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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #125 on: February 22, 2014, 11:13:38 AM »

Offline Irish Zionist

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #126 on: February 22, 2014, 11:54:55 AM »
Oh yes him, I think I still have his address if anyone wants it.
Also I have a picture of him and his cousin somewhere.
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
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Offline Benyamin Solomon

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #127 on: February 23, 2014, 12:00:09 AM »
I never freaking said he was Moshiach, but he is my friend and the leader. So If you attack him, I will attack you. I don't hate anyone d*ck, I love everyone unless you make me your enemy and I still don't hate them. We are not forcing anything on anyone. We are encouraging people to follow Torah law the best they can, but we hope everyone will eventually fully follow Torah law. We even have secular Israeli's on this forum, and they express what they think... so you two can stop with your spitting of venom to make us look bad. Stick around and debate with out all the hate for us. Maybe we can both learn something, if not.. F off.
If you want a civil debate, then let's have it. You or Chaim or anyone else can come to the next show I have on BTR [Blog Talk Radio] anytime for all I care. And we'll discuss whether Tag Machir is right or not. Whether they should be condemned or not. But the problem is that you people aren't interested in civil debate. You people call me all sorts of names "Kapo", "self-hating Jew"; the list is endless. And you guys were obsessing over me because I disagree with you on Tag Machir. And you even said that you'll have a physical fight with me. Speaking of civil discussion, all of Chaim's videos are him viciously attacking people he disagrees with and spewing hate. So you want a civil discussion. Change your rhetoric. Anytime I do a show on BTR, Chaim or anyone else can call in and we can debate the issues in a civilized manner.

Offline Benyamin Solomon

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #128 on: February 23, 2014, 12:25:30 AM »
Tell me this Benyamin Solomon. If the Arabs in Israel stop fighting and just keep making more and more babies, become the majority and vote Israel out of existence do they have a right to do so if they do it peacefully?
Serious question.
Actually, the demographic time bomb argument has been used by the left in favor of Israel making territorial concessions. I think that it largely gets exaggerated [for Jews have higher fertility rates than Arabs]. But in any case, as long as there is peace with a two state solution, Jews can still maintain their majority status in Israel [for excluding the territories, Jews are 80% of Israel's population]. But here's an interesting post on the demographic time bomb scenario:

Offline Benyamin Solomon

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #129 on: February 23, 2014, 01:10:26 AM »
Response to crazy maniac and cult leader Chaim Ben Pesach:

"Benyamin Solomon" has given our members another live example of the hopelessly twisted thinking of cowardly, self-hating Jews:

So the Arab Muslim Nazis who live in the land of Israel and who have supported a holocaust against the Jewish people for more than 100 years are "innocent people". The Arab Nazi political parties who openly call for Israel's destruction consistently win 95% or more of the Arab vote in the Knesset elections. These Arab "civilians" who are voting for parties that praise the terrorist mass murderers of Fatah, Hamas and Hezballah are "innocent people".
No, the Arab Nazis aren't innocent people. But the Arabs, who aren't terrorists, are innocent people
What utter ignorance of the Torah. When a war for survival is being waged, olive trees are more important than Jewish lives? Olive trees are more important than pikuach nefesh (saving lives)? If these olive trees provide income for Arab Nazis to be able to live in Israel and to be able to produce huge families, then they are a danger to Jewish lives.
But there is no pikuach nefesh involved when it comes to destroying olive trees. Which lives did it save?
Pathetic. The only non-Jewish residents that we must respect in the land according to the Torah are those who accept Jewish sovereignty and Jewish law, in other words, bnei Noach. The Torah commands us to expel the others. Moses, Joshua and King David would never have tolerated Arab Muslim Nazis living in the land of Israel.

