Shana tova Michael. Many thanks for your numerous interesting points and discussions. I learn about Judaism with you - even if I sometimes have different interpretations. It must take you quite some time to be so active on the forum.
Shana Tovah Yaakov,
I appreciate your kind words and wish you and your family a very sweet and good New Year.
I am inclined to believe that we share more opinions than we have differences. I realize that it may be difficult to understand where I am coming from sometimes. I hope that eventually we all come to understand ourselves and the ways of Hashem in this world.
My goal is to understand the Torah which was passed down through the Jewish people. Judaism is very complex and can be understood in many ways even by our sages. It should be every Jews desire to seek the truth which is embedded within the Torah, to make this world a place for Hashem to be the king, and to teach every human that our G-d is the creator of everything. I have trust/bitachon that eventually this will happen...
May you be inscribed in the Book of Life!!!