Author Topic: George Zimmerman Had Multiple Injuries Caused By Trayvon Martin's  (Read 1280 times)

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Online Confederate Kahanist

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Which is the reason why he had the right to defend himself:

Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Painter

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Nice to see the truth finally come out.

Offline Aces High

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Barak Hussein Obama is out for Zimmerman's blood.   Obama is leaning hard on all the government agencies to start the process of getting Zimmerman convicted on 2nd degree murder charges. 

Zimmerman can't fight very well.   He just can't.    So in the end he had to use his gun to protect himself to put a stop to a savage beating, that could have ended in his death.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Allen Dershowitz said there were two victims...Zimmerman was following Martin..then the police told him to cease and stop what he was doing...he did so...then Trayvon decided to go after Zimmerman and asked him if he had a problem...the violence progressed from there, but Zimmerman definitely had a right to defend himself...All the scalp abrasions were on the back of Zimmerman's head, which was repeatedly banged against the ground.  Dershowitz, while liberal really knows the Laws!