Author Topic: General question about 9/11  (Read 5726 times)

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General question about 9/11
« on: June 15, 2007, 07:20:51 AM »
Most people on this forum would agree that George Bush has been personally responsible for the needless deaths of thousands of Americans by sending them to fight an unnecessary war. Does anyone have a good reason for believing that although that is true, he could never ever be personally involved with killing thousands of Americans on 9/11[or any other time]? I don't understand a mentality that I meet with more and more frequency that says "George Bush, on a scale of escalated evil, 1-10 has definitely stepped up to the 8th step, but are you a crazy conspiracy theorist to even suggest that he took step #9 you are an evil,stupid,crazy,blah,blah,blah"

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2007, 08:52:08 AM »
Osama planned it, Arabs muslims hijacked the planes and killed a lot of innocent people... I would so no American allowed it on purpose...

But I believe that liberals enabled this to happen, especially Clinton...lazy butt getting oral from a 19 year old in the oval office!!!! WTF?! I'm flabbergasted that not enough people were freaked out by it....such a horrible thing to happen...he should have been impeached for doing that alone..forget the purjury! Purjury is not half as bad as what he did...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2007, 09:48:01 AM »
Osama planned it, Arabs muslims hijacked the planes and killed a lot of innocent people... I would so no American allowed it on purpose...

But I believe that liberals enabled this to happen, especially Clinton...lazy butt getting oral from a 19 year old in the oval office!!!! WTF?! I'm flabbergasted that not enough people were freaked out by it....such a horrible thing to happen...he should have been impeached for doing that alone..forget the purjury! Purjury is not half as bad as what he did...

But doesn't the very fact that after such an event as 9/11 the powers that be are working overtime to have as many illegals as possible, including muslims flood in here make you wonder if it's not the next stage of a plan to destroy America? The politicians are doing the exact opposite of what sanity clearly dictates. I just don't understand this attitude that it couldn't be an inside job, Bush & his boy Bin Laden stirring up stupid jihadists to do the dirty work all in the name of destroying America and taking another step towards setting up a one world government, as predicted in the Bible. I just don't understand this basic refusal to acknowledge even the possability. Everything points that way. Everything America stands for is being rolled over to make way for a third world America, one that the one world gov't/dictator will find easy to control.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2007, 11:09:53 AM »
Dannycookie:  "...Osama planned it, Arabs muslims hijacked the planes and killed a lot of innocent people..."

-And who are one of the Bush family's closest friends and big-time business partners, remaining so to this very day?

Answer:  The Bin-Laden Family of Saudi Arabia

-And by whom was Osama employed for a ten year period, given millions and millions in dollars and weaponry?

Answer:  The CIA

But, let's forget the so-called "conspiracy angle for a moment"...
Let's just look at "the big picture"...

-The world's superpower declares "War On Terror".
-It immediately declares "anyone not with us, is against us".
-It immediately announces that the very nations which launched 9/11 against us (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, and Indonesia; among others), to be our foremost "Allies in the War Against Terror".
It refuses to consider Israel one of these formal allies, for fear of offending "our Arab Allies".
-One week later, Colin Powell, then Sec. of State, declares that the most horrendous daily suicide bombings, kidnappings, stabbings, and shootings, against Jews living in Israel "are not terror, but legitimate resistance to Zionist Occupation".
-With each act of Islamic genocide against the Jewish People, Bush & gang shout "ISRAEL MUST EXERCISE RESTRAINT"...insisting that Jewish self-defense against Islamic Terror "will upset the Islamic Street".
-Numerous stabbings, shootings, and murders of Jewish American citizens living in the United States occur in broad daylight by Islamic maniacs...The FBI immediately declares "...there is no indication of terror...motives remain unclear...religion or race are not motives".
-On an ongoing basis, the U.S. & CIA supply millions upon millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars, plus weaponry & training to the PLO/Nazi Axis as they continue genocide against Jews.  Director of CIA George Tenet proudly displays a framed portrait of Terrorist Mohammed Dahlan on his wall, boasting to an interviewing reporter "He is one of my best friends".
-Bush has declared which countries form the world's "Axis of Evil"--
then promptly launches a war against Iraq, promising it to be over "in a matter of weeks".  He declares "Military Operations are over".  Five years later, we are still losing, all by design of Bush & company.
-Using "Terrorism" as a deceit, Bush revokes Constitutional rights and G-d-given liberties, using "The Patriot Act"; jammed through the House & Senate without allowing anyone to read it.
-With the U.S. population equally terrified daily, both from Islamic maniacs abroad, and as well from a demented and pathologically lieing "leadership" seeming intent on dismantling the U.S., the citizens of America watch in disbelief and horror as Bush not only enacts a State Dept. policy to immediately import millions of Islamic immigrants to America, but issues orders disallowing any control of the borders of the U.S.; thus allowing a literal "INVASION" by up to 30 million (and growing) illiterate, diseased, dangerous, and completely undocumented ALIENS from South America, Hezbollah, and who-knows where!
-Bush ensures the U.S. military can't win in the Middle East, ensures Israel can't win and will commit suicide, distends the U.S. Military and National Guard to the breaking point...all concentrated in an area 6000 miles from home where not only could they be vanquished in one suicidal WMD act by Muslims, but the U.S. home front is completely unprotected from each and every possible disaster including natural ones.
-Bush is working day and night to dissolve the U.S. into a merger of just one mass consisting of Mexico, U.S., Canada, all under totalitarian rule, and is obsessed with granting FULL AMNESTY and all possible BENEFITS AND ENTITLEMENTS to 30 MILLION CRIMINALS WHO ARE HERE ILLEGALLY BECAUSE OF BUSH'S REFUSAL TO ENFORCE U.S. LAW AS HE IS SWORN TO DO UNDER HIS OATH OF OFFICE.
-It is common knowledge that each and every Republican and Democrat "leader":  Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, the Clintons, Kerry, Pelosi; virtually the entire U.S. State Dept., virtually ALL members of the House and Senate; ARE BOUGHT AND OWNED LOCK STOCK AND BARREL BY BOTH SAUDI ARABIA AND THE RED CHINESE.  Not to mention the NARCO-TERRORIST CARTEL BELOW THE BORDER WHICH OWNS BUSH & OTHERS.  Not to mention GEORGE SOROS.