Yea, the Torah did say that the non-Jews [in Israel] were to live according to the Noahide laws [the non-Jews out of Israel were to lie according to the Noahide laws as well] and respect Jewish sovereignty. That's true. But do you have any proof that Moses, Joshua, and King David would have expelled all the Arab residents [don't mean just the terrorists]? In any case, modern Israel as of today is not the same as biblical Israel [but that's not to write off Moses, Joshua, and King David; for they were all inspirational heroic G-d fearing leaders]. These are different times. Back in the times of the Tanakh, idolatry threatened the spirituality of the people of Israel. The character of the modern state is quite different from biblical Israel.
So even though the Arab Muslim Nazis are genocidal, it is forbidden to vandalize their property. When wimpy Jews become self-haters, there is no limit to their insanity.
No. It's forbidden to damage property of innocent people. I wasn't talking about Arab terrorists. I know that you think they're all the same. Yes, I understand that the Islamo-Fascist Nazi-like terrorists [like Hamas] are in control of the "Palestinian" society. And I think that Israel has not only the right, but also the duty, to defend herself against the Arab Muslim terrorist barbarians. But that doesn't mean that every single Arab or Muslim is a terrorist.
So Jews are not allowed to throw rocks at Arab "civilians" even though Arabs throw rocks at Jews day and night. Jews are not allowed to retaliate. Because right now, Tag Mechir are the only Jews who are retaliating and the only Jews who deal with the Arabs in a language they understand.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because Arab terrorists are genocidal to the core doesn't mean that Tag Machir has a right to retaliate against innocent people. Many times, Tag Machir retaliates not so much against Arab terrorism; but in retaliation to Israeli Government policies that they don't like. And many times they attack those who have nothing to do with the Israeli Government's decision.
"Greater Israel cult" means keeping Judea, Samaria, Gaza, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights which would make Israel about the size of New Jersey. Saying that Israel should be the size of New Jersey makes you part of a crazy "cult", according to this Judenrat kapo. Within these "Greater Israel" borders, the 66 nations of the Muslim world are still 2,000 times the size of tiny Israel. But even this is just too much land for the Jews, according to this endlessly appeasing worm.

One other point. The "Greater Israel cult" is Torah Judaism. The Torah actually commands us to liberate from the Nile to the Euphrates. Every time Jews commit the unforgivable crime of surrendering Jewish land or expelling Jews, it always leads to G-d's punishment.
Again, the modern state of Israel is not biblical Israel. In fact, some Orthodox Jews are against Israel existing prior to the Moshiach coming [I strongly and vehemently disagree with that viewpoint; just so everyone knows].The point is that Israel can not return to being "biblical Israel" prior to the Moshiach coming because, for one thing, that would mean rebuilding the Beit Hamikdash, which is a result of the Moshiach coming. As of now, there is no practical way for Israel to get all the territory "from the Nile to the Euphrates." And no one in Israel is even thinking about that. As of now, there is no contradiction between the Torah and the two-state solution, as long as the two-state solution brings peace. I'm not endorsing the two-state solution. As seen from the history, I'm pessimistic about the two-state solution bringing peace because the "Palestinians" use any territory they receive as a terrorist base, thusly resulting in terrorism on Israel increasing. But if a two-state solution does bring an end to the conflict, then that would mean that it would be permitted at least because of Pikuach Nefesh because it means an end to people dying.
Here again, Israel doesn't have the "morale or the resources" to be the size of New Jersey. Leftist traitors may refuse to serve in the IDF - big deal, these "soldiers" are a fifth column anyway. The best thing that could happen would be for the leftist traitors to refuse to serve. Better yet would be if they left Israel altogether.
So the IDF is a "fifth column" and only Chaim Ben Pesach and his little cult know what's good for Israel.  :::D Yes, if Israel would pursue a greater Israel agenda, the ranks of the left would grow and so would the number of those who refuse to serve the IDF. They're not going to leave the country. But they will grow if Israel pursues a "greater Israel" agenda. Part of the problem is that Israelis, when defending their country, have to deal with tough moral scenarios over how to best defend Israel and respect the civilian Arab population in the territories. Yes, some of what the IDF and the Shin Bet has to do for Israel's security bothers their conscience. And it'll create more problems if Israel pursues the "Greater Israel" agenda.
True. Even the most liberal Americans never suggest that the U.S. surrender American land. You are way beyond liberal.
I'm not talking about America. I'm talking about being pragmatic vs. being stuck with your ideological vision. I used to believe in the Greater Israel agenda. I still support it ideologically; but as of now, reality can not meet with the ideological ideal. 
You are the immoral one because Jews like you leave the Jewish people defenseless. You are so worried about appeasing world opinion that you allow Jews to be murdered so as not to "look bad" in the eyes of the anti-Semites. You fail to realize that one of the biggest reasons for anti-Semitism is cowardice. People detest cowards. Jewish youth often assimilate and are ashamed to be Jewish because of cowardly behavior of Jews like you. People respect courageous fighters even if they disagree with them. I personally witnessed how Rabbi Meir Kahane was respected more than all of the other Jewish leaders because he was regarded as a courageous, principled, idealistic warrior. "Practical" Jewish wimps who are unprincipled opportunists and who are willing to abandon their own land just for a moment of peace are despised. The brave fighting Israeli of the 1967 Six Day War was officially condemned but privately respected by the world. The gutless "pragmatic" Jews like you are held in contempt.
I already think that all of Jerusalem is Israel's capital. I'm opposed to Israel returning back to the pre-1967 borders. I already think that Israel should defend herself, regardless of what the world says. I don't want to appease the anti-Semites. But I don't support vandalizing property and attacking innocent people in the name of being courageous. Because that, in reality, is cowardice. 
But even if the world would be against us for doing what has to be done, it wouldn't matter. As Rabbi Kahane, the greatest Jewish leader of modern times, always said:

