The media is already incessantly calling him a racist and it's not fazing him.
Right now he has to face the primary voters so he will be tough, but in the general he will ignore conservatives and try to win the so-called "moderates". Already he is in favor of amnesty for illegals, and opposes major budget cuts to government entitlement programs.
Newt is as much a flip-flopper as Romney.
He favored cap-and-trade taxes, but now opposes it.
He worked for Fannie Mae, but now opposes them.
Newt paved the way for the deregulation of investment banking, and now calls it "vulture capitalism".
Newt favored an individual mandate to force people to buy health insurance, but now opposes it.
Newt's only better than Romney when it comes to debating. But watch out he is know for putting his foot in his mouth. During the government shutdown in 1995, he complained about now getting a good seat on Air Force One. The media spun it to make him look like a cry baby, and make it seem that was the reason the government shutdown happened.