Well, early Herzel was definitely a putz. When he finally figured it out that the only solution is a Jewish State, thats when his opinions became a little more tolerable. I don't mind incorporating some of European culture, as long as we only incorporate the good parts, theres definitely some aspects that are horrible. What I'm worried about is this movie legitimizing the [censored] of Nazirei Karta, because it draws a distinction between Judaism and Zionism. Thankfully, for most of Israel, Zionism and Judaism (well, at least Jewish Identity) go hand in hand, in June '67 it became very clear that HaShem wants to further Zionism. The end result of Herzel's Zionism has been a mixed bag. We now have a Jewish State, that is very positive. The cultural mix within Israel is nothing too bad, It has in it Europe while at the same time not having Europe. The government we got is an abomination, it still clings to the "erase Jewish identity" part, it has Europe in it and wants even more Europe in it.
There's no doubt about it, the original Zionists, including Jabotinsky, were Judenrat scum. I have not finished the whole video but I will watch the rest of it tomorrow.
Jabotinsky wasn't judenrat, he was anti-assimilation, wanting all the Jews to leave the Galut. He did want to alter the Jewish identity, but it was not that negative.