Author Topic: Slight anti Jewish rise in U.S. guess who is causing the slight rise LOL  (Read 614 times)

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Take for example the number of Americans believing that the Jews were responsible for the death of Christ. 31% believe that “Jews are responsible for the death of Christ, a number that has remained steady through the past decade”, as ADL’s study states. Is that a lot? A little? A Pew study from several years ago gives one much more information about the composition of the group of people believing in the responsibility of Jews for Christ’s death: “the shift in opinion among young people and African Americans over that period has been striking. Currently, 34% of those below age 30 and 42% of blacks say they feel Jews were responsible for Christ’s death, up substantially from 1997 (10% and 21%, respectively). By contrast, there has been far less movement among older Americans and among whites”. Other studies had also found “high acceptance of the Christ- killing belief among the Latino and African- American communities”.
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Re: Slight anti Jewish rise in U.S. guess who is causing the slight rise LOL
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2011, 08:09:04 PM »
It's ironic that left wing Jews seem to be so much in favor of illegal immigration and civil rights for blacks, etc. when all it does it come back to bite them and unfortunately any other Jews, even the right wing ones.

The Latino churches tend to be Catholic and while we have many good members at JTF here who are Catholic and not anti-Semitic at all, it's also worth noting that there have been leaders within the RCC in recent history who have been more pro-Fakestinian than pro-Israel and considered Muslims closer friends than Jews. I still remember that picture of Pope John Paul kissing the Qu'ran. That was just so wrong.... and I think many of the Latinos in third world countries might have been badly influenced by such things and may not have been brought up to respect Jews, so when they come here they carry the same attitudes with them.

Black churches are sometimes influenced heavily by Islam, as Obama's so-called church demonstrated. I've noticed a strong tendency even among non-Muslim blacks to have a sort of respect for Islam and to name their children Muslim names (Like Ayeesha for girls or Omar for boys).  I think that the black community also resents the fact they needed so much help from Jews to acheive all the handouts they've gotten rather than being grateful at all for that help.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Slight anti Jewish rise in U.S. guess who is causing the slight rise LOL
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2011, 07:57:19 AM »
Most Blacks nowadays think they are Israelites, wouldn't that contradict their theory?

I don't think most blacks believe that. However even the ones that do hate the real Jews.