The arab muslim child is not a normal being. This is why we must not assume that just because our enemies may be children that they are not valid targets. Each one of these little egyptian Chucky dolls have the inculcated desire to murder Jews and they dream about it. Americans nice view of childhood is blown to bits when we realize that little muslims are taught from the time they are spawned that the Koran is true, that a Muslim is superior to the Jew or the Christian, that he has a higher calling to remove the evil infidels who are attacking his religion and exhibiting 'Islamophobia' in ridicule of his most sacred prophet mohamudd.
This is why Hashem told the Jewish people that the day would come when we faced Amalek and we would have to fight every Amaleki Man, Woman and Child to the last one. Look at the cute little egyptian children spouting the hatred that they are taught. Remember that these little cute children would blow you up in a heartbeat. It is either the little monster or us...
Average arab muslim child (Chucky Al-Amaleki)