"I would rather have a strong Israel that the whole world hates than an Auschwitz that the whole world loves."
Yes, a strong Israel. Is Israel "strong" enough to carry out  the "Greater Israel" agenda? No. Most Israelis are sick and tired of conflict.
One last point. Many Israeli Jews love Tag Mechir. Below is a Hebrew video showing leftist reporters stunned to find virtually all of the passing Jews on the street in Jerusalem strongly applauding Tag Mechir. We in JTF cannot applaud them for legal reasons because we are a law-abiding organization. But we certainly do not condemn them. Many Israeli Jews, especially young Jews, adore them.

So one video showing some Israelis allegedly supporting Tag Machir says nothing. Generally speaking, most Israelis condemn tag Machir. Even most Jewish residents in Judea and Samaria condemn Tag Machir. In fact, settler leaders have come out denouncing Tag Machir:
“What happened yesterday is not violation of law and order – it’s much worse,”
-Rabbi Menachem Fruman, Rabbi of Tekoa [Jewish community in the "West Bank" and one of the leading religious figures among Israeli settlers]. Rabbi Fruman called the Tag Machir attackers "hooligans". So the fact is that the settler leaders are embarrassed by Tag Machir for conforming into the stereotypes that the international community has of them. Case closed.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 03:23:55 AM by Benyamin Solomon »

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #130 on: February 23, 2014, 01:49:00 AM »
Sorry you just got fired from your job, Stephanie. Maybe you'd feel better about your situation if you did something else with all this newfound time on your hands.

Offline Benyamin Solomon

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #131 on: February 23, 2014, 02:11:30 AM »
Sorry you just got fired from your job, Stephanie. Maybe you'd feel better about your situation if you did something else with all this newfound time on your hands.
I'm not Stephanie. You JTF cult worshippers just obsess over your opponents. Anyway, I saw a hilarious video about your cult leader:
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 02:55:09 PM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

Offline Aliyah5

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #132 on: February 23, 2014, 02:22:46 AM »
sorry i didn't mean to be politically incorrect i didn't mean rape I meant take captive brides :)

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #133 on: February 23, 2014, 03:08:21 AM »
Steven and Peter, you really need some hobbies (besides gay orgies and trolling the internet).

Offline Benyamin Solomon

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #134 on: February 23, 2014, 03:19:15 AM »
Steven and Peter, you really need some hobbies (besides gay orgies and trolling the internet).
I'm neither Steven or Peter. lol

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #135 on: February 23, 2014, 09:03:56 AM »
If you want a civil debate, then let's have it. You or Chaim or anyone else can come to the next show I have on BTR [Blog Talk Radio] anytime for all I care. And we'll discuss whether Tag Machir is right or not. Whether they should be condemned or not. But the problem is that you people aren't interested in civil debate. You people call me all sorts of names "Kapo", "self-hating Jew"; the list is endless. And you guys were obsessing over me because I disagree with you on Tag Machir. And you even said that you'll have a physical fight with me. Speaking of civil discussion, all of Chaim's videos are him viciously attacking people he disagrees with and spewing hate. So you want a civil discussion. Change your rhetoric. Anytime I do a show on BTR, Chaim or anyone else can call in and we can debate the issues in a civilized manner.
You shouldn't call people keyboard warriors,  but where did I say that... :::D

