Author Topic: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all  (Read 21903 times)

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Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
« Reply #75 on: June 24, 2007, 12:38:56 PM »
What member of the cast was in the KKk? The 'Birth of a Nation' showed exactly what was happening all over the south. It also is a mirror on today. Here in New York there were 6 shootings in harlem by blacks. Harlem is going under gentrification so the undesirables will move to your area. There, when you recieve you teaching degree you can help them learn about themselves, tell them that are just like king tut, they built everything, they invented civic government etc. By the way, just like the "Birth of a Nation" a black man killed a white woman (she was a slut self hater so I do not  really care about her and her bastard kids) who he knocked up. Now if a posse of white men got together to protect their old, women and children from this african don juan , I suppose this would offend you. What is strange is that if some of the members of this forum saw you getting mugged or worse, most of us would come to your aid. I remember stories of white women getting hit by a car in a black area and as she was lying on the ground the black onlookers stole everything she had. Do you remember the Central Park Jogger, a young white woman was jogging when a black hispanic pounced on her raped and beat her. While she was laying helpless on the ground, a group of black 'youths' came upon her and continued where the other tribal brother left off. They gang raped her will she was unconcious and pummelled her with everything but the kitchen sink. Would it be cultural insensitive if a group of whites put a stop to these 'negroes acting afro centricly'?. I am sure that there would be such an uproar today it would wake all the dead white women that were killed by black primitives. Hillary would have soiled her depends as she screamed of a horrible act of white men protecting a white woman from the amorous advances of underpriviledged black youth. Barbara Walters would have announced that this was a throw back to the time of reconstruction when white men banded togerther to protect their women, how disgusting. Katie Couric and the two admitted sluts, meredith and hoprah would have gotten their tiny little tities all tangled and twisted over this.Mike ( I'm not paying for that meatloaf) would have a special edition of 60 bull turd with civil rights leaders to denouce this atrocity commited by white men. I say that the time has come for this carnage to stop. As society makes more and more excuses for thes atrocities, more and more klan like groups will start sprouting up and I am affraid they will take the good people, such as you and your family, along with the bad. I really think that you believe in everything you say, that you try and raise your children in a righteous way, but you have been brainwashed like so many others, such as white liberals. Wake up! Things are getting worse, wait till the mexican gangs more into your area, you will beg for a klan to come to fight this invasion.
First of all.. NO, I won't beg for the Klan to do anything for me. Second I can't believe you're making excuses for the existence of the Klan. They formed for a different reason than they evolved to be. It was supposed to be some secret society but then turned into something devilishly evil. Lynching blacks because they wanted to escape from slavery. Lynching blacks because they wanted to learn how to read. Beating and killing blacks because they looked at a white woman. Highly acceptable, I guess, in your eyes. Also, the KKK killed blacks who they thought were 'uppity' and were trying to change their futures. I'll bet you didn't know that did you? And you liken needing the kkk with what's going on in Harlem...why? Different times, different people. We need  police to clean that problem you're seeing in  Harlem up, not a rogue-vigilanti (oxymoron) group with hate pulsing through their veins.

ETA: What I said about the movie being cast, and directed by the kkk was figuratively speaking. The spirit of the movie led me to make that opinion. "Blacks are bad! Let's kill them!" "Oh NO! That slave is looking at/ or likes white women! Lets kill them!" Sounds like kkk garbage to me.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 12:45:37 PM by Imerica »

Offline fjack

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Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
« Reply #76 on: June 24, 2007, 01:12:40 PM »
First of all the klan was formed after the civil war. I don't believe in killing any one just because of their color. There is no way I would join the klan, since they are nothing but drunken bar room brawlers and unfit to live amonst intelligent white peole. I believe that the total number of klanmen are about 2300 according to FBI stats. There is no doubt that these klan types that exist today are nothing but bores and a drain on police resources since we have to keep an eye on these guys. I am for vigilantes and militias. We are not protected by the police who are too policitically correct. We must police our own communities and when push comes to shove we must shove back with a powerful hand that will show others we are no longer kidding and you should never bother any one of us again. Live the way you want to in your own neighborhoods, but leave us alone or you all will suffer a horrible, horrrible fate.


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Re: Shvartzas celebrate the end of Slavery with well...a free for all
« Reply #77 on: June 24, 2007, 01:27:19 PM »
First of all the klan was formed after the civil war. I don't believe in killing any one just because of their color. There is no way I would join the klan, since they are nothing but drunken bar room brawlers and unfit to live amonst intelligent white peole. I believe that the total number of klanmen are about 2300 according to FBI stats. There is no doubt that these klan types that exist today are nothing but bores and a drain on police resources since we have to keep an eye on these guys. I am for vigilantes and militias. We are not protected by the police who are too policitically correct. We must police our own communities and when push comes to shove we must shove back with a powerful hand that will show others we are no longer kidding and you should never bother any one of us again. Live the way you want to in your own neighborhoods, but leave us alone or you all will suffer a horrible, horrrible fate.

I hear life is much better in sociological terms in small town USA. A local sherrif elected by the white 90+% majority community doesn't give a stuff about PC.

"You in a heap o' trouble now,boy!"