A Muslim Somali cab driver in Nashville TN, picks up two Christian college students, gets into a discussion about religion and tells them that Hitler was a "good man because he was trying to rid the world of Jews". Nashville City Paper reports that when the students paid the cabby they expressed their disagreement and told him "If you're going to live in a country like ours, you're going to have to tolerate other people's beliefs" This didn't sit well with Mr. Ibrahim Ahmed, the cab driver, who then proceeded to run them down, hitting one, breaking his pelvis and leg.
Ibrahim Ahmed, a Somalian Sunni muslim cabbie was arrested for allegedly running over one student and attempting the same on another after a heated religious debate in Nashville, TN. Video taken from Fox News' "Big Story" segment.
ZooTube comment from a muslim-loving jew-hater:
Obviously this guy was wrong. What I don't understand is how Christians get along with Jews and not Muslims. Seriously look it up, Muslims at least believe that Christ was a great prophet and in the Virgin Birth... whereas Jews don't believe Christ was anything more than a liar.
What a scum he is.