Author Topic: the slime will rule forever unless we act/ (edited and completed)/ (for sure)...  (Read 4922 times)

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Offline nikmatdam

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i just posted this to revava... flood them with my letter of yesterday... we have to stop this evil kapo-plan... nik. out...

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Hello nikmatdam  June 29, 2007, 04:31:27 AM   
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Revava Discussion Board > General Category > General Discussion > adaraba... ban me... (volunteer kapos redux)... (edited and completed)...
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  Author Topic: adaraba... ban me... (volunteer kapos redux)... (edited and completed)...  (Read 16 times) 

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     adaraba... ban me... (volunteer kapos redux)... (edited and completed)...
« on: June 28, 2007, 08:11:03 PM » Quote Modify 

after a good night's rest and some time to calm down and reflect i have come to the following conclusion...

hell no... i will not just go quietly into the night... i will make you ban me to get rid of me... you guys already think i'm a lunatic so i have nothing further to lose... at least i'm Hashem's lunatic... 

the fact of the matter is that this afternoon i noticed that my reposting of the original thread ("volunteer kapos")  is still up there so i guess the only reason the whole subject was pulled down in the first instance is because of my last biting addition to it... so i will try to recall it as best i can and then i will wait to be banned for my defiance... and if you do not ban me... i'll be back... and back again... and i'll keep coming back ad infinitum... until you either grasp the severity of the issue and halt its implementation or pull the plug on me for good... so let's get started... shall we...?

i see you all rolling your eyes just about now but i don't care... you are going to hear from me on this issue until it hurts... until you scream for surcease...

because it aches...this plan is the lynch pin in the whole seditious retreat, surrender and abandon eretz hakodesh plot of the slime... and they are all slime... utter gutter-swipes and refuse... the unmitigated gall and temerity of them all to dare to extend their hands to violate the sanctity of Hashem's sacred land... the diseased of soul and the polluted of mind they are to even think that they can defy the will of G-d... the sheer arrogance they display toward the people and G-d of israel... they'll get theirs... one day they will be wiped off from the face of the earth and anyone who supports or aids them in any fashion will be destroyed along with them... this is assured to us by all of our holy masters and prophets... oh to merit to live to see that day... for this my soul quakes with yearning... Divine justice and Divine vengeance at long last... ah... how precious and delicious the taste of it will be upon our lips... the glory and honor of Hashem restored... the evil filth exterminated and eradicated from off of our treasured soil... oh to feel the holiness and the purity of the collective soul of k'lal yisroel on that great day... the agony is in the waiting... the anxiety is in the anticipation... but the arrival and the grandeur of that long cherished day is assured... it approaches ever closer with every passing day...       

you all say whatever are we to do with our young people instead...? because they are turned off to torah... torah as usual... and it's true... while they were on the frontlines bleeding for Hashem and His land... we were somewhere off in the backrows cowering behind our comfortable stalls... WE should teach THEM torah...? indeed...  indeed it would be better if they taught us... they should rather instruct us in the mitzvah of mesirat nefesh... true torah is what they LIVED!!! and we would now deign to tell them to return to the beit hamedresh...? what utter hypocrits we be...

the answer isn't to yeshivatize them... nor is the proper course to send them out to the camp of our enemy and make them join his nazi-police force... only to see them be slowly turned against us... to stand idly by and allow them to be pulverized into gris for the mill and be ground into ashes for fodder for the cannons of their evil war machine against us and our G-d...

the answer is to make ourselves into worthy leaders (or at least followers) of their great paen to kiddush Hashem... they took seriously rav meir's words and took action... followed his and binyamin's example and the rare few others who inspired them and led them to glory... they want that back!!! and pretending that this is not the crux of their malaise is downright dishonest, deceitful and sinful!!! a willful sin it is at that for us to now pontificate and say to them that they need some structure and mainstreaming... that they have lost their way and need help... when it is WE who in our frightened reticence and fearfulness to act caused them to lose faith to begin with... when they witnessed all of their blood, sweat and tears go for nought... and knew that it was we who were to blame... for as they were risking it all to fight they saw us just sit back and watch their tragic defeat from the relative quiet and  safety of the sidelines... they understood that we had relegated and all but consigned them to their fate and had made their efforts to have been all in vain because we refused to stand with them... and they saw... and they knew... and they became bitter and frustrated and livid with unexpressed and unreleased rage... 