Any of you "I've got the truth and I'm good but MassuhD is a nutter-conspiracy-theorists-9/11-truther" here want to give me some of your "rah-rah-rah-I'm fighting the war on terror and saving America and Israel from Islamic extremism but MassuhD actually wrote Ron Paul's name here once so he's only supporting our enemies" propaganda line right about now?

I dare you to....none of you can successfully argue with me on this subject.

I'm sure the usual fools will make a vain attempt to do so; hoping to defame me with their total ignorance and lack of facts or history because they lack the intellect or character to actually dispute the facts.

I know there are least a few here who will jump in and say "Yeah...bright there!...take're just a nazi-lover...yeah!

p.s.-- Since some of you began life and learning two weeks ago, and history never existed until you turned off your video games and found the JTF website, nothing I have ever written on this forum will make even the slightest difference.  This is exactly why Jews seem doomed to repeat Auschwitz.  As a group they are incapable of unity and as a group they seem incapable of learning from their own history.  Always riding the cattlecars to Auschwitz wearing blinders, always repeating the identical suicidal behaviors, always blindly following evil and murderous "leaders" whom they believe to be their salvation.

You disagree?...

Rabbi Meir Kahane taught these things to me, and if you disagree with him, you don't belong here.

Offline Alex

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2007, 12:47:55 PM »
No, no actually I agree. It doesn't seem all that far-fetched.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2007, 03:00:20 PM »
I don't rule out that wicked U.S. government employees (at a low or high level) could have had a hand at 9/11, at all. What is preposterous is that Israelis or "Jews" had anything to do with it.

I am not against 9/11 conspiracy in principle but I have yet to hear a theory that does not somehow try to argue that Jews were to blame.


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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2007, 03:04:23 PM »
Some neo nazi wrote me recently at my YT address trying to tell me Jews are the reason muslims hate whitey Americans. If it weren't for the Jews muslims would love us white Americans!!!! Incredible.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2007, 03:09:35 PM »
The Nazis who claim to be so pro-"white power" absolutely love camelbangers. What a bunch of hypocrites.

Joe Schmo

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2007, 03:12:20 PM »
The Nazis who claim to be so pro-"white power" absolutely love camelbangers. What a bunch of hypocrites.

Most of them are just dumb and hostile.  They'll fall for anything.  Unfortunately, they don't have the kind of access to JTF that they have to these nazi leaders.


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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2007, 04:07:25 PM »
Come on guys. How could you even suggest that Bush would be involved with 9/11. This is the type of propaganda that communists and Muslims use.

Why? He has murdered thousands of young Americans in a needless war and wants third world beasts to overun this country. WHY is that far fetched?

