Author Topic: Volunteer Revava Kapos/Page 1/Slime Update/read top of first page for chidush/  (Read 2047 times)

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Offline nikmatdam

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o.k. guys... ready...? this is going to be great... and fun too... well maybe not so much fun... this has now become something more than just another exercise in abject futility... this is a life-defining moment now for all of us... and it has begun to take on a life of its own... i feel the ground quaking underneath my feet as i write you all of this... i know i'm in the fight of my life now... some of us are in this... can't help that now... some of us are in this now all the way... we were born just for a moment like this... so stay with me and bear with me here if you please...  there is nothing more important in my life right now or in any of our lives for that matter than trying to save those kids... for all of their prior heroism they deserve a far better shake and chance at life than the dour fate of ending up as mere gris for the mill and nothing but pure fodder for the slime's war-machine against yesha... they deserve better from all of us for what they tried to do for us all back by gush katif and amona... don't they...?

and thus... as some of you here may already know i posted this here to save it from deletion at revava... now i blew it a little bit because i didn't bring the final updated posting here last night as i should have so a whole day of the back and forth on this super hot topic is irretrievably gone now i'm afraid...

now i'm not doing this to sound-off for ego-stroking purposes... no... the issue is much too crucial and dire... there is no time left for us now to be lo l'shaim shemayim... the hour is much, much too late for any of that nonsense now...

so what i am going to say and then do here is of the utmost urgency and import... as you know we have been discussing there david haivri's "great" idea to save troubled "hilltop youth" from falling on hard times and falling thru the cracks and into untoward behavior... not thru torah, avodah or gemilut chasadim... mind you... but by recruiting them and introducing them into a volunteer auxilary police force in and around yesha or wherever... something which done in other places around the globe would not cause a stir and no one would even bat an eye at... but because of the crackdown over the years since oslo against any and all protests and demonstrations against the evil road-map-back-to-aushwitz suicide-process by this very same police force... has made the israeli police force "an entirely different horse of another color..." which everyone knows therefore renders this youth-kapo plan a very sick, evil, demented ploy with no other purpose than to go out and ruin these kids and corrupt them completely and then let them loose upon their family and friends in yesha and cause untold heartache, dissenssion, disharmony and discord... 

(i'm back... i'm going to have to do this along the way to save what i'm writing so it does not accidently get lost)...

anyway... this turkey of a plan is an obvious duplitious fraud the stench of which smells to high heaven and should do more than just raise a few eyebrows... it should send up glaring red flags and sound off all sorts of bells and whistles and alarms of every kind, size, shape and form... like no other state of emergency has in our history...

otherwise someone... anyone... please tell me why i was expunged for and silenced from my outrage at this program over there at revava...? (which now with absolute certainty has to be renamed... "revavolting")... what are they all afraid of over there...? if their plan is really on the up and up and is truly something solid and wholesome for these kids as david repeatedly claimed before he shut the whole entire thread down and put a stop to the kapo issue for good... (or so he thinks)... then why am i having to proceed over here like this...? mind you also... he closed it off not by locking it but by pulling the plug on the whole darn thing and brought this whole sordid mess down on top of all of their heads... (my stuff is not what was sordid but their flimzy excuses and obvious sham posturings)... which clearly shows their complete dishonesty and deceit... and so we are left to query... why would they do this to themselves unless i really, really struck a very raw nerve with them with this one and they freaked...? methinks something is really rotten in the state of "denmark" this time around and it sure ain't fish or cheese we smell... by the way... this also  demonstrates quite loudly just how powerful one lone poster can be out here... hear this nekudah well and take encouragement... and hope...            

(did it again... but you get the idea now and i won't have to keep writing these disclaimers each time... i will signal the end of this piece and sign out so that you needn't wait around for more or for any further editing)...

so what i'm going to do here for the rest of this piece until the end is to review what is already preserved on this site from my censored articles called "volunteer kapos..." then i will recount and attempt to recapture the now deleted and missing files and finally i will invite you to come along for the ride with me and witness something that we'll talk about later on at the end of this... o.k. here we go...

as some of you over here and over there have already tried to convey... your contention in this case is that these kids will be twisted and manipulated and turned into spies and informants... and i agree that this is a valid concern... but the slime have a whole lot more in their kettle to fry here than just being in this thing to arrest a few "radicals" and "hotheads" ahead of their plan to close down all of the yishuvim in yehudah and shomron... what they are about is to do so once and for all... in one fell-swoop... and so what they are ardently seeking is something much more crucial for the success of their evil policy and design to squander and decimate the great bracha Hashem has delivered unto us... the return of our long, lost sacred homeland and heritage... they want these youth so badly because they can sew the chords of discord and destroy yesha from within this time around rather than take the blame and bad pr that resulted from doing so from without the last two times around...

