenbach, Alkan, but none of them can really be considered nationalistic.

Your question is difficult to answer being as I am a gentile.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: WOW. Talented 10-year-old kid.
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2006, 08:45:48 PM »
I, MassuhDGoodName, hereby go on record with the following:

I strongly believe that the ONLY truly "indigenous" musics from the U.S.A. (excluding those of the Native American Indian populations) are those which originated with the Negro races living in America.

The Negro invented the popular folk forms of "Gospel", "Blues", "Jazz", "Rock'n'Roll" (oh yes...Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Little Richard, Jimi Hendrix, et al...), etc..... .

It was the "European Tradition" of the European musical genius which arrived on American shores with the first white colonists.

It has grown, adapted, and affected many unique characteristics; yet it remains based solely in the European tradition.

Virtually all the symphonic and orchestral works by American born composers are based on the European Music which coalesced within the Roman Catholic Church, was patronized by the Royal Houses of Europe, and today is known as "Western Music"; studied in Acadame as "Music Theory", "Harmony", "Composition", etc.... .

The popular forms of music loved and praised in every country of the world, even in distant places such as Bhutan and Australia, are all "made in the U.S.A." and invented by Negroes.  It's a fact.

All of the Negro Art forms, including music, art, dance, have been copied and adapted by white artists and composers.

I know that Chaim Ben Pesach disagrees with my views above.

No problem.

I just like to give credit where credit is due, that's all.

It's no great shame to admit that the Negroes are physically stronger, more artistically talented, more rhythmic, than are other races.

They also have a remarkable gift for comedy and experience very deep emotions.

I have often felt that the African nations could possibly profit materially if they did not attempt to do the same things as their European neighbors, but instead based their entire national incomes on the export of entertainment & tourist industries based around entertainment.