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HANNITY: Yes. Interesting. All right. Now, you did ask, because this issue comes up about when he became a Christian. He tells a story and -- for my father about how we found the black value system and he was reading it and he was fortified by tapes of Reverend Wright. I mean, very familiar with Reverend Wright.KLEIN: Yes.HANNITY: And you asked about the issue. He did also talk in one of his books about, you know, how he did study the Koran and et cetera and that prayer at sunset was one of the most beautiful things in the world. But when he was a kid and you asked Wright if he thought that Barack Obama at some point was a Muslim and this is the answer of Reverend Wright.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)KLEIN: Do you think he ever thought of himself as Muslim?WRIGHT: Yes.KLEIN: No.WRIGHT: Yes. It's like. I am sure he got some grief not politicizing grief, but some grief from that part of his family. And I say that based on my wide range of Muslim friends.(END VIDEO CLIP)HANNITY: What do you think of that?KLEIN: Well, I was very interested in another part of that, as well, which is, when I asked the Reverend Wright about this whole question of Islam and Christianity. He said, well, you know, Barack Obama was steeped in Islam. He knew a lot about Islam from his childhood. But he knew very little about Christianity. And I made it easy for him to feel not guilty about learning about Christianity without turning his back on his Islamic friends?HANNITY: What does that mean?KLEIN: So then I said to him, well, did you convert him from --HANNITY: You did ask him that. I remember.KLEIN: Yes. I said, did you convert him? He said, it's hard to tell.HANNITY: Interesting. Because, you know, anyone that ever -- you know brought up the fact, he did say in his book that he studied the Koran. OK. He studied the Koran.KLEIN: All right.HANNITY: He didn't say he was a Muslim. He did say the prayer at sunset was beautiful. He doesn't say he was a Muslim. But if you bring it up -- the right wing is trying to say, you know. But, all right, I have one last question for you. You do pander throughout this interview --KLEIN: Yes, do I.HANNITY: To Reverend Wright.KLEIN: Yes.HANNITY: You suck up to him big time.KLEIN: Right?HANNITY: And I didn't know if you meant it. And then at one point, you even attacked me in this interview, which I was a little surprised to hear. But I will let you explain yourself, in fairness. We will let everybody hear that as well.
uhhh ohhh!!!!!!!!!!It looks like that little bribe that they gave the reverend meant nothing.
Wasn't wright himself a former member of the nation of islamic monkeys?