Offline mord

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2007, 04:51:13 PM »
Was'nt attempt on the WTC happen during Clinton's term true it failed ,but it was in terrorists sights before Bush.Allen i know people in Intelligence they really could'nt keep their mouths shut if it was done by U.S. govt.Another thing do you remember in the phillipines a few yrs before some Al Qaida were picked up for plotting to blow up 14 planes over the Atlantic.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2007, 05:04:41 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2007, 05:00:26 PM »
Actually I believe 911 was the end of the domino effect of terror that happened through out the 80's and 90's.  Even back during Reagan's term when Marines were killed in Beruit by Hezbowal and no retaliation actually happend.  And then there was Achille Lauro, the Rome and Athens Airport, TWA, Pan Am 101, and then came the 90s.  The first attack at the WTC was and should of been the big hint to the United States now they are attacking on our shores. We had Khobar, the 2 U.S. Embassies, The USS Cole. Even TWA 800 I believe was terror involved despite all the BS the media and government tries to cover.  I knew a mother who lost her son on Flight 800 that crashed off the Long Island Coast.  As far as Bush goes, he may not be the brightest crayon in the box but you all be glad Gore didn't try to succeed the Whitehouse cause after 911 we all be speaking Arabic by now.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2007, 06:23:27 PM »
Dannycookie:  "...Osama planned it, Arabs muslims hijacked the planes and killed a lot of innocent people..."

-And who are one of the Bush family's closest friends and big-time business partners, remaining so to this very day?

Answer:  The Bin-Laden Family of Saudi Arabia

-And by whom was Osama employed for a ten year period, given millions and millions in dollars and weaponry?

Answer:  The CIA

But, let's forget the so-called "conspiracy angle for a moment"...
Let's just look at "the big picture"...

-The world's superpower declares "War On Terror".
-It immediately declares "anyone not with us, is against us".
-It immediately announces that the very nations which launched 9/11 against us (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Syria, and Indonesia; among others), to be our foremost "Allies in the War Against Terror".
It refuses to consider Israel one of these formal allies, for fear of offending "our Arab Allies".
-One week later, Colin Powell, then Sec. of State, declares that the most horrendous daily suicide bombings, kidnappings, stabbings, and shootings, against Jews living in Israel "are not terror, but legitimate resistance to Zionist Occupation".
-With each act of Islamic genocide against the Jewish People, Bush & gang shout "ISRAEL MUST EXERCISE RESTRAINT"...insisting that Jewish self-defense against Islamic Terror "will upset the Islamic Street".
-Numerous stabbings, shootings, and murders of Jewish American citizens living in the United States occur in broad daylight by Islamic maniacs...The FBI immediately declares "...there is no indication of terror...motives remain unclear...religion or race are not motives".
-On an ongoing basis, the U.S. & CIA supply millions upon millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars, plus weaponry & training to the PLO/Nazi Axis as they continue genocide against Jews.  Director of CIA George Tenet proudly displays a framed portrait of Terrorist Mohammed Dahlan on his wall, boasting to an interviewing reporter "He is one of my best friends".
-Bush has declared which countries form the world's "Axis of Evil"--
then promptly launches a war against Iraq, promising it to be over "in a matter of weeks".  He declares "Military Operations are over".  Five years later, we are still losing, all by design of Bush & company.
-Using "Terrorism" as a deceit, Bush revokes Constitutional rights and G-d-given liberties, using "The Patriot Act"; jammed through the House & Senate without allowing anyone to read it.
-With the U.S. population equally terrified daily, both from Islamic maniacs abroad, and as well from a demented and pathologically lieing "leadership" seeming intent on dismantling the U.S., the citizens of America watch in disbelief and horror as Bush not only enacts a State Dept. policy to immediately import millions of Islamic immigrants to America, but issues orders disallowing any control of the borders of the U.S.; thus allowing a literal "INVASION" by up to 30 million (and growing) illiterate, diseased, dangerous, and completely undocumented ALIENS from South America, Hezbollah, and who-knows where!
-Bush ensures the U.S. military can't win in the Middle East, ensures Israel can't win and will commit suicide, distends the U.S. Military and National Guard to the breaking point...all concentrated in an area 6000 miles from home where not only could they be vanquished in one suicidal WMD act by Muslims, but the U.S. home front is completely unprotected from each and every possible disaster including natural ones.
-Bush is working day and night to dissolve the U.S. into a merger of just one mass consisting of Mexico, U.S., Canada, all under totalitarian rule, and is obsessed with granting FULL AMNESTY and all possible BENEFITS AND ENTITLEMENTS to 30 MILLION CRIMINALS WHO ARE HERE ILLEGALLY BECAUSE OF BUSH'S REFUSAL TO ENFORCE U.S. LAW AS HE IS SWORN TO DO UNDER HIS OATH OF OFFICE.
-It is common knowledge that each and every Republican and Democrat "leader":  Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, the Clintons, Kerry, Pelosi; virtually the entire U.S. State Dept., virtually ALL members of the House and Senate; ARE BOUGHT AND OWNED LOCK STOCK AND BARREL BY BOTH SAUDI ARABIA AND THE RED CHINESE.  Not to mention the NARCO-TERRORIST CARTEL BELOW THE BORDER WHICH OWNS BUSH & OTHERS.  Not to mention GEORGE SOROS.

