Opinion Poll, December 1st, 2011
http://www.brookings.edu/reports/2011/1201_israel_poll_telhami.aspxGranted, one of the authors of this poll was Muslim Nazi Shibley Telhami, but I believe it because he would be wanting to paint Israeli Jews as more right-wing than they actually are in order to demonize them to the world. The findings of this report are absolutely and utterly pathetic, but not particularly surprising. Here are some startling key findings:
59% of Israeli Jews believe that there is severe societal discrimination against Arab Nazis (52% believe there is institutionalized prejudice against them, and another 7% believe that full-on "apartheid" exists)
54% of Israeli Jews support Barack Hitler Osama; a far greater number support the female fuhrer, Germany's Angela Merkel.
43% of Israelis support knocking out Iran's nuclear facilities. Most either oppose it or are undecided.
--An overwhelming majority of Israelis,
71%, believe that Israel must completely accomodate its Arab population.

Chaim, how do you say "the world's biggest mental asylum" in Hebrew?
Axl Rose