amona taught them that all won't be as easy and go as smoothly next time around as things did in the gush... because these settlers will fight!!! damn right!!! thank G-d!!! to save our holy land from the verminous slime and from their filthy mercenary, goyish ss-army that they have assembled to do their evil bidding and do all of their dirty work for them... all the while wearing the uniform of the idf... for all of the above the slime know that this time they will fight!!! not to mention in order to rescue and preserve our heritage from the vile arab terrorist-hordes... that said...

for you see... i can grasp and comprehend alot more going on beneath the surface... and i envision clearly what really lays behind this subterfuge and deceitful operation... and david is not naiive... no... they are not playing him for a dupe or a fool... no... he's either being forced under extreme duress and threat to go along with this plot and help implement it or he's a willing participant and an integral part of the operation of his own volition... so either he has been badly compromised or he has lost his way... either way... he's doing this with eyes wide open and sees and feels and knows the primrose path of danger he's leading these kids down...

and neither am i naiive... and i fully expect that eventually this thread here will be pulled down and shut down as well... because i believe all of you guys on all of these boards have been gotten to... and i am sick to death over this... because i believe in you guys... and what you ALL have been trying to do here... you are all valiant and gallant (you too david, lenny and yisroel... i still love you guys despite your turning)...  you all have honestly tried with great mesirat nefesh to hold on and hold out and follow rav meir's and rav binyamin's martyred example to you... to try and save our land and nation from our internal and external enemies...

anyhow... to continue the overview part of this issue... 

and yet another aside here... i just want you guys and gals on this board to all know... that right now i'm crying because of how evil the thoroughly decadent and depraved slime all are and how badly they have wounded all of us and continue to do so everyday with their demented and perverted and truly, truly sinister and wicked and wholely warped souls and ways... just for our merely TRYING to be heroic and live up to Hashem's true torah calling...

but this issue is so tragic and such a sekanah for k'lal yisroel that we must push onward... and we must all rise up and speak out before even more of our precious youth become destroyed beyond all hope of salvation... and so...

as i stated initially in my drive to check the awful spiritual death these kids will now face... i tried to convey that this is the way of all nazified police forces... (see below)... as a student of history i have seen repeatedly how time and time again the slime utilize this same ploy to get the weakest element from among the intended targets and subjects of their perverse and nefarious schemes to turn and betray the trust they have among thier peers and elders... in order to then disarm physically and emotionally their own and thus make far easier the accomplishment of their designs upon their prey and vicitms... it's really step number one in all of their playbooks... it is the absolute single most crucial item and strategy in any of their plans for conquest... bar none... disarm the populace and then send in some of the victims' own with weapons to take the fight right out of the rest of the crowd... and the whole situation and charged atmosphere gets diffused and everyone goes along peacefully into the night to their own demise... we've seen this here in america when they needed to resettle the native armerican indians on reservations so that the slime could then expropriate (steal) and exploit the land and resources that these poor defenseless humans (and some not so defenseless) were made to abandon after being thoroughly routed, outgunned and outmatched and most vitally out-manuvered with and by the disheartening evidence and devastating knowledge and realization of the betrayal of their own people especially by the younger generation for whom all the fighting and making and taking a stand was all about in the first place... the kids made it worth the fight... without them by their side it was all futile and for nothing... hevel hevalim... this is how you win a war or better yet prevent one from even getting started... you demoralize your enemy... and the best way to do this is to get their kids to come over to your side first by whatever means necessary for whatever reason or with subterfuge by whichever false promises or lies it takes to win them over) and then presto... the foe loses his will to fight and then... voila!!! YOU HAVE WON!!!! (most often without having to fire a shot... not a single one)...

