Author Topic: Do the Arabs/Muslims hate the United States of America because ?  (Read 462 times)

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Offline missouricitizen

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Do the Arabs/Muslims hate the United States of America because of American support and aid for Israel and or the State of Israel for the Jewish State of Israel my view is no because Muslims want Sharia Law WorldWide on the whole Planet Earth  I think Islam's goal is take over the whole World including the United States and Israel in my view if America stopped supporting Israel or if Israel never became a Nation in 1948 or if Israel stopped existing the Arabs/Muslims would still hate America/Americans because the Muslims view America as an Infidel Nation a Non Muslim Nation or a Christian Nation and or a Nation ruled by Non Islamic Law I view Israel as an Friend of the United States because Israel is on the frontline against a WorldWide Caliphate would anyone agree with me I support Zionism 100% and don't forget that most of the conflicts in the World is Muslims fighting Non Muslims the Muslims hate all Non Muslims not just Jews ?