I would like to see any proof you have that Tag Machir attacked innocent people.
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline ForLorN

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #136 on: February 23, 2014, 10:15:12 AM »
This thread is getting funnier and funnier each day  :::D

Peter Kovacs

That's the bloke who has a collection of 200 sunglasses. On facebook he brags about hating JTF, hating the Serbs and being obsessed with sunglasses. I assume that is what Hungarians do. So they want to chime in here on the forum. wow lol

Kovacs in a debate about Israel on facebook, not a very sharp bloke  :>>
« Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 10:33:25 AM by ForLorN »
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Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #138 on: February 23, 2014, 02:23:58 PM »
^ Those are all leftist pro Palestine(doesn't exist) news sources!  :::D
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Online ChabadKahanist

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #139 on: February 23, 2014, 02:46:57 PM »
I'm not Stephanie. You JTF cult worshippers just obsess over your opponents. Anyway, I saw a hilarious video about your cult leader:

Benny you seem like a troll.
Why do you come on Chaim's site & bash him?
Let me state that their are things I disagree with Chaim on,but 99 % of the time I agree with him wholeheartedly.
What minor things I may disagree with him him on I would do so in respectful & honorable way.
As the late great Rabbi Meir Kahane,ZT"L,HY"D,ZY"A said,"Name calling is the the last refuge of a non-thinker."
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 02:55:39 PM by Chaim Ben Pesach »

Offline Benyamin Solomon

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #140 on: February 23, 2014, 03:36:10 PM »
Benny you seem like a troll.
As the late great Rabbi Meir Kahane,ZT"L,HY"D,ZY"A said,"Name calling is the the last refuge of a non-thinker."
Then I guess Chaim Ben Pesach and his followers are way beyond finding that last refuge because all they ever do is name calling [watch Chaim's videos and see the nasty things he says about people and groups of people]. I've been called names here [called "Kapo", "self-hating loser", and many other "lovely" names] for condemning Tag Machir. Apparently, name calling is only a last refuge if someone who disagrees with Chaim does it. If not, then it's ok. I have more to say. But I just had to get this out because I find it really ironic when a JTF cult worshipper lectures people about name calling.

Online ChabadKahanist

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #141 on: February 23, 2014, 03:51:17 PM »
Then I guess Chaim Ben Pesach and his followers are way beyond finding that last refuge because all they ever do is name calling [watch Chaim's videos and see the nasty things he says about people and groups of people]. I've been called names here [called "Kapo", "self-hating loser", and many other "lovely" names] for condemning Tag Machir. Apparently, name calling is only a last refuge if someone who disagrees with Chaim does it. If not, then it's ok. I have more to say. But I just had to get this out because I find it really ironic when a JTF cult worshipper lectures people about name calling.
First of all I worship only Hashem.
Next if you are here to to attack Chaim & others why be here?
What did you ever do to help Jews?
Chaim sat in years in prison for fighting for Soviet Jewry.
What did you ever do?
Did you ever sacrafice your safety & freedom for fellow Jews?
I think not.
I have know Chaim for 40 years & have disagreed with him on many things but I agree with him on more things than not.
The man paid his dues so show some mediocrum of respect

Offline Benyamin Solomon

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #142 on: February 23, 2014, 04:24:09 PM »
First of all I worship only Hashem.
Next if you are here to to attack Chaim & others why be here?
What did you ever do to help Jews?
Chaim sat in years in prison for fighting for Soviet Jewry.
What did you ever do?
Did you ever sacrafice your safety & freedom for fellow Jews?
I think not.
I have know Chaim for 40 years & have disagreed with him on many things but I agree with him on more things than not.
The man paid his dues so show some mediocrum of respect
I only worship Hashem as well. I joined this forum back in 2011, looking for right-wing Jewish forums. My views changed quite a bit (though Im still ideologically right-wing). I know I'm probably
wasting my time sayig this. But they started attacking me because I denounced Tag Machir.