and this in a nut-shell is everything i've been desperately trying to communicate and get across this week on this inyan... i really don't have to tell you anymore... about what glee the slime have just in the corrupting process of these kids whom they really loathe so very much... the fact that they once stood up to them and fought them is reason enough... but not reason alone... add to this the fact that they are despised for their torah connection and you can all plainly see what's really involved here and how high the stakes actually are for these kids and for all of k'lal yisroel... the slime are playing for keeps and they won't be disuaded from their evil intent and filthy dirty agenda unless Hashem steps in for us... pray hard... learn hard... do mitzvot... and get yourself prepared and ready for mesirat nefesh and kiddush Hashem... because as rav meir always taught us (binyamin too) this is what HaKodesh Boruch Hu requires from us... win, lose or draw (all of which is entirely up to Him based upon His plan for all of us and on our zechitim to begin with)... win, lose or draw... this is what He needs from us... "Hashem liba boy!!!" be well and Hashem bless and keep us all and send us now please His and our righteous redeemer... moshiach ben david... moshiach tzidkenu)... i'm done now... the plan is for all of you to copy this letter and send it out everywhere... post it on revava too... make them ban all of us if they dare... we can do this together... we can make a difference and persuade Hashem to come to our aid and save us... it's up to us to do our part... that's it... that's the whole idea... "be strong and of good courage..." i love you all... nik. out...

Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 23:48:40 -0700 (PDT)
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Subject: volunteer kapos...
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Revava Discussion Board > General Category > General Discussion > "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos)...
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  Author Topic: "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos)...  (Read 119 times) 
Hero Member

Posts: 1114

     "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos)...
« on: June 22, 2007, 08:01:16 PM » Quote Modify 


what's this i hear david about you recruiting tapuach youth for volunter cops programs...? so you are taking the precious hilltop youth and turning them into malshinim and mosrim...? have i got this right...? this is what they are accusing you of over at the other forums... now all bets are off with me on this one... if you are doing the recruting you are doing the slime's avodah... i want a straight answer... no banning me... no deleting this post... if you do either one of these two things THAT will be your answer to me and i will finally know the truth that you and yisroel are a part of the slime... angered yet again with revava... nik. out...
« Last Edit: Today at 02:45:57 AM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 


"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
David Ha'Ivri

Posts: 1332

      Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2007, 03:01:33 PM » Quote 


"just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."


What is it that you think your out of? A can of worms or better said a can of crabs. Every time your almost out of the loop of lashon ha ra'a one of them pulls you back in.

Why don't you pick up a copy of Cheftz Chaim and read it a couple of times. You might learn that even a truth said in a (intentional) twisted way can be lashon haRa'a. That you are forbidden (as a Jew) not only to speak but also to hear.

Nik, Your a big boy its up to you. If you feel that your source of information is reliable and worthy of your trust and that their interpretation of yidishkite and the fact of life,  so be it.

The Mishmar Ezrachi is a voluntary organization that works with in the police department. The volunteers are issued weapons and take part in patrols in their towns. This happens to be the only frame work that young men and woman between ages 16 to 18 can carry arms and take part in real patrols. I think that its a fine opportunity for them to take part in the protection of our town (If you don't approve then don't send your kids).   
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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
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      Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2007, 12:09:25 AM » Quote 


Nik: Get real.  If Kfar Tapuach's own youth doesn't take care of it's own security, WHO, just WHO do you expect be left to do the job?  Ehud Olmert?!

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     Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2007, 12:46:58 AM » Quote 


David thats it youre a traitor!!!!       
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
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     Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2007, 06:31:02 AM » Quote 


Nik: Mishmeret Yesha, the Kfar Tapuach First Response Team and every single security corporation in charge of security of the yishuvim work with the relevant authorities - that's the only way you can legally have armed patrols.

In addition, you quite obviously don't know what a "moser" or a "malshin" is. Such a person is one who hands another Jew over to the authorities, and providing security to a yishuv by coordinating it with the authorities does not fall under that category.

It saddens me to see the hatred from certain individuals who would otherwise be such good people. Why do they allow petty vendettas to take over their lives? Why do they make themselves look foolish by using the terms "moser" and "malshin" in Halachikly irrelevant contexts? Why can't they live and let live?

And why, Nik, do you and others consistently ignore the Halacha of "betzedek tishpot et amitecha"?

If there is one thing I can take from all of this sickening sin'at chinam, it's that I would not in a million years consider living in Kfar Tapuach - so infested with hatred between Jews... may HaShem have rachmanut on them...
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"The Land will not be atoned for the blood which has been spilled upon it, except through the blood of those who spilled it..." (Bamidbar 35:33)

Posts: 30

      Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2007, 11:58:01 AM » Quote 



Is this some kind of Mishmar Ezrachi?  If so, I'd like to remind everyone that it's not an independent organization like Mishmereth Yesha.

It seems to me that vulnerable kids are joining a wing of the police. The primary goal of the police as far as K'far Tapu'ah goes is to collect intelligence info of a general and specific nature constantly.

