Author Topic: WHAT IF APARTHEID CARRIED ON?  (Read 1852 times)

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Offline Hail Columbia

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« on: July 01, 2007, 07:01:42 PM »

By Uncle Cracker

On 15 March,2007 the Rightwing, Conservative blogger, Knorrig, asks a very interesting question on the “Why South Africa Sucks” controversial website. He asks, “What if Apartheid never was?”

Knorrig argues/speculates that given the lack of progress of black Africans by the end of WWII, South Africa would never have reached the heights it did, basically a first world infrastructure on a third world continent.

The ensuing debate then rages on; spearheaded by the communist CrimeX, who argues that Apartheid “WAS”, but never should have been. Apart from that, there isn’t much in his longwinded cliché of an argument.

It is well known that Knorrig and the squad at WSAS holds some strong rightwing views and slag off liberals as a sadistic hobby, whereas it is equally well known that CrimeX is a piece of Communist scum. (I am trying to be as euphemistical as possible).

I want to create a new hypothesis and maybe show them both how vage their worlds are they live in. I want to ask the question, “What if Apartheid carried on?”

I am what could be described as “Apolitical”. Reason being is my disillusionment with modern politics and politically correct science that traps people in a state of intellectual communism. Further, I am a soldier.

Let’s start with a review. Let’s look at the people who were running South Africa prior to 1994 when the first fully democratic elections took place, namely the National Party. The NP was made up of predominantly, but not exclusively, Afrikaners. Without going into too much detail about the history of the Afrikaners, lets just say they were Western European settlers from mostly Dutch decent, who settled in South Africa since 1652. At first it was only farmers who came to start a halfway supply station for ships coming around the tip of Africa between Europe and The Far East (hence the name Boers, meaning farmer), but later on they were more protestants fleeing religious persecution from the Roman Catholics in Europe. The Boer Afrikaners fought many battles against the Xhosa tribes and decided to trek inland where it was as they hoped, a little friendlier. Unfortunately they came across even more violent natives.

They fought some and made treaties with others. The main battle was the defeat of the Zulu’s at the Battle of Bloodriver. Nevertheless, the Boer Afrikaners founded their own Countries namely The Zuid Afrikaanche Republiek and the Orange Free State. In the last half of the 1800, the British showed a keen interest in these two countries, mainly because of the discovery of gold and diamonds. The Boers had to defend themselves against the British twice. The second Anglo Boer war 1899-1902 was Britain’s most expensive war to date. They never expected a handful of dedicated, vastly outnumbered Boers to put up such resistance. Nevertheless the Boers eventually surrendered, because of the scorched earth policy of the British and the deaths of 27 000 women and children in British concentration camps.

After the war, the impoverished Afrikaners slowly started clawing their way back and the union of South Africa was founded in 1910. In 1948 the National Party came to power, but South Africa only got their independence from Britain in 1961. The National Party was largely responsible for the policy of separate development of races in South Africa also sometimes called “Apartheid”.
These Afrikaner people were deeply religious. They read the bible daily and where staunch churchgoers. Why would they believe in the suppression of other races… or did they? Were the laws created under Apartheid meant to destroy people…or to help them?

Let’s look at the facts. These Christian Afrikaners were good people who knew the black Africans and understood them. They built separate schools and universities for blacks. They built separate hospitals for blacks. The biggest hospital in the Southern hemisphere, Barragwanath, was build by white Afrikaners for blacks. The White Afrikaners built more houses for the blacks than the current ANC government ever did and ever will.

Now lets look at the black tribes in South Africa from 1652 until present. Their numbers were only a few hundred thousand collectively and stayed like that for 250 years. Why, because Black Africans had a high mortality rate from all kinds of diseases. The European evolved to deal with this problem with intelligence and eradicated disease. The Blacks did not. Their evolvement and method of dealing with high mortality was to screw more in order to have more babies. So a balance existed. Blacks died of all sorts of natural diseases, such as Yellow fever, Malaria, Cholera, and also constant tribal war amongst themselves. There was also the many wild animals, snakes, etc. So their numbers were kept down.

Along comes the Christian, white, Boer Afrikaners and upset this balance. They suffer also from all these diseases, but have the knowledge to curb it. Malaria was almost totally eradicated in South Africa. They started inoculation programs for ALL children, black and white. They build dams and give the people clean water. They build more and more hospitals and the life expectancy of blacks soar. They build mines and factories and everyone has work. Farmers produce the best food in the world and black people become fat under white rule. They have the highest living standard of all blacks on the continent of Africa. In a hundred years their numbers soar 20 fold, from about 2 million in 1902 to 40 million in 2002.

How did the Afrikaners curb the constant tribal wars amongst the different groups of South Africa? They kept them separate! Apartheid was a necessity to keep the peace and prevent anarchy. Those Boer people knew Africa. They knew Africans. They knew you could never force them to live together. They gave each tribe an independent homeland, a Heimat, a place to go and call home.

These decisions weren’t made as thumbsucks. The previous government made detailed studies before taking such decisions and making such laws. Apartheid was there to keep the peace, plain and simple.

Unfortunately, the rest of the world did not see it like that. Apartheid was seen as an injustice to humanity. Morally reprehensible. When the whole western world was in a cold war with the communists, the Afrikaners fought them to a standstill in Angola and defeated them. The entire Communist world took on the Afrikaners.

In Angola, there were Cubans, Russians, East Germans and local blacks. The Afrikaners gave them the hiding of their lives. One would think that the West would have supported such an ally as South Africa, but no. Apartheid was seen as worse than Communism. Just about the entire Western World placed sanctions against South Africa. South Africa was kicked out of the United Nations, the British Common Wealth, the Olympics, the soccer World Cup, The Rugby and cricket world cups. Our athletes were unwelcome everywhere in the world. A South African passport was basically useless. That is how the West treated the country that defeated the communists in Africa. We had the entire world against us.