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Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #144 on: February 23, 2014, 04:48:10 PM »
I'm neither Steven or Peter. lol
OK then if you are not Stephanie you're Ben Mizrachi. In fact I am quite sure that's who you are.

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #145 on: February 24, 2014, 03:15:43 PM »

The Judenrat kapo "Benyamin Solomon" who hates any Jew that defends himself is banned.

This self-hating worm came here immediately calling courageous Jewish kids who risk their lives living on remote hilltops surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Arab Nazis "cowards". We are not allowed legally to applaud the young fighters of Tag Mechir, but there is no question that it takes a lot of guts for unarmed Jewish teenagers to go into Arab terrorist villages and neighborhoods in the middle of the night to retaliate for the murder of innocent Jews. That is what the young Jews of Tag Mechir have done hundreds of times. This spineless serpent living in New York calls them names and curses them for giving the Arab Nazis a taste of their own medicine.

As I stated earlier, even the Arabs of pre-1967 Israel vote 95% or more for Arab Nazi parties that openly call for Israel's extermination. But the traitor Benyamin calls these Arab Nazis "innocent". Since Benyamin is a rat who wants to inform on his fellow Jews in Tag Mechir, we pray against creatures like him three times a day in the Shmone Esre.

Good riddance, traitor. In the next world, you will be together with the "innocent" Arab Muslim Nazis that you so love.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #146 on: February 24, 2014, 03:19:07 PM »

The Judenrat kapo "Benyamin Solomon" who hates any Jew that defends himself is banned.

This self-hating worm came here immediately calling courageous Jewish kids who risk their lives living on remote hilltops surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Arab Nazis "cowards". We are not allowed legally to applaud the young fighters of Tag Mechir, but there is no question that it takes a lot of guts for unarmed Jewish teenagers to go into Arab terrorist villages and neighborhoods in the middle of the night to retaliate for the murder of innocent Jews. That is what the young Jews of Tag Mechir have done hundreds of times. This spineless serpent living in New York calls them names and curses them for giving the Arab Nazis a taste of their own medicine.

As I stated earlier, even the Arabs of pre-1967 Israel vote 95% or more for Arab Nazi parties that openly call for Israel's extermination. But the traitor Benyamin calls these Arab Nazis "innocent". Since Benyamin is a rat who wants to inform on his fellow Jews in Tag Mechir, we pray against creatures like him three times a day in the Shmone Esre.

Good riddance, traitor. In the next world, you will be together with the "innocent" Arab Muslim Nazis that you so love.

 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #147 on: February 24, 2014, 03:53:05 PM »
Did he actually choose the cowardly lion as his own avatar? Because that's ironic, don't you think?
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #148 on: February 24, 2014, 04:16:00 PM »

The Judenrat kapo "Benyamin Solomon" who hates any Jew that defends himself is banned.

This self-hating worm came here immediately calling courageous Jewish kids who risk their lives living on remote hilltops surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Arab Nazis "cowards". We are not allowed legally to applaud the young fighters of Tag Mechir, but there is no question that it takes a lot of guts for unarmed Jewish teenagers to go into Arab terrorist villages and neighborhoods in the middle of the night to retaliate for the murder of innocent Jews. That is what the young Jews of Tag Mechir have done hundreds of times. This spineless serpent living in New York calls them names and curses them for giving the Arab Nazis a taste of their own medicine.

As I stated earlier, even the Arabs of pre-1967 Israel vote 95% or more for Arab Nazi parties that openly call for Israel's extermination. But the traitor Benyamin calls these Arab Nazis "innocent". Since Benyamin is a rat who wants to inform on his fellow Jews in Tag Mechir, we pray against creatures like him three times a day in the Shmone Esre.

Good riddance, traitor. In the next world, you will be together with the "innocent" Arab Muslim Nazis that you so love.
So just who was this beast Chaim? Stephanie? Joshua Rosenfag? Ben Miznazi?

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Re: Tag machir aka(price tag) major success
« Reply #149 on: February 24, 2014, 08:16:05 PM »
I have been adding a lot of people on Facebook that I don't know, and sharing our video's.  I noticed that a lot of people are friends with Weigang. ..
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.