Author Topic: Latest news from IOF intelligence  (Read 451 times)

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Latest news from IOF intelligence
« on: March 27, 2012, 12:43:52 AM »
We have reason to believe the spy plane was downed in Iran due to a leak from someone in high level Israeli politics.

Possibly someone in one of the top military families, probably a homosexual.

Obama wants to give Shimon Peres the medal of freedom, but the only thing Peres is getting, is the noose for turning states evidence against Pollard.

Peres is also wanted for shaving the heads of Yemenite children in Haifa, conducting radioactive testing on Israeli citizens
and maybe the murder of Yitzhak Rabin.

We will get Justice!

We are conducting an investigation and if these allegations are correct, we are going to send his skull down to the grave in blood.

If anyone in the US feels that they outrank Obama and that his whole presidency is illegal and illegitimate,
we encourage them to simply put Pollard on a plane and send him out here to the military airport in Eilat.

We are offering absolutely nothing, not even 1 penny for Pollard's release,
but maybe the opportunity snub Obama and prevent a thermonuclear holocaust in the U.S.

Indeed, as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says, the US cannot do a damn thing to Iran.

But there is an independent Israeli plan in the works and we are in desperate need of the GPS coordinates for the reactors.