I live in a panacea... I work on the leading-edge technology... I cannot live without at least Quad-Core CPU w/4GB ram....
I am looking at buying a new machine and really want to get one with an i7 Intel CPU. Here at work I already have two i7 systems and they run Virtual Machines just great.
Forget about Ram XP... That is a phony solution to a problem which many people have. I consider such software to be a scam. The way that these products claim to boost memory is by using compression technology to keep 'Virtual Memory' caches in a compressed manner making it appear as if you have more memory. Usually this comes at the expense of speed which is usually the reason I recommend to upgrade memory. Many old machines can be given new life by upgrading to more memory, especially those running Windows OS... Usually the thing which slows down Windows OS is the amount of 'Swapping' which must take place when running a multi-tasking operating systems {so many processes using so many reasources}...
Attempt to upgrade to more physical memory. If this is not possible then consider getting a newer machine.
PS: I just checked on the software and it is not a compressed cache software. But still I doubt that it will affect overall system speed as much as installing real memory into your machine.