I would like to know how and what State or country is going to cut off welfare?, do you know the riots and the killing in the streets, there wouldn't be a white person alive.
I think welfare could be reformed and still have a safety net for people who genuinely need help for a period of time. The length of time someone can be on it should be limited, there should not be an incentive to have more children while on welfare, and illegal immigrants should not have access to programs like WIC as they currently do now. Also the only food they should be able to buy on any kind of food stamps should be staple foods (rice, dry beans, flour, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, that sort of thing, not Doritos, Soda, candy bars, etc.)
There are protests in New York just to finger print people on food stamps and you want to say you can't get welfare unless you use birth control, this has been tried before and it was illegal for the government to tell these people not to have children.
I think it could be worded in a way which would make it legal. For example they might have access to more funds if they agreed to have birth control monitored by a doctor. This would be optional but would be an incentive to get on the birth control. There are programs in place that require birth control for example if someone is using the prescription version of Thalidomide or some other very dangerous drugs like that, they have to be monitored to make sure they are on constant birth control. There could be alternatives to those who religiously object to being on birth control, such as a certain amount of community service being done.
As far as birth control these people do not use that, it's like in the jungles, you get the fever and you do it anywhere.
That is their culture, but I think it would be better to give them incentives to not have children rather than give them incentives to have children. As it is now, if a welfare mother has more children, she gets more welfare.
You go on to say about not hurting the children and it's not their fault so how do you cut off welfare?
I don't understand?
It's the mother's responsibility to care for her children, not the state's. If she is unable to provide for her children's basic needs, then they will go into the foster care system. Force these people to take responsibility for their own kids and they might learn that it's in their own interest to reign in the jungle urges or at least discover these fancy new inventions called 'condoms'.
You can talk any religion under the sun but lets get to 2012 and reality with these people abortion is the only way to go, give them a voucher to get a free one with every welfare check that is handed out each month.
I believe that abortion is murder and is not justifiable unless there is no other way to save the mother's life (as in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, where there are really no alternatives).