I myself have been stopped by police both within town and at various tremping places.
This is a huge gift and a dangerous thing to have kids join them. Yes, it's cool they can get a gun, even get their records cleaned,...perhaps?  But at what price?

The cops will know when and who to pressure and the kids will pass on info whether they even realize what they are doing or not... Obviously, these kids would never do anything, like this intentionally, Has weHallilah!

I remember not too long ago how proud I was of the kids of K'far Tapu'ah, running to warn adults that the police had arrived.  Some of these were David's nephews.  Some kids even learned to misdirect the police, no doubt a misswah.  I was impressed with the differ

This just strikes me as part of the pattern I observe taking place in Tapu'ah.

First, the beth k'nesseth votes to remove the "Kahane stigma" from the the place. (To his credit, David voted against this.)

And, now this?

OK.  So, maybe David is trying to change all of this tension with the police. 

How critical have people on this forum been of "poa'lim bifnim?"  Working within the system in order to effect change? (e.g. what Rav MK Benny Elon claims he tries to do.)

I'd be very wary of any dealings with the same body responsible for the continual harassment we have incurred.
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Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah
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     Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2007, 12:29:38 PM » Quote Modify 


and so now i know the bitter truth david... just pathetic... how can you sleep at night...? don't you know that this whole program is a set-up ahead of the time when they will wish to come and remove the jews of tapuach from their homes and from their community...? don't you know that this is the way of the nazi... to "kapofi" the populace at its most vulnerable element in order to ease their path in having their way with their intended victims...? can't you see what lies behind this sick, demented scheme...? let them go to the army and learn to use and carry weapons... shame on you... the police force in israel is THE single most corrupt bunch in all the land... bar none... and into these slime you give over your youth...? OUR YOUTH!!! the pride and joy and hope of all israel...? shame... shame on you!!! what would rav meir and binyamin say to you about this horror you are perpetrating upon your people...? they would say the same as i will... Hashem save us from fools like you... nik. in utter disgust... out!!!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 12:40:25 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 


"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
David Ha'Ivri

Posts: 1332

      Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2007, 01:02:18 PM » Quote 


Quote from: yaaqov on June 24, 2007, 11:58:01 AM
First, the beth k'nesseth votes to remove the "Kahane stigma" from the the place. (To his credit, David voted against this.)

I have no idea what you're talking about, And also find it hard to understand why you would be reporting about the ongoings of beit haknesset being that you rarely if ever visit there.

yaakov and nik, sorry to let you down if for some reason you thought that I was an anarchist - I'm not.  I reserve the right to oppose the goverment and hold civil disobedience for the good of the cause of the land of Israel and the Torah. But that doesn't mean that I'll run every red light, smoke pot, rape and steal just for the sake of proving that I couldn't care less what this government stands for.

I wouldn't be so quick in advising young people not to make an effort to clean their records. But rather salute those who have been marked for their meserut nefesh for our people and land and chose not to be bitter men for the rest of there lives and do nothing with themselves. They look ahead at the challenges of life and understand that a clean record will help them get an education and professions that they will need to support a family. Just because they were arrested doesn't mean that they are no good and should not look to a better future. Good for those who chose not to be bums for the rest of their lives.


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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
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     Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2007, 03:26:44 PM » Quote 


David I'm digusted too! I thought you guys all wanted to be outcasts, how dare you want to have a life! I thought you in tapuach wanted to create something along the lines of the american paramilitary militias meant to bring the government down! Now you've upset all my hopes and dreams! I thought and was praying that your yishuv would be the first to turn out the real Jewish troops who would shoot the police and the IDF and fight all the establishment people!!! Who's goig to set the bombs to blow up the leftists in tel aviv now? Who will produce the malcontents who'll blow up malls in netanya and take people hostage in raanana?!!! I am so so sos so so disapointed i you guys and your kahane cohorts! Isnt that what all the kahane stuff is supposed to be about?        Our only hope now is Yekutiel and Chaim Ben Pusach!     
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
David Ha'Ivri

Posts: 1332

      Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2007, 04:12:11 PM » Quote 


Quote from: YBY on June 24, 2007, 03:26:44 PM
David I'm digusted too! I thought you guys all wanted to be outcasts, how dare you want to have a life!


If you think that's bad...

