Author Topic: Why do married women dress provocatively in public?  (Read 17924 times)

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Joe Schmo

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Re: Why do married women dress provocatively in public?
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2007, 12:12:23 AM »
I thought I'd respond to this topic. If you look just 50 years ago or less, a women caught wearing what a woman wears today would be thown in jail for indecent exposure or put in a mental ward for being not in her right mind. If it was wrong back then, then it's wrong today and any woman who wears such clothing is not in her right mind. It's a sick world out there and completely insane and we see this through homosexuals, women dressing like whores, to the corrupt system we live in. Crime is rampid and the whole world is like a tinder box ready to be blown up by nuclear war. People are so scared, stressed, and crazy about it that it takes G-d Almighty to keep us from the wickedness of this world and be not partakers of it's sin. I will also quote something that Jesus said and that is "that if any man looks on a woman to lust after her, he has committed adultary already in his heart." If he's guilty of adultary, who's to blame? The woman for presenting herself to the man to lust after. It's nothing but the devil and it's all around us men in this sick age. Everywhere you turn there are these sex queens. Just by turning on the tv, you are bombarded with it daily. G-d keep our sisters from mixing with this vile filth. Keep yourselves Holy sisters in the site of G-d!

Finally, someone who agrees with me.