Author Topic: America's Debt Crisis  (Read 5570 times)

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Re: America's Debt Crisis
« Reply #50 on: August 04, 2011, 08:19:05 PM »
apple google microsoft amazon, many biotech/pharmaceutical companies.
The stocks I named individually are winners for a reason.   

What are these amazing foreign companies that you are into?
I would buy puts for those stocks to at least cover some losses. I am not into any stocks because my mistakes as a very young man in real estate. You have a good point to look for undervalued stocks in this economy. It is much harder to make money in bullish.
Like I said, rates will go up, markets are going down. Little about dollar devaluation:

"The much talked about about advantages which devaluation secures in foreign trade and tourism, are entirely due to the fact that the adjustment of domestic prices and wage rates to the state of affairs created by devaluation requires some time. As long as this adjustment process is not yet completed, exporting is encouraged and importing is discouraged. However, this merely means that in this interval the citizens of the davaluating country are getting less for what they are selling abroad and paying more for what they are buying abroad;concomitantly they must restrict their consumption......
Devaluation, say its champions, reduces the burden of debts. This is certainly true. It favors debtors at the expense of creditors......indebted corporations are helped to the disadvantage of the enormous majority whose savings are invested in bonds, debentures, savings-bank deposits, and insurance policies."
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,