Another Pallywood producer... The fabrication of lies and slander against the Jewish people never ceases in Pallywood, where every scene is carefully choreographed to show that Jews are racist and genocidal...

"Pallywood is the term we coined to designate a Palestinian film industry that systematically stages scenes of Palestinian injury and evacuation on the one hand, and “resistance” on the other. The resulting propaganda footage, designed to “frame” the conflict as the brave Palestinian David fighting the cruel Israeli Goliath, is then passed on to the news media which fails to spot (or ignores) the staging, edits it into the most believable “sight-bytes” and presents it to their audiences as “real news.”
"....a close analysis of this material defies all expectations of what such footage should resemble, and suggest that Palestinian photographers do not at all share the same production and journalistic values espoused by a free press. We leave the experience and the judgment to you:"