Any of you "I've got the truth and I'm good but MassuhD is a nutter-conspiracy-theorists-9/11-truther" here want to give me some of your "rah-rah-rah-I'm fighting the war on terror and saving America and Israel from Islamic extremism but MassuhD actually wrote Ron Paul's name here once so he's only supporting our enemies" propaganda line right about now?

I dare you to....none of you can successfully argue with me on this subject.

I'm sure the usual fools will make a vain attempt to do so; hoping to defame me with their total ignorance and lack of facts or history because they lack the intellect or character to actually dispute the facts.

I know there are least a few here who will jump in and say "Yeah...bright there!...take're just a nazi-lover...yeah!

p.s.-- Since some of you began life and learning two weeks ago, and history never existed until you turned off your video games and found the JTF website, nothing I have ever written on this forum will make even the slightest difference.  This is exactly why Jews seem doomed to repeat Auschwitz.  As a group they are incapable of unity and as a group they seem incapable of learning from their own history.  Always riding the cattlecars to Auschwitz wearing blinders, always repeating the identical suicidal behaviors, always blindly following evil and murderous "leaders" whom they believe to be their salvation.

You disagree?...

Rabbi Meir Kahane taught these things to me, and if you disagree with him, you don't belong here.

quite a mouthful, massah...

i'm not going to argue with your point of view.  It is a legitimate point of view when you put the way you put it.  I prefer for now to take the popular belief that the US had nothing to do with this, but simply enabled it.  Let's just wait and see what will happen and not happen in the future before we put any puzzle pieces together..
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2007, 06:52:22 PM »
We also do not want to start like the crazy leftists that they blame everything on the U.S.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2007, 08:10:19 PM »
dannycookie57:  "...I prefer for now to take the popular belief that the US had nothing to do with this, but simply enabled it.  Let's just wait and see what will happen and not happen in the future before we put any puzzle pieces together..."

All of us must wait and let the future work itself out, but the fact that there are even "pieces of a puzzle" left unfinished, which, because they remain unsatisfactorily unanswered by our government leadership, have given rise to every conceivable nutcase kook coming out of the woodwork giving their own versions of how the puzzle fits.  Each "theory" presented is based mostly on documentable facts, unprovable assumptions, and very disturbing conclusions.  The danger such a development in this country poses, being that of a growing distrust of government combining with our already growing social disintegration, economic debt, disease and crime epidemics, demand that Jews and righteous gentiles be alert to the growing crisis, and not simply refuse to listen to or investigate all possibilities merely because "they make us uncomfortable".

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty"

"The Tree of Liberty is forever watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants!"

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2007, 08:16:14 PM »
dannycookie57:  "...I prefer for now to take the popular belief that the US had nothing to do with this, but simply enabled it.  Let's just wait and see what will happen and not happen in the future before we put any puzzle pieces together..."

All of us must wait and let the future work itself out, but the fact that there are even "pieces of a puzzle" left unfinished, which, because they remain unsatisfactorily unanswered by our government leadership, have given rise to every conceivable nutcase kook coming out of the woodwork giving their own versions of how the puzzle fits.  Each "theory" presented is based mostly on documentable facts, unprovable assumptions, and very disturbing conclusions.  The danger such a development in this country poses, being that of a growing distrust of government combining with our already growing social disintegration, economic debt, disease and crime epidemics, demand that Jews and righteous gentiles be alert to the growing crisis, and not simply refuse to listen to or investigate all possibilities merely because "they make us uncomfortable".

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty"

"The Tree of Liberty is forever watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants!"

quite the contrary...i come from the school that there really is no conspiracy...remember 1/4 people in this country is dumb.  In addition 1/4 people in this country believe in a conspiracy of 9/11... :P
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2007, 08:40:28 PM »
We also do not want to start like the crazy leftists that they blame everything on the U.S.
I'm not ready to join Rosie's  :o  side on this issue.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline DownwithIslam

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2007, 11:45:01 PM »
It is insane to think that the government had anything to do with 9/11. Those types of things come out quick cause there are many people involved and they don't all remain quiet. The NY Nazi Times would of reported on it by now. Indirectly, the US govt did enable the 9/11 attacks by allowing Muslims in here. Even though foreign muzzys committed the 9/11 atrocity, I just think that it wouldn't of happened if the sandshvartzas were still baking in the desert.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2007, 12:17:15 AM »
We know for a fact that the government enabled 9/11. Anything else, I don't know and don't rule out.


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Re: General question about 9/11
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2007, 03:07:14 AM »
We know for a fact that the government enabled 9/11. Anything else, I don't know and don't rule out.

Pretty much my point of view. Anything is possible. It's the attitude of "it's impossible it was an inside job" I don't understand.