^ So if both are obscene, I will only give one more question, which is how can we train a generation of soldiers to fight for Israel/America/Europe/Serbia/etc. if they are very sensitive? There have been some tough people I know that got broken by the Marines during boot camp. I shudder when I think of young kids who have never seen a violent or immoral act being sent off to kill for a state. IT would terribly shock them.
I actually agree with you in part. We have a society in which our institutions all preach leftist pacifism. In Los Angeles Unified School district, if a boy even draws a gun, his parents can be prosecuted for child abuse. We are taught that we all need to be more understanding and 'tolerant' to ideologies such as Islam, that seek to destroy this.
This makes it much tougher to recruit for the millitary.
However... thankfully, there are groups like us that try to unbrainwash our youth.
This has no connection to pornagraphy, I am not sure of the connection here. Many of the most pornographically obsessed people I know are huge pacifists who think all guns are evil.