What is the surprise here. This black boy is only doing what his genes dictate. He is unable to control himself when the urge hites him. I remember when I first went back to college I was sitting next to a black boy, about 17 years old and he asked me (axed me) how many kids I had. I told him none and he told me his four by four different black girl hos. I asked why he had so many bastard niglets and he told me that he had to prove to his homies that he wasn't shooting blanks. That is their mentality. Allen, I know you will enjoy the "Birh of a Nation', it is taken right out of today's headlines. The scene with the congressional black caucus is hilarious, please make sure that you show the film to all your young relatives, they must be prepare for the future and the struggle that will ensue. Keep your powder dry and don't fire till you see the crackpipe in their hands.