Author Topic: Church backs gay marriage  (Read 3297 times)

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Church backs gay marriage
« on: July 06, 2007, 05:28:01 AM »
Another nail in the coffin of western morality

Offline ScotcH

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Re: Church backs gay marriage
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2007, 08:37:45 AM »
This should be of Great Concern to Conservative Gentiles and Jews Alike !
Barack OSAMBO and Freddy Thompson both are members of the United Church of Christ which has endorsed such Decadence in our Society !

I already believe OSAMBO is a traitorous BLACK MUSLIM Foe of the West, but could it be that good ol' boy Fred from 'Bama follows the Political leanings of this Tolerant,  MULTI-Cultural, Diverse Threat to Anglo-America !

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Church backs gay marriage
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 03:14:06 AM »
This should be of Great Concern to Conservative Gentiles and Jews Alike !
Barack OSAMBO and Freddy Thompson both are members of the United Church of Christ which has endorsed such Decadence in our Society !

I already believe OSAMBO is a traitorous BLACK MUSLIM Foe of the West, but could it be that good ol' boy Fred from 'Bama follows the Political leanings of this Tolerant,  MULTI-Cultural, Diverse Threat to Anglo-America !

Is Thompson really a member of the same church as Barack Osama?

Offline Alexander

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Re: Church backs gay marriage
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2007, 04:38:58 AM »
I'm afraid I will begin to sound like a broken record concerning stories like this one.
Even though this church calls itself Christian it is not following traditional Christian teachings and therefore cannot be considered Christian. However, they are free to use the term Christian, the media refers to them as Christian, so millions of people think they are legitimate Christians. Its not easy but we must expose these false teachings and promote genuine Bible based principles.

Traditional Church View of Homosexuality:
Homosexuality and any form of abusive sexual behavior are considered immoral and inappropriate forms of behavior in and of themselves, and also because they attack the institution of marriage and the family.
Thus, the Orthodox Church condemns unreservedly all expressions of personal sexual experience which prove contrary to the definite and unalterable function ascribed to sex by God's ordinance.


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Re: Church backs gay marriage
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2007, 04:45:18 AM »
I'm afraid I will begin to sound like a broken record concerning stories like this one.
Even though this church calls itself Christian it is not following traditional Christian teachings and therefore cannot be considered Christian. However, they are free to use the term Christian, the media refers to them as Christian, so millions of people think they are legitimate Christians. Its not easy but we must expose these false teachings and promote genuine Bible based principles.

Traditional Church View of Homosexuality:
Homosexuality and any form of abusive sexual behavior are considered immoral and inappropriate forms of behavior in and of themselves, and also because they attack the institution of marriage and the family.
Thus, the Orthodox Church condemns unreservedly all expressions of personal sexual experience which prove contrary to the definite and unalterable function ascribed to sex by G-d's ordinance.

This happens everywhere ,Alexander. We've got Baptist christians setting up synagogues pretending to be Jewish. Other christians setting up pretend noachide groups. Words like 'christian' , 'church', 'synagogue' etc are public domain and any phonie can use them.