for they were not out there to be activists nor were they seeking activist careers for the sake of activism alone... no... they were seeking it because THAT is real torah... the authentic torah... the call of calev and yehoshua... the call of the chashmanoiim... the call of avraham avinu against the four kings (nimrod)... they looked around for inspiration and leadership from those who best and most exemplified this great madrega of heroism in our past which we always held out to them to be the righteous path... and they expected us to do the same as them as a result of this great truth which we had so praised, glorified and preached to them as they grew up... and we let these kids down when their leaders were martyred when they saw that by our cowardice we would not step forward and follow suit and lift up their fallen mantle and close ranks behind them and continue our struggle... thus demonstrating loud and clear that in sad truth... they were THEIR leaders and not really ours... we had just paid lip-service to "the cause" but our hearts were not really in it and they saw clearly without any interference or obstruction who we really were in truth and how we were just about words and had no deeds with which to back them up... so they just gave up and gave in... and the rest as they say is history...

and now because of our spiritual bankruptcy and utterly fraudulent personas we pretend that we know just what they need to have an outlet for their burning disappointment and heartbreak... so they can begin to pick up the shattered pieces of their broken dreams and "move on"... and so we dissemble and say to each other and to them that what they really need to do now is to become cops... this is the answer!!! this is the way!!! this will be their great yeshua!!! as if this idea was in reality some kind of combination of sending them off to summer camp, boy scouting and the national guard all rolled up into one...

when in truth we know deep down within ourselves that we are just caving under societal pressure and thereby we are we are prepared and willing to send them off to complete the job of their debauchery and have saiphoned off the last remaining embers of their fervor and courage and see finished off the last vestiges of their idealistical spiritually for all-time... and all of this mind you... is being done solely to assuage our own guilty consciences and push away from ourselves the realization of just how bitterly disenchanted they are in and with us... and not in the cause itself... they don't wish to give up... but they see we have already capitulated under fire... we have proven that we have no staying power and perseverance... no real vision of Hashem's truth and will... and so we play games with them and feign to tell them that we know best... but they know better... they see right thru our empty verbiage and wanting fraudulent deception... 

and after this little ruse is through torturing and contorting their still very impressionable minds and souls they will return home after this rank experience full of the very same deviousness and treachery of the slime... and now as little slime jrs. they will go running around and continue the process onward "to infect the rest of the colony..." especially its up and coming youth... until there is nothing left of any drive within us for saving yehudah and shomron... and yerushalayim as well... yes... even ir hakodesh too... just you wait and see... (G-d forbid!!!) and the death knell will sound... and these newly-slimed youth will make sure to finish the project of the verminous slime... until there will be no more spirit left whatsoever in all of yesha to fight and make a stand... the stand they yearned for all of us to take together... shoulder to shoulder... come what may... exhibiting the very same fierce pride which our holy predecessors blazed for us... and live or die... as they who came before us upon our land did... and at the very least live out the dream and calling of our exalted and noble ancestry..

and no amount of convincing speeches will alleviate their pain and angst... nothing can fill the void they feel and fulfill their longing for vision and conviction... the israeli police force certainly can not give them what they ache for... only we can... we and true mesirat nefesh... and if we can not summon forth the courage necessary to answer the call then the filthy slime will have won and with deep satisfaction at their accomplishments they will go on to even greater and greater deeds and acts of chillulei Hashem until there is nothing at all left of us or of our most sacred eretz yisroel...

is this really who you are...? is this really what you all want...? is this the legacy you wish to leave behind...? i hope not... i pray not... but it's going to take courage and mesirat nefesh on all of our parts for all of the above not to transpire... and the crisis is now at hand... the time is right now... not tomorrow... we have no more tomorrows to depend upon... if we do not act now... all is lost... (G-d forbid)... for if rav meir ever taught us a single, solitary thing at all... it was that Hashem has never and will never do anything for us of an especially awesomely great and wonderous nature unless we first take the initiative to show Him that we recognize the true avodah which He expects of us and that we do have the ability to rally to His true cause ... because only our dedication and determination to do something... anything... to side with Him and fight for Him is worth anything to Him... and can work for us to be redeemed at last by Him... valor is what He has always and truly required of us... valor and only valor...and rav meir and binyanim never taught us anything else... everything they ever taught us was merely an alternative way of saying this exact same point to us... over and over again... and so either we are finally going to get it or we will all go under and perish... G-d forfend...

and so now... go ahead... make your decision and ban away if you must... nik. out...       
« Last Edit: Today at 04:31:26 AM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
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« Last Edit: June 29, 2007, 04:34:15 AM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."