You'll really be upset when you learn that I advise the youth here to do all kinds of terrible things. Like:

Go to school.
Take a bath.
Don't smoke (even tobacco cigarettes).
Get a haircut.
Don't wear dirty and torn clothes.
And don't have a negative outlook on life.     
« Last Edit: Today at 02:26:07 AM by David Ha'Ivri »  Report to moderator    Logged 


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
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Posts: 786

     Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2007, 11:03:45 PM » Quote 


Quote from: David Ha'Ivri on June 24, 2007, 04:12:11 PM

If you think that's bad...

You'll really be upset when you learn that I advise the youth here to do all kinds of terrible things. Like:

Go to school.
Take a bath.
Do smoke (even tabacco cigarettes).
Get a haircut.
Don't wear dirty and torn clothes.
And don't have a negative outlook on life.   

Wait, what? Why?
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Due to popular demand, my last signature is replaced by a very important dvar Torah that will only be visible to truly observant Jews. The dvar Torah is:
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     Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #11 on: Today at 12:25:28 AM » Quote 


he meant "dont"   And David I am really dissapointed in you-without the negative outlook on life you refer to we wont be able to make Jewish suicide bombers!     
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
Hero Member

Posts: 1114

     "... with the sound of the crowd in my ear..." (volunteer kapos)...
« Reply #12 on: Today at 02:06:42 AM » Quote Modify 


here's the very crux of the matter... here's where the rubber really hits the road for me on this issue...

i recall your multimedia presentation chronicalling the plethora of incidents of malicious police abuse of jewish kids demonstrating against the abominable road map to jewish oblivion...

and i can remember one picture in particular to go along with moshe feiglin's excellent memoir of zu artzenu's noble and courageous pitched battle in the streets of israel protesting oslo which he describes in his sefer "b'makom sh'ain ish..."

it was of a mounted unjewish jew/erev rav policeman, yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam vaed, mercilessly beating a defenseless charedi WOMAN with his billy-club while she was either covering up or actually already passed out and draped on top of and lying prone face-down over the front of the baby carriage she had been pushing... absolutely revolting and disgusting....

images of a scene of dread and horror reminicent of the nazi-outrage echoes in my mind when i conjure up this picture from the well-springs of my memory bank... and these are whom you would align our youth with to learn from their slime-ways...? repugnant and disgraceful!!!!!

you are either completely naive or an actual traitor... it makes no difference... either one disqualifies you from a leadership role among our youth...

i see thru the slime's plan here as i always do.... thank G-d... it is an evil, sinister thing they plan with this strategy... ingenius indeed as always with them... but thoroughly wicked nonetheless...

what better way to disarm a public whom they know this time will fight for Hashem's land and torah... and kill and be killed if necessary rather than submit passively and abandon our sacred homeland to the terrorist vermin  without a fight yet again... what better way to render these valorous jews'  mesirat nefesh and commitment for kiddush Hashem null and void... than to arm their very children and give their kids the eventual order to escort their parents out of their homes and thus take all the fight right out of them from the start...? sick, twisted and demented... but surely their exact underhanded and very cowardly idea here... 

mark my words carefully... THIS and this alone is the machination of the slime... they could care less about rehabilitating settler youth whom they consider vile nuisances and gutter trash... no matter how much they sweet-talk this "project" there is nothing in their hearts save for cold, calculating cunning and raw fury to see eretz yisroel destroyed and all of torah observant jewry decimated along with it...

this is the undeclared war raging on unbeknownst to most of us... much to our chagrin, heartache and tragedy... another coming holocaust approaches... G-d forfend... catching us all (or most of us) off-guard and unaware... G-d have rachamim on us...  and you david are either walking right into their trap and about to be blindsided by it or you are of your own volition marching out in lock-step with the slime to the shattering ruin of our people, heritage, nation and land... which is it...? which are you...?

as for me... to my mind... secular zionism = shabtai tzvi-ism = satanism...
never again... people!!!! remember...?
nik. out...
« Last Edit: Today at 02:44:57 AM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 


"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
David Ha'Ivri

Posts: 1332

      Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #13 on: Today at 02:27:12 AM » Quote 


Quote from: doom777 on June 24, 2007, 11:03:45 PM
Wait, what? Why?

Sorry for the typo, fixed.   
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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
« Last Edit: June 27, 2007, 06:31:05 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: volunteer kapos... page 3...
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2007, 04:46:26 PM »
Quote from: BK on Today at 02:05:02 PM
If I were one of them I'd find that both patronising and insulting.

There is something inherently wrong with a Jew who has so little trust in other Jews. This is something that really bothers me. Don't you think these kids have their own free-will? Are they so thick that they can turn from the ideological power-base of our camp to police-informants by taking on such a job (which has nothing to do with intelligence-gathering)?! If so then I don't know how you have such admiration for them... but of course, it is not so - these young Jews are more level headed than most of you...!