Even so, South Africa was doing well. They developed a method to make gasoline out of coal. They had a space program. They were a nuclear power. The rand was stronger than the dollar. Question was. How long could they hold out for? Personally I think long, maybe decades more. They were totally self-sufficient. I do not think they would have held out against an Iraq-style invasion though.

The other question is why? Why would the Western world treat such an ally as the skunk of the world? What would have happened if the whites in South Africa continued in power? Remember how the blacks multiplied 20 fold under Apartheid? What would have happened if that was allowed under the other colonial powers in the rest of Africa? The Blacks would have immigrated to the mother countries in Europe and overrun them. That is why the colonial powers withdrew from Africa and left them to their own devices. Now blacks resorted to tribal warfare again and sank back into the Stone Age. Their countries collapsed and their numbers are not a threat to Europe and the USA anymore.

The same in South Africa. The blacks would have just continued breeding and breeding under Apartheid. It would have come down to a full blown race war between blacks and whites, and I am sorry to say, but the whites would have slaughtered the blacks in their millions. The rest of the world would have invaded us. Many Afrikaners today do not understand this. They see F.W de Klerk, Pik Botha and Roelf Meyer as traitors. How could any country willingly give over power to the enemy without being defeated militarily and why?

Fact is. South Africa could not fight the entire world. They were good, but not that good. If the Afrikaners had to win a race war against the blacks it would have signaled their end, as the whole world would have invaded us!

So what to do then? The Afrikaners knew the blacks could never run the country. They couldn’t even run their own homelands with massive aid to boot. There was no way blacks would ever be able to run South Africa. So why give them the power?

It was about self-preservation of their species. How did they achieve it? Simple. They became liberal, very liberal. Everyone and the world love liberals. They are such good people. The more liberal you are the better is your chance of winning the Nobel peace prize. Hand the country to the blacks. Let them introduce all their liberal laws, sit back and watch. Light a cigarette; get a beer, the show is called “The New South Africa”. Lets sit and watch the blacks self-destruct. Nobel prize is in the bank, so who gives a Fork.

Come with me; let me lead you into the light my friends. Affirmative Action got rid of all the doctors and nurses. State hospitals are busy grinding to a halt. Who dies? Not the whites in the private hospitals, I can assure you. Blacks. The engineers are gone, no more roads for the ambulances to travel on. No more dams and fresh water. Sewage plants are inoperative. Bad sanitation spreads diseases such as Cholera and Hepatitis B. No more electricity and more people die on operation tables.
Children are not inoculated against Polio and TB anymore. More and more blacks start to die.

Chase the farmers off their land. Starvation and malnutrition sets in and takes more lives. Teachers leave the country in droves. Education levels drop and more people die, because they are ignorant about diseases and dangers. Tie the hands of the police and criminals run rampant. More and more, mainly blacks die. The rape rate increases and HIV levels soar. Approve gay rights and marriages. More people are infected with HIV. Open the borders to illegal immigrants. Let them bring in more drugs and spread prostitution. More black people are infected with AIDS and die.

The liberal West uses Communism to depopulate Africa.

Rightwing Whites don’t need to plant bombs. Why take a gun and shoot ten black people and then spend your entire life behind bars? All you have to do, Mr. Right Winger, is become a Liberal. Liberal policies kill blacks in their hundreds of thousands if not millions. 590 000 die of AIDS alone every year in South Africa.

Mr. Right Winger, you just need to support the ANC in South Africa and they will be killing more blacks than all the bombs you could muster. What is worse is that the world will love you for it and call you a good humanitarian! You might even get a Prize or be knighted!

Unfortunately Conservatives won’t do it, because they are really good Christian People, who truly cares about blacks.

And for you Mr. Liberal; If you really care about blacks and if you really want to help them, you will become Conservative, but we also know that you never will. Either Political Correctness blinds you or you have an Agenda. Which is it?

And the blacks in this game between left and right? Shame. They believe all the Liberal Leftist, Communist lies. Even after millions of them have died, they will still believe the lies. They truly believe they are “free” and living in a “Democracy”. After all they can vote, but they vote for the party that is going to cause their ultimate destruction.

So what is the white man to do in South Africa then? My advice is to become liberal. The more liberal the higher the black death toll will be. The whites must just bite the bit (“Vasbyt”) for a few years. There will be some losses and collateral damage as there are in every war. If they can pull through that, they will be all right. Further they should propagate liberal policies amongst their own, such as “Free Love”. In other words, Whiteys; “Start breeding”. In a few years from now they might even outnumber the blacks. Open the borders to Whites from other countries. This is where the previous government went wrong. They could have gained the cream of Europe, but they were too scared that their Afrikaner culture would be affected. If they started that policy in 1948, we could have outnumbered the blacks today. That is what Canada, Australia and New Zealand are doing; taking the cream of South African whites!

So you see? What a crazy world we live in! Liberals are actually the real Racist Rights and the Conservatives are actually the bunny hugging, caring souls. OK SUCKO squad…Stop pushing in the Liberal queue now!

Posted by Uncle Cracker on 19.6.07

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
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Bondsmen only to the Highest
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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2007, 07:07:10 PM »
Here is a thought--do you think JTF could foster an alliance between the remaining white South Africans and Argentines?

Offline Hail Columbia

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« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2007, 07:09:10 PM »
Of course, that's what we're trying to do.  As for the Argies, we are going to need someone who can come in contact with them.  If you know of any Argentine patriotic web sites that are not anti-Semitic, then let us know.

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
Teach us, Lord, to trust Thee still:
Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

Offline Wayne Jude

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« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2007, 09:53:19 PM »
Life would be better for all. >:(