true gem! 52 weeks of the Rabbis Kahane a week! [link above has all of these titles available to read]
"52- Parashat Vezot HaBrachah - Rabbi Meir Kahane - Judaism: Religion or Nation?
51- Yom Kippur- Rabbi Meir Kahane - Repentance as a Nation: The Key to Redemption
50- Parashat Ha'azinu- Rabbi Meir Kahane - Torah of Life
49- Parashat Nitzavim/Vayelech- Rabbi Meir Kahane - Free Will
48- Parashat Ki Tavo- Rabbi Meir Kahane - Rebuke, With All My Love
47- Parashat Ki Tetzei- Rabbi Meir Kahane - Holiness in Times of War
46- Parashat Shoftim- Rabbi Meir Kahane - The Jewish State
45- Parashat Re'eh- Rabbi Meir Kahane and Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane- War of Values: Halacha vs. Democracy
44- Parashat Eikev- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Fear and Love of G-d
43- Parashat Va'etchanan- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Some Halachot regarding non-Jews in Eretz Yisrael
42- Parashat Devarim- Rabbi Meir Kahane- The Foundation of Torah: Emunah and Bitachon
41- Parashat Mattot/Masei- Rabbi Meir Kahane- G-d's vengeance. We deliver!
40- Parashat Pinchas- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Peace through vengeance
39- Parashat Balak- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Israel alone, a precious blessing
38- Parashat Chukat- Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane- The Legitimate Rights of the Ammonites
37- Parashat Korach- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Attaining Greatness: Do's and Don'ts
36- Parashat Shelach- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Fatal Error
35- Parashat Beha'alotcha - Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane- Jews refusing orders
34- Parashat Nasso - Rabbi Meir Kahane- Naked Betrayal
33- Parashat Bamidbar - Rabbi Meir Kahane- Dear Jew, you are precious to G-d!
32- Parashat Behar/Bechukotai - Rabbi Meir Kahane- Help!
31- Parashat Emor- Rabbi Meir Kahane- The Omer: Countdown to Faith
30- Parashat Acharei/Kedoshim- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Forbidden conjugal relations
29- Israeli Independence Day- assembled from the writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane- A Play in Four Acts
28- Parashat Tazria/Metzora- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Blemish and Perfection
27- Parashat Shemini- Rabbi Meir Kahane- The Meaning of Life
26- Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach- Rabbi Meir Kahane- A Torah perspective: They really must go!
25- Pesach- Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane- Seder night's secret meaning
24- Shabbat Hagadol- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Before Redemption
23- Parashat Vayikra- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Burn your pride!
22- Shabbat HaChodesh/Vayakhel- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Do you trust G-d?
21- Parashat Ki Tisa- Rabbi Meir Kahane- For My Name's sake
20- Shabbat Zachor- Rabbi Meir Kahane- The awful sin of Amalek
19- Parashat Terumah- Rabbi Meir Kahane- The holiest object on earth
18- Parashat Mishpatim- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Slave of G-d or slave of man?
17- Parashat Yitro- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Holiness and Mitzvot
16- Parashat Beshallach- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Mercy for the cruel?
15- Parashat Bo- Rabbi Meir Kahane- No concessions!
14- Parashat Va'eira- Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane- Does Redemption have to be violent?
13- Parashat Shemot- Rabbi Meir Kahane and Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane- Jeopardizing all our accomplishments
12- Parashat Vayechi- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Accursed is their rage
11- Parashat Vayigash- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Reluctant to leave
10- Parashat Mikeitz- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Joseph recognized his brothers
9- Parashat Vayeshev- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Forgetting vs. Remembering
8- Parashat Vayishlach- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Fearing no one but G-d
7- Parashat Vayetze- Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane- No tranquility for the righteous
6- Parashat Toldot- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Behavior and Character Traits
5- Parashat Chayei Sarah- Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane- Whose Hebron is it, anyway? (plus added background article from the writings of Rabbi Meir Kahane: "Who stole Eretz Yisrael?")
4- Parashat Vayeira- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Isaac and Ishmael can't coexist
3- Parashat Lech Lecha- Rabbi Meir Kahane- Abraham and Jewish greatness
2- Parashat Noach- Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane- Creation anihilated?
1- Parashat Bereshit- Rabbi Meir Kahane- The purpose of man's creation"