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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
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     Re: once slime... always slime...
« Reply #31 on: Today at 04:27:52 PM » Quote Modify 


i'm not worried about them becoming snitches... that... as i mentioned at first... was what the OTHER board was primarily concerned about... obviously none of you read what i subsequently went on to write in that initial post about how the kids will end up being used as a tool and as a wedge to dislodge all of yesha from its perch... and that is exactly what i know is coming... this is absolutely the brutal reality of what we face and is what is actually in store for all of us somewhere down the line... because i am a student of history i know for sure that this is how the slime always operate... because of its proven effectiveness and its cruel track-record of success... to name but a few of the examples of the slime-at-work in relatively recent history... this is how the slime american-nazi authorities got the native american indians to remove their fellow tribesmen from their ancestral homelands and get them onto reservations... this is how the slime british-nazi authorities got the other indians over in india to be kept in check from revolting against occupation and forced labor and from so many other "lovely" abuses... and of  course this is how the slime german-nazi authorities got erev rav jews to do their dirty-work for them to get unsuspecting and defenseless jews to go along quietly without a whimper to their concentration-camp exterminations... this is the slime-in-action... this is their modus operandi...and now once more we see this same devise beginning to take shape and be put to use... this time around by our own slime israeli-nazi authorities... nik. out...
« Last Edit: Today at 04:37:42 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 


"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 04:52:37 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: volunteer kapos... page 2 (out of order sorry)...
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 04:51:33 PM »

Posts: 33

      Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #15 on: Today at 03:52:08 AM » Quote 

Quote from: YBY on June 24, 2007, 03:26:44 PM
Our only hope now is Yekutiel and Chaim Ben Pusach!     

I see absolutely no reason why you have to drag these Jews' names into this string.

I wonder why the Hafess Hayim's name wasn't invoked here as well.  Hmm....

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Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah
David Ha'Ivri

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      Re: "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos
« Reply #16 on: Today at 04:25:43 AM » Quote 

I'd call it something else....

Quote from: David Ha'Ivri on June 24, 2007, 11:12:11 PM
Go to school.
Take a bath.
Don't smoke (even tobacco cigarettes).
Get a haircut.
Don't wear dirty and torn clothes.
And don't have a negative outlook on life.   

I am insulted by the above inferences.

You know what, maybe you're right. We should bring up a generation of losers and teach them that they can forever blame the corrupt government being the cause for them doing nothing with their lives. 
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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin

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      Re: "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos
« Reply #17 on: Today at 04:48:13 AM » Quote 

Quote from: David Ha'Ivri on Today at 04:25:43 AM
You know what, maybe you're right. We should bring up a generation of losers and teach them that they can forever blame the corrupt government being the cause for them doing nothing with their lives.

David, I pointed out some legitimate concerns.  I even pointed out how you at least took initiative to improve a situation, instead of just complaining it.

If I'm wrong, then why can't you address my concerns?
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Ya'aqov Ben-Yehudah
David Ha'Ivri

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      Re: "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos
« Reply #18 on: Today at 05:42:44 AM » Quote 

Quote from: yaaqov on Today at 04:48:13 AM
David, I pointed out some legitimate concerns.  I even pointed out how you at least took initiative to improve a situation, instead of just complaining it.

If I'm wrong, then why can't you address my concerns?

I have. Risk of dropping out of school, smoking, negative attitudes are real threats to these young people's well being.

Your concerns that they might rat on you, for thinking that you are an extremist and have radical ideas, are far fetched. 
« Last Edit: Today at 05:44:24 AM by David Ha'Ivri »  Report to moderator    Logged 

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
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     Re: "just when i thought i was out... they pull me back in again..."
« Reply #19 on: Today at 06:28:59 AM » Quote 

Quote from: yaaqov on Today at 03:36:01 AM

Anarchist?  Quite the opposite.  Cooperating with an entity of the government, previously and currently responsible for harassing the very community in which you live is FAR from being an anarchist. I'd call it something else....

He meant that certain OTHERS wished to act like anarchists...

I am insulted by the above inferences.  Even if any and all of the above were true, by which standards are you judging these kids?  Western standards?

How often does a kid have to take a bath/shower?  Many of these same kids go to springs (Read: natrual miqwoth).  Maybe that's considered "hick" by U. S. standards, but I believe honorable by Jewish standards.

