Author Topic: So far 15 whites beaten because of Treyvon  (Read 665 times)

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So far 15 whites beaten because of Treyvon
« on: May 03, 2012, 08:40:38 PM »

The assaults on a pair of Virginian-Pilot reporters in Norfolk, Va., two weeks ago at the hands of 30 black youths, reported for the first time Tuesday, are the latest in a series of attacks driven by a warped sense of racial vigilantism hiding behind calls of “Justice for Trayvon.” At least 15 whites have been beaten not just with fists, but with potentially deadly weapons including hammers and lengths of chain. Many of the victims have been hospitalized, some may never fully recover, and one lingers on the verge of death.

David Forster and Marjon Rostami are just the latest victims of brutal beatings tied to the Trayvon Martin shooting, and some Virginians are outraged that the newspaper did not report the attack for “politically correct reasons.” The attack was revealed not as news, but in an opinion piece.

Trayvon Martin was a black teenager shot and killed by an off-duty neighborhood watch volunteer in February in a Sanford, Fla., gated community. It wasn’t until the Martin family’s attorney engaged a public relations firm and claims began circulating that charges weren’t brought because Martin was black and his killer was white that the case gained national attention. Race-baiting community activists, misleading news reports, and grandstanding politicians ignited deep-seated racial animosities which have now inspired violence. The fact that the shooter, George Zimmerman, self-identifies as Hispanic and is 1/8th black seems utterly irrelevant. He’s merely the excuse for a long list of violent crimes perpetrated against whites in recent weeks by a criminal under-class suddenly roused to violence.


Aaron Parsons is being held on $1 million bail in Baltimore for the videotaped assault and robbery of a tourist on Saint Patrick’s Day. The man who videotaped the beating and posted it online claimed “me an[sic] my boys helped get justice fore[sic] trayvon.” Three co-conspirators to the beating and robbery are still wanted by police.

On March 24-25, a string of attacks in Grand Rapids, Mich., by mobs of black youths injured seven whites in separate incidents. Five of the injured filed police reports. Examiner reporter Kyle Rogers interviewed one of the victims, Jacob Palasek, who had been beaten with a chain. Palasek stated that police investigators feel that all the attacks were related to the Trayvon Martin story. Local news media stand accused of burying the story to keep racial tensions from rising to a boiling point.

A day later, two black men savagely beat a 50-year-old man in a hammer attack in Sanford, Fla., just miles from where Trayvon Martin was shot. The attack is thought to be racially motivated, and the victim, Mark Slavin, has been in critical condition since the attack. He has multiple skull fractures and has developed respiratory problems. His prognosis is grim.

Seventy-eight-year-old Dallas Watts claims he was the victim of an April 3 assault in East Toledo, Ohio, in which a multiracial group of six youths (five black and one white) are alleged to have shouted, “This is for Trayvon. Kill that white.” Police officials have since attempted to claim Watts “exaggerated” the event, though they still admit an assault and robbery occurred and that Trayvon Martin was mentioned during the assault.

On April 9 in Gainesville, Fla., 5-8 black men jumped out of a car and screamed “Trayvon” before severely beating a white 27-year-old man walking home alone. The attackers had selected their target at random. The victim is coping with substantial injuries, including probable “permanent disfigurement to the left side of his face.”

Just two days later, in the same city, a white man that chased down a black purse snatcher had his hands stomped by a black crowd shouting “Trayvon.” They allowed the criminal to escape.

On April 17 in Chicago, two black teens assaulted and robbed their white 19-year-old victim in an attack they admit was driven by race hate. Alton Hayes III stated that his sole motive was “anger over the death of Trayvon Martin” and that he chose his victim because of his race. He faces attempted robbery, aggravated battery, and hate-crime charges. His partner in the assault has been referred to the juvenile court system.

In just two months, there were at least 14 known assaults — some clearly attempted murder — perpetrated by black mobs against 15 white victims that have been tied to a widely shared desire to avenge the death of Trayvon Martin.

This list of brutality does not include the highly publicized beating of Matthew Owens in Alabama that may have been the result of a long-running neighborhood feud, nor does it include the shooting of an unoccupied Sanford, Fla., police car at the height of racial tensions before George Zimmerman was arrested. It also does not include alleged vandalism and threats that have been issued, such as the death threats in Wisconsin plastered on neighborhood mailboxes and a sticker featuring a picture of Trayvon Martin and the word “Revenge,” as well as another that said “Kill Whitey.”

The fact that Martin’s admitted shooter, George Zimmerman, is multi-racial indicates the attacks are merely an excuse to resurrect deeply buried grudges and act out on them with violence.

The media that doctored evidence to give the incident a racist spin, the politicians that echoed it when they saw a political advantage in parroting disinformation, and the racial grievance industry that fanned the flames of racial discord have downplayed the incidents of violence they nurtured.

This is far from over, and the worst of the deep-seated, irrational hatred, blame-shifting, and violent sentiments resemble nothing less than the psychosis that undermines the Palestinian cause and keeps them from ever rising above poverty and out of hate. America has balkanized fiercely thanks to a disreputable media and dishonorable “leaders,” and a Pandora’s box has cracked open as a result.

The vitriol towards George Zimmerman and the call for riots if the courts don’t rule the mob’s way are heavily documented on social media sites like Twitter. Threads for #Trayvon, #TrayvonMartin, #Justice4Trayvon, and #Zimmerman reveal a raw and untouched desire for violent retribution and the most brutal lynching fantasies directed at Zimmerman, sprinkled with naked hatred of other races.

These documented assaults that have made national media are not likely to be the only violent hate crimes spurred on by events and perceptions surrounding the shooting of Trayvon Martin, and the case hasn’t even made it to trial. The same malevolent media, race hustlers, and political opportunists that have sowed discord now face a cultural disaster of their own making. If they cannot find a way to rein in the violence they’ve instigated, the integrated, color-blind society that so many of us had hoped was just on the horizon may be set back decades once again.

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Re: So far 15 whites beaten because of Treyvon
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2012, 03:37:17 PM »
It's probably a lot more than 15, as many cases are not even reported. Just wait until Zimmerman is cleared.