Pathetic. Being clean and using soap has nothing to do with being "Western." And by the same token, being grubby and "bathing" in lakes and springs makes them like Arabs...

Why would their clothes be dirty?  Because they're out working in construction or agriculture?

Well, as a farmer himself I highly doubt that David is somehow opposed to kids working the land. That is quite obviously not what he meant.

And why do they have a negative outlook on life?  Because the government educational system has failed them, either because it doesn't accommodate their particular learning styles, or they couldn't tolerate the indoctrination into secular Israeli society propagated even by many of the "religious" schools.

This point was the only real reason I commented on this post of yours.

As an outsider I can say that from the impression I have garnered - and particularly since the Churban of Gush Katif - the negative outlook, depression and such of your communities are overwhelmingly self-inflicted. The tone that has been struck by so many of you guys from Tapuach who post here, as well as the general stance of the "far right" or "Kahanists" in Israel in particular has been one of hopelessness, depression and a kind of all-enveloping hatred of pretty much everything.

That there are understandable triggers for such feelings I certainly cannot deny - but that does not make them justifiable. What David seems to be doing is stopping these kids from turning into angry, inverted, social outcasts. It has nothing to do with their political views - in fact, if you lot viewed life a little more positively you'd get a heck of a lot more done. All of the ba'alei mussar identify depression and other related emotional ailments as a sign of small faith. A lack of faith in the fact that G-D can instantly turn a terrible, heart-breaking situation into one of happiness and redemption; a lack of faith in the ability of G-D to provide atonement for the worst of Israel's sins; and a lack of faith, perhaps, in your own abilities to effect change. These problems - societal, emotional and otherwise - are not unique to "Kfar Tapuach" and other such places - they occur around the world. But I must say that - again, as someone looking in from outside your circles - you guys have taken it to a whole new level.

And maybe, just maybe, by giving these kids a more positive outlook on life they will not be drawn into the kind of festering hatred that many of you have against one another.
« Last Edit: Today at 06:31:12 AM by BK »  Report to moderator    Logged 

"The Land will not be atoned for the blood which has been spilled upon it, except through the blood of those who spilled it..." (Bamidbar 35:33)
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     Re: "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos
« Reply #20 on: Today at 10:53:06 AM » Quote 

I couldnt have said it any better than BK. You guys are so miserable it makes people want to avoid you with a 10 foot pole, all your concerns are about other people rather than yourselves and looking to blame someone for all your problems. Sort them out yourselves. And dont jump on others who do not share your viewpoint as to what is good or is not. 
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
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     Re: "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos)...
« Reply #21 on: Today at 11:19:22 AM » Quote 

Having served in Mishmar Ezrachi in the early eighties , with what was undoubtedly the oldest working M-1 in the world,  I can tell you that when we patrolled the Old City and the other areas we were deployed in, Jews on the streets were very happy to see us.
Anyway I can not fathom why anyone would object to arming Jewish citizens of Eretz Yisroel.
Perhaps  some have forgotten " A twenty-two for every Jew!"
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     Re: "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos)...
« Reply #22 on: Today at 12:01:15 PM » Quote 

I can not fathom why anyone would object to arming Jewish citizens of Eretz Yisroel

because the police and YDF are the ENEMY!!!!   
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
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     Re: "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos)...
« Reply #23 on: Today at 12:38:50 PM » Quote Modify 

yes they are yby... that is exactly what they have become... i no longer stand and say amen to the prayers on shabat for the state and the idf... when they stop throwing jews out of their homes and off of our land... then and only then... maybe... just maybe... i will reconsider...

and david... just what are these so-called "crimes" from which these kids all need cleansing...? but let me save you the trouble from responding here... for these questions are all rhetorical... because i already know you are going to come back and cite a few random cases of theft or petty larceny... or perhaps even some violent acts... and fine community service is what these guys need to rehabilitate themselves... but why as cops...? especially given the documented corruption and blatant lawlessness of israeli police...? and furthermore how many kids are out there who can possibly be guilty of these things... aren't we referring here to shomrey torah youth...?

no david... be honest... you and i both know that the lion-share of these kids are "guilty" of no infraction other than the "crime" of standing up to the slime in a courageous attempt to rescue eretz yisroel... and they have absolutely nothing from which to feel ashamed... in fact their "records" are all badges of glory... and i don't give a rip what sick, twisted laws or rules have been concocted by the slime to keep these kids down as a result... the whole entire state is an abject, deluded sham... a total farce... an utter fraud... it is in a state of absolute moral bankrupcy... and it is the cops who are the ones who should all be in jail!!!!!

no david... take this messy, stinking rot somewhere else... it won't sell here among the folk whose eyes have been opened wide to the truth... to the real truth... and from our vantage point your actions here in support of this obscene program are found wanting... and you stand in complete dereliction of your duty as a jew in service of Hashem to always align yourself with the truth... sorry... this is just the way i see it... as a leader of jews this is your paramount and sole obligation... always the truth and nothing but the truth... this is what kiddush Hashem is really all about... even if the price you are made to pay for it is with your life... "b'chol nafshecha..." the truth of Hashem david... and never, ever anything else... this is what rav meir and rav binyamin hy"dmv taught us... rak haemet!!! v'l'amita shel torah!!!! you have lost your way... you have become alienated and compromised from the values which they have taught you... nik. out...     
« Last Edit: Today at 01:17:29 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
David Ha'Ivri

Posts: 1335

      Re: "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos
« Reply #24 on: Today at 01:09:35 PM » Quote 

Quote from: nikmatdam on Today at 12:38:50 PM
you and i both know that the lion-share of these kids are "guilty" of no infraction other than the "crime" of standing up to the slime in a courageous attempt to rescue eretz yisroel... and they have absolutely nothing from which to feel ashamed...


I am the last one to say that these kids should be ashamed. The are the best there is. They have rapsheets only for their meserut nefesh for Am Yisrael and I for one am proud to know some of them and greatly look up to their courage and dedication to the cause. I am also proud to see that many of them understand that there is more to life than fighting at Amona. Kids are growing up and will sooner than you know it want to settle down and start their own families.

From your words I understand that you can allow yourself to support your kids as professional activists and that they'll never have to bother to get an education or a job. Well good for you. Can you do the same for kids here who have six, seven or eight brothers and sisters? I don't think so.

There was nothing wrong with braking the law in acts civil  disobedience to try and stop the Gush Katif pull out. And there is nothing wrong with the same activist trying now to clean their slate inorder to start out life on the right foot.

It is also great to see these kids still full of motivation and looking for ways to help their communities though volunteer work that they do helping the elderly in town and taking part in security. I am glad that they (for the most part) are not fallen in depression. The truth is that its a miracle that they haven't baruch Hashem.     
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"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner tonight. Freedom is a well-armed lamb." -- Benjamin Franklin
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     Re: "just when i thought i was out/they pull me back in again!" (volunteer kapos)...
« Reply #25 on: Today at 01:12:36 PM » Quote 

Nik since everyone is your enemy and you hate the state and everyone else and also since you live in LA why worry about what happens in Israel? Join satmar and pray for the state's destruction (which wont hapen anyway)   
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
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     Re: there is no getting along with the slime; and they are not rehabilatable...
« Reply #26 on: Today at 01:34:01 PM » Quote Modify 

"clean their slate" and "start out life on the right foot" doesn't sound like you really believe they are heroes... if they haven't done anything wrong... then there is nothing for which they have to atone... and just because the israeli "authorities" and the sick, demented society they have created say they do... doesn't make it so... breaking an unlawful law is a mitzvah not an averah... and the only way to fight this level of corruption (short of meshiach or a coup... i'll take either right now...) is by a complete withdrawal from having anything to do with the slime even if that means leaving the land in protest or refusing orders in the army and going to jail for it... certainly non-cooperation with the foul aims of the slime is a virtue not a vice and it is a mandatory reaction to their evil... there is no other way to save k'lal yisroel and eretz yisroel from total ruination... there just isn't... we have tried your way now for sixty years... it just doesn't work... when you understand the true nature of this monstrous beast as i do... only then can you fully comprehend the utter futility in trying to "win them over" by our "patriotism, loyalty and cooperation..." your way is a non-starter and has always been so... for the slime have not improved over the decades... not one iota... with the passage of time they have only grown much, much worse... infinitely worse... nik. out...

yby... you're next... 
« Last Edit: Today at 01:43:18 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 04:55:55 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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Re: Volunteer Revava Kapos... Page 1... (Slime Update)...
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2007, 11:29:21 PM »
Nikmatdam, what do you expect from a Shabak scheme to destroy and corrupt young rightist Jews?

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Re: Volunteer Revava Kapos... Page 1... (Slime Update)...
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2007, 01:59:23 PM »
sorry... i needed to move this back up to the top of the charts so that everyone here can get involved... be back soon... nik.
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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i have a little more to say... i'll post it here tomorrow bs"